Chapter 2

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Lin Yona:
The weather today is so awful. The sky is dark and it is raining, which made me worried about people in the villages and the streets.
I got up from my bed, and fixed myself and my hair, wondering why Sandra didn’t wake me up as usual.
I exited my room, and saw her laying unconscious in front of my door. “Sandra, what happened? Are you ok?!” I asked, trying to shake her, so she could wake up.
I put my hand on her forehead, and she was so hot. “She has a fever.... Call someone!” I ordered the first servant that came to the hallway, and he nodded.
After 5 minutes, our family doctor came, and I was standing beside my bed, looking at Sandra, who looked really tired.
“Your majesty, she is fine now I gave her a medicine that I made personally, using natural herbs. She will wake up soon, and her fever will be gone as soon as she wakes up” He said, and I nodded while looking at Sandra.
“She must be tired... She is always helping me and making sure that I am healthy and well served” I thought, and smiled at the doctor when he bowed and left the room.
I decided to make a special treat for my kind Sandra. I walked out of my room, and went to the kitchen, making all the servants look at me with shock.
“Y-Your majesty? What can we do for you today?” The chef bowed, and I smiled at him. “Oh don’t worry, I just wanted to make something for Sandra because she is sick” I said, and he was about to say something, but Le came from behind, and I almost jumped when he appeared all of a sudden.
“Your majesty, I have been serving your father a very special meal every time he got sick. Please, allow me to make it for your servant. I also want to treat you for a tea, and talk about the things I know about your kind father” Le said, and I wanted to refuse, but he looked serious about having a talk with me.
“Ok master Le, I will wait for you in my room” I said, and was about to walk away, but he coughed.
“Umm your majesty, I heard that your servant is currently in your room. I will ask someone to transfer her to another room, so that we can talk in private. She will be comfortable in her room, eating my special meal while we talk and drink tea” Le said, and I felt weird about this.
I again, decided to agree, and talk with him in private because he was my father’s most trusted man. What could possibly go wrong?
I left the kitchen, and headed to my room to see Sandra, struggling to get up from my bed.
“I am sorry your majesty, I slept in your bed” She said, and I rushed to her. “Please Sandra, don’t say that. I treat you like my mother not my servant. Also how are you feeling? The doctor gave you a medicine.” I said, and she smiled “I feel much better, thank you my dear, for your kindness” She said, and I surprised her, by hugging her tightly.
“I will always love you, Sandra. You are like my mother, and I will always be there for you like you are for me.” I said, and almost cried, when she patted my hair. She reminded me so much of my mother.
“Oh right, Le is going to give you a good meal that he used to make for my father when he got sick. He will put it in your room.” I said, and she looked nervous when I mentioned Le.
“Also, he invited me to have tea with him while we talk here in my room. I am sorry I wanted to stay with you, but he looked serious about talking with me.” I said, and Sandra looked at me with worry.
“Yona, please be careful because I really don’t trust this man” She said, and I was confused, but decided to comfort her. “Thank you for warning me, Sandra. I will be careful, and I trust him like my father trusted him.” She was about to say something, but someone knocked on the door.
“Your majesty, may I enter?” Le said, and I frowned.... “He is always appearing when I am talking to someone” I thought.
“Yes, please enter” I said, and he entered with another servant, who was holding the tea in his hands.
“Your majesty, the meal is ready in your servant’s room.... She will feel much better after eating it.” He said, and I smiled happily. “Thank you! You can go and eat, Sandra.... I will see you after my talk with Master Le” I said, and she nodded hesitantly.
The servant placed the tea on the table, and Sandra looked at me, as she was at the door of my room. “Goodbye, your majesty” She said, and closed the door. I felt sad and hurt  because I felt like this was our last meeting with each other. I felt like I won’t be able to see her again.
Le interpreted my thoughts, by clearing his throat while sitting in front of me.
“Please, have your tea” He said, and handed me the cup, telling the servant to leave the room and close the door behind.
