Chapter 17

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Lin Yona:
“Ok, you will stay at home, don’t open the door for anyone, and don’t go out alone” Jungkook said, and I nodded while eating my pancakes. “I will try and finish my work early, I really wanted to stay here with you, but I have a lot of work and meetings” He said, and I nodded again.
“It’s ok! I will be fine, don’t worry about me. Please, be careful and don’t come near Le. He is really dangerous” I said, and he smiled. “Don’t worry about me, I have a black belt in taekwondo” He said, and I frowned. “What is taekwondo?” I asked, and he was about to tell me, but his phone rang. “Shit, I need to go, bye” He kissed my cheek, and I blushed.
He left, and I pouted while eating my pancakes. “I am alone again, what to do” I huffed, and finished eating quickly to wash the dishes. I finished cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes, then went to the living room. I looked at my phone, and sighed.
Should I call my mother? Should I call Jungkook? He gave me his number and showed me how to call him. I shook my head, I am sure he is busy right now. I heard a loud knock, and flinched. I walked slowly towards the door, and looked at the screen to see the girl that was at the party. What was her name again? Yes, it’s Sally.
“What do you want?” I asked, and she looked nervous. “I need to tell you something important. Can you hurry up and open the door?” She said, and I looked at the bracelets on my wrists. I always wear them because they make me feel safe. “How do I know that you won’t hurt me?” I asked, and she sighed.
“You know someone named Le, right?” She asked, and I froze. “W-Why?” I asked, feeling scared after hearing his name. “I know I was bad and tried to hurt you, but you have to open the freaking door unless you want to see your father and your husband get killed” She said, and I opened the door quickly.
I saw her look at me with guilt, and I saw him, walking towards me with his evil smirk. “Well done, Sally” He said, and that was the last thing I heard before he put his hand on my face in a fast motion, and I felt myself losing my conscious.

Min Yona:
I woke up, and gasped when I saw what happened to the Empress in my dream. I don’t know if this happened or if this was a vision. I have to warn her! I closed my eyes, and tried to focus on her. I need to do this, before Le arrives.

Lin Yona:
Jungkook left, and I pouted while eating my pancakes. “I am alone again, what to do” I huffed, and finished eating quickly to wash the dishes. I finished cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes, then went to the living room. I looked at my phone, and sighed.
Should I call my mother? Should I call Jungkook? He gave me his number and showed me how to call him. I shook my head, I am sure he is busy right now. I heard a loud knock, and flinched. I walked slowly towards the door, and looked at the screen to see the girl that was at the party. What was her name again? Yes, it’s Sally.
I was about to ask her what does she want, but I heard a voice in my head. “Y-Yona! Can you hear me?!” The voice said, and I looked around while frowning. “Hello?” I asked, and flinched when Sally knocked on the door again. “No! Don’t open the door for her!” The voice said, and I was confused.
“Who are you?” I asked, and the voice chuckled. “It may sound crazy, but I am Yona, the original owner of your current body” She said, and I gasped. “Yona!” I said, and she hummed. “I will call you ‘Your majesty’ since we have the same name. Anyways, you need to leave the house quickly, try and escape through a window or something” She said, and I was about to answer, but Sally knocked hard. “Open the door! Do you want to see your father get killed?!” She yelled, and I gasped.
“No, your majesty, don’t believe her! Le is currently standing outside your door, you need to escape quickly because he might try and break your door” Yona said, and I panicked. “But, how!” I said, and she sighed. “I will tell you how I know this when you get out, but right now, I want you to go to your room with Jungkook. Also, don’t leave your phone. Take it with you” She said, and I nodded.
I flinched when someone banged on the door, and took the phone, and a pair of shoes. I ran upstairs quickly, and panted when I opened the door of the room. “Ok, the height is not that high, so I want you to put the phone on your pocket, and pick up a thick blanket” She said, and I picked up the blanket.
“Ok, open it and put a pillow on its centre, I need you to open the balcony” She said, and I opened the balcony, still hearing the banging downstairs. “Ok, I want you to stand on the edge, and put the blanket with the pillow under you. I want you to sit on the pillow, and hold the edges of the blanket. You will slide while you are doing this, as if you are sliding on ice. There is a lot of grass under the balcony. The balcony is on the second floor, you won’t feel the pain that much. Hurry please, he will break the door!” I heard the sound of breaking, and did what Yona told me to do.
I fell from the balcony while sitting on the blanket, and whimpered when I made a contact with the grass. The fall didn’t really hurt me because of the pillow. “Ok, I want you to go to Jungkook, I will tell you the address. Call a taxi” She said, and I was confused, but it’s not the right time for questions. “Where are you?!!” I heard Le’s voice, and ran to the street.
“Here is a taxi, ride it quickly” I waved at the car, and as soon as I entered the car, I looked behind me and saw Le, looking at me from far. He looked so mad. I told the driver the address that Yona told me, and put my hand on my heart while taking a deep breath. How did he know where I live, and why was Sally with him? I closed my eyes and tried to talk to Yona, but she wasn’t answering.
We arrived at the company, and the driver asked for money, I didn’t know what to do and panicked. I exited the car, and looked at him nervously. “I will enter, and tell Jungkook to pay you” I said, and he looked angry. “Do you think I am stupid?” He yelled, and I didn’t know what to say until I heard someone yell my name from behind.
I turned around and saw Lisa, walking towards me. “Yona, what are you doing here?” She asked, and looked at my clothes and then at the driver. “How much?” She paid him, and held my hand, leading me inside. “Yona, are you ok? You look pale, and why are dressed in your pyjamas?” She asked, and I sighed. “Can you please take me to Jungkook, I am so tired” I asked, and she nodded.