I flinched when I heard the thunder and the powerful wind that kept banging at my wooden window... I placed the cup on my lips, and drank a big sip...
“Enjoy....” Le said, with a big smile that didn’t look fake this time... He was smiling, as if he just won a big prize.
I felt my throat burn, and my stomach felt sick.... I coughed loudly, and looked at Le who was just sitting there, watching me.
He drank his tea calmly, and I wanted to ask him why, but the words were stuck in my mouth. I kept coughing, and felt tears falling from my eyes, burning my face with their hotness.
“Finally, I can take what’s mine.... I had to wait for this for so long.... You should have died with your stupid parents, but I guess everyone has their time huh.” He said, and I fell on my back while coughing. “Sleep tight, your majesty” He laughed, and I felt my eyes close, seeing the face of the betrayer for the last time.
          Third person:
Sandra went to her room after leaving the Empress with Le. She was not stupid to believe that Le actually made a meal for her because he cared for her..... She was sure that he put something in her meal because the food smelled weird.
She didn’t feel good about leaving Le alone with the Empress because she noticed the looks he has been giving her since he came back. She took a small dagger that was hidden in her clothes, and left her room.
Sandra didn’t care about neither the food, nor her health. All she cared about was the Empress’s safety. She noticed on her way to the Empress’s room that there was no one..... No guards... No servants...
She got nervous and upon her arrival to the room, she heard laughter, which made her panic. She recognised the sound of the hysterical laughter, as Le’s, and held the dagger behind her back. She opened the door quietly, and gasped when she saw the Empress on the floor, looking extremely pale. Le who was laughing, stopped when he heard her gasp.
Le slammed his hand on the table, and glared at Sandra, who was standing at the door speechless while looking at the Empress who wasn’t moving or breathing.
“What are you doing here!?” Le growled, and launched at Sandra, who screamed in agony and stabbed him with her dagger, which caught him off guard. Le screamed, and tried to push Sandra off him, but she didn’t budge.
She punched his face, and he fell on the floor with her on top of him. “YOU MONSTER!” She continued stabbing him with her dagger until he died.
She got up, and threw her dagger on the floor, walking towards the unconscious body of the Empress. She tried to shake the Empress’s body gently like she does every morning to wake her up. “Please dear, wake up..... Please” She cried, and hugged the Empress’s body, screaming the only name that she loved the most.
Min Yona:
I hate myself.... I hate myself.... I hate myself... I kept repeating these words in my mind, as I was looking at myself in the mirror.
My name is Min Yona, I am 21 years old, and the daughter of a well-known business man, who only cares for money and business. My father forced me to marry his friend’s son for the sake of business.
He didn’t care about my feelings, and ignored my mother’s pleadings for him to stop the marriage. I felt sad because my poor mother will be in a state of shock and sadness after discovering what I am about to do right now.
I have been married to a cold hearted man, Jeon Jungkook, who kept treating me like trash since we got married. He believed that I was some gold digger whore, who married him for his money and body.
I tried to give our marriage a chance, but he kept ignoring me, hurting me with his insults, cheating on me, and making me sleep on the couch in the cold weather without a blanket.
He threatened me not to tell my parents, or he will take my father’s business and money. He was only kind and sweet to me in front of our parents, but when we are alone, he turns into a heartless monster. I have been married to him for 8 months, started cutting myself 2 months ago, and now I can’t take it anymore.
I locked the bathroom door, and held the knife, looking at my ugly face in the mirror for one more time, before committing my suicide.
I sat in the bathtub, and took a deep breath, leaning my head on the wall, I started cutting my wrist. I cried loudly, but who cares.... No one is here and no one will be.
Jungkook was at work, and there was no one in the house except me. I am sure that he will come back late because he will be busy cheating on me. I looked at the water in the bathtub, and chuckled when it became all red.... “Goodbye” I mumbled and closed my eyes, feeling much better.

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