Min Yona:
I felt so tired after talking to the Empress, I felt myself fall on the bed, and I was panting. I couldn’t talk to her anymore because apparently, I used too much energy. At least I am glad that she was ok, I don’t know how did this happen. I saw the vision of her getting kidnapped by Le in my dream. I feel like me and her are connected because of something, which I really don’t know. I don’t think Le will stop, he will try and hurt her again. His greediness has blinded him. He won’t stop until he kills her again, and I think he will also kill my father because he is rich. I sighed, and decided to sleep because I need energy for what is about to happen next.
Third person:
Le growled, and kicked a rock that was on the floor. Sally stood behind him, and she felt scared. “Why didn’t she open the door?!!” He yelled, and looked at Sally. “This is all your fault, you didn’t do your job well. Do you want me to get rid of you huh?! Don’t you hate her too huh?!” He yelled, and she looked at the floor. “I hate her.... But this is too much, I don’t k-” She screamed when Le pulled her hair, and looked at her with a scary expression.
“You will do your job well this time or else, I will get rid of you and your father. Believe me, I am experienced in killing people. You will go and try to seduce Jungkook while I take her, and tell her father to come alone to save her. Then, I will kill both of them and you can have Jungkook. We will say that they died because of an accident” He said, and Sally didn’t know what to say. "I will take over his company, and have all his money. I will deal with his stupid wife later.... She won’t be a burden because she already hates him, he told me that they argue a lot” Le laughed, and Sally just stood there not knowing if she really wants to do this or not.
Jeon Jungkook:
I was in my office, feeling worried about Yona. What she told me yesterday was a lot. I feel like I am living in a fantasy world. How could this even happen? I know I said that she is special, but not this much. She is literally a real Empress. I was about to call her, but heard a knock. “Mr Jeon, can I enter?” Lisa said, and I hummed. “Come in” She entered, and I froze when I saw Yona with her.
She was pale, and she was wearing her pyjamas. I hurried to her, and Lisa left and closed the door, giving us privacy. “Yona? What happened?! Are you ok?!” I asked, and helped her sit on the couch. “I am tired of being weak” She said, and I frowned. “Le came to our house, he broke the door and wanted to take me” She said, and I saw red.
“I will kill him!” I growled, and she shook her head. “I am tired of being the victim every time! I am tired of him trying to kill my loved ones! I want to put an end to his evil soul for real this time!” She said, and it was my first time seeing her look so serious and fearless.
“Yona, I will put him in jail, just leave this to me” I said, and she shook her head. “If it weren’t for Yona, I would have been taken by him” She said, and I frowned. “What do you mean?” I asked, and she looked at me. “Yona, the original owner of this body, talked to me and told me not to open the door, she is the one who helped me escape” She said, and I was shocked. I was about to say something, but she stood up, and looked at me with fierce eyes. “I will avenge my parents, and put an end to this monster myself. I am tired of relaying on people to help me every time. I know I am weak and fragile, but I am sick of him!” She said, and I stood in front of her and held her hand.
“You are not weak. You so strong, and I am happy that you want to overcome your fear, but please let me help you. I don’t want to lose you” I said, and she hugged me. “I don’t want to lose you too” She said.
Min Yona:
I woke up, and saw Taehyung and Sandra, looking at me with worry. “Are you ok? You have been sleeping for a long time” Taehyung said, and I nodded. I sat carefully and looked at them with a serious expression. “I talked with the Empress, I saw a vision where she was taken by Le, and warned her..... She escaped, but he will come back again. I need to have energy to talk to her” I said, and they looked at me with shock.
“This is impossible, I don’t think we know everything about the legend because I can’t explain what is happening with you and the Empress. We even don’t know if this have a side effects or not. You need to be careful because seems like you are the one in control. You can talk to her, you can feel her emotions. It’s so confusing” Sandra said, and Taehyung nodded. “Yes, why are you the only one who can do all of that? You two seem to be connected for a reason, and you are the only one who can help her” Taehyung said, and I sighed.
“I treat her like my sister, I want to protect her and make sure she is happy and safe. I need to eat and have energy because I don’t know what Le is about to do” I said, and got up. “Let’s eat”.
Lin Yona:
I left Jungkook’s office and went with Lisa to an empty room to change my clothes. She said that she has spare clothes. “Lisa?” I said, as she was picking the clothes from the bag. “Yes?” She asked, and I looked at her. “Can you cut my hair?”
After Lisa cut my hair, I changed my clothes and walked towards Jungkook’s office. I was about to enter but, heard Sally’s voice. I didn’t tell him that she was with Le because I don’t want to cause problems for him. She is the daughter of his important friend. “Sally, I told you to leave” He said, and I wanted to open the door, but decided to listen.
“Come on Jungkook, I know I am young, but I will give you a good time. I will also make my dad give you money if you agreed to marry me instead of your stupid wife. You didn’t tell her that we kissed, right?” She said, and I froze.
I walked away, and didn’t know what to do. Was that true? I heard my phone ring. I saw my mother’s name and accepted the call. “Well, I changed the plan, come out of the company alone if you want to see your fake parents alive, your majesty” Le said, and I gasped.
Jeon Jungkook:
“You know that’s not true!” I yelled, and Sally cried. “I know, I only said that because she was standing outside” She said, and I grabbed her throat. “I don’t care if you are a girl, I will fucking kill you if you didn’t tell me what’s going on right now! I know you are hiding something because you didn’t come here before and beg me like this” I yelled, and she looked at me with fear.
“I was forced to do it I swear.... He told me if I didn’t do it, he will kill me and my parents. I hate your wife, and I wanted to be with you, but not to the point to become a killer” She cried, and I let go of her. “Don’t tell me you are working with Le! You know that he is fucking evil!” I yell, and was about to run out of my office to look for Yona, but Sally held my hand. “Wait! I will tell you where she is if you promised to not tell my father or the police”.

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