Chapter 14

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Lin Yona:
I looked at the bag in my hand and smiled widely. I can’t believe Jungkook got me this beautiful dress. I was holding his hand, as we were walking towards something he said its name is ‘cafe’. We entered and I frowned when I smelled a weird but cool smell. “Jungkook, what is this smell?!” I asked, and he looked at me. “I think its vanilla because they said they have a new vanilla milkshake in their menu” He said, and I nodded.
“Can we try it?” I whispered, and he nodded. “Ok, wait here, I will order because the line is long” He said, and I nodded. I looked outside and saw a man sitting on the street. He looked lonely and sad. “Ok, I got them, seems like the girls moved out of the way as soon as they saw me” Jungkook said, and looked at what I was looking at.
“Jungkook, why is this man sitting like that?” I asked, and noticed that his clothes were torn. “He is homeless” Jungkook said, and I frowned. “Someone who doesn’t have a home or money” He explained, and I felt bad. “Can we go to him, please?” I asked Jungkook, and I can tell that he was shocked by my question, but nodded nonetheless.
We walked out of the cafe, and I ran towards the man while Jungkook walked behind me with our drinks. “Hello” I said, and the man looked at me. “Hi miss” He said, and I smiled at him. “Did you try vanilla milkshake before?” I asked, and he frowned. “No” He said, and I took mine from Jungkook’s hand and gave it to the man, who was shocked. “Here, I hope you enjoy it” I said, and he smiled. “Thank you so much” He said, and started drinking the vanilla milkshake with a happy smile. I looked at Jungkook, and saw him looking at me while smiling.
“Here..... Don’t buy drugs ok” Jungkook gave the man money from his pocket, and the man cried. “Thank you so much, god bless you. You are the most beautiful couple I have ever seen” The man said, and then looked at me. “Please take this, it will protect you from evil” He said, and gave me a weird looking bracelet. “Thank you” I waved at him, and walked away with Jungkook. “You are welcome.... Your majesty...”
We entered the car, and Jungkook gave me his vanilla milkshake. “But it’s yours” I said, and he smiled. “It’s ok, I want you to have it” He said, and I took a sip, then moved the cup closer to his mouth. He seemed to notice that I will share the drink with him, and sighed. “Jungkook, why is the Emperor of this city is not helping homeless people” I said, and Jungkook choked on the vanilla milkshake.
“Are you ok?!” He stopped coughing, and focused on the road. “We don’t have an Emperor.... That was in the ancient era” He said, and I frowned. “Then, is there someone who is ruling this city?” I asked, and Jungkook cleared his throat. “Yes, we have the president who is ruling our country” He said, and I awed.
“Jungkook, can you call my mother tomorrow, I want to spend time with her” I asked, and he hummed. “You can call her using your phone” He said, and I pouted. “But I don’t know how to use the phone yet” I said, and he chuckled. “It’s ok, I will teach you when we go home” He said, and I smiled widely.
“Thank you so much for taking care of me. You are so kind! You even got me a beautiful dress” I said, and leaned closer to him, and kissed his cheek. “D-Don’t do that! I might get into an accident!” He said, and his face was slightly red. “Okie! Then can I do it when we go home? I will give you lots of kisses” I said, and he choked again. “Jungkook! Are you ok?!”
He nodded, and I gasped when I looked at his hand. “You are wearing the bracelet too?!” I asked, and I didn’t even notice that he was wearing the bracelet that mother gave him until now because his sleeve was rolled up a bit. “Yes” He said, and I smiled. “I am happy that you wore it! Now we are matching” I said, and looked at mine as well.
I frowned when I remembered the one that the man gave me, and pulled it out of my pocket. I wore it behind the one that mother gave me, and felt goosebumps all over my body. “Why do I feel like I know this man” I wondered while looking outside the window.

Le Zhang:
Where am I? How did this happen huh? I always knew about this stupid legend, but I didn’t know it was true. I was so close to be the Emperor, but the stupid servant ruined everything. It’s been 3 days since I woke up in a place called ‘hospital ‘. I was now in the office of my ‘boss’ and also my friend..... He said that I was his secretary, which turns out to be something like an advisor.
I learned so much about this world.... About its food and places. The man whom said he is my boss, he seems rich and powerful. He said his name is Min Yunjun. He is the CEO of a big company in this city called ‘Min Tech’. I found out that my name in this world is Le Chung.
I live in an apartment, which is near the company I work in. The words in this world are difficult and hard to pronounce, but I will manage to learn anything in order to achieve power and money. I learned from Min, that my wife divorced me because she didn’t like my financial status. He also told me that we are going to a party tonight to meet his friend, who is an important man.
The reason for my death was that I got into an accident while we were driving to his company. I didn’t know how did the accident happen, but I hope I don’t get into one again. The ‘cars’ look scary and hard. The trollies in my world were much easier and safer.
I am grateful for him to help me refresh my memories, which I don’t really need to refresh because I will create my new ones. I will gain his trust, and then just like the stupid Emperor, I will kill him and take his money. I looked at my desk in his office, and closed my eyes to think.
If I was in this world after I died, then the Empress is probably here too. I smirked and looked at my stupid boss, who was on his ‘phone’. If the Empress is here, I will make sure to kill her without any mistakes this time.
Lin Yona:
Jungkook said that today is the day we go to the party. He left earlier to his company, but he told me that he will come back early to take me with him. He taught me how to use my phone yesterday, and I called my mother 2 minutes ago, asking her to come and spend time with me.
I prepared the plates on the table after I cooked some food for my mother. Thanks to Jungkook, he also taught me how to cook simple stuff. Eggs, sausages, and something delicious called pancakes. Sure I don’t cook that good, but at least I try. Cooking in the kitchen is pretty hard because the tools are different from the ones in my world.
I heard a knock, and got up quickly to open the door like Jungkook taught me. I looked at the small screen beside the door to see who it is like Jungkook told me to do, and smiled when I saw it was my mother. “Hello mother!” I hugged her as soon as I opened the door, and she laughed while hugging me back. “I am so happy that you are this excited to see me, in the past, you weren’t so excited to meet me like this” She said, and I frowned.
She was like my mother, so sweet and kind. Why would I not be excited to see her? I pulled her inside the house, and closed the door behind. We walked into the kitchen, and I smiled widely when she looked at the plates on the table. “I made those!” I said, and she smiled. “Aw, you made them for me? Thank you sweetheart” She sat on the chair, and began to eat.
I sat in front of her, and told her about everything that happened to me lately. She was smiling while listening to me, but frowned when I mentioned the party. “Oh, I think you will see your father because it’s an important party” She said, and sighed while drinking water.
“He is always busy, I just hate how he became so blind after getting the money and reputation he dreamt of..... He doesn’t visit me or ask about you.... It’s been a month since I saw him because he is always working.... He didn’t even come and visit you when you went to the hospital and almost died” She said angrily, and I didn’t like the sad look on her face.
“Mother, its ok, I am not mad at him because he is my father after all. We all make mistakes and I am sure that he will come back to his right mind soon, and realise how important our family is. I am just so happy to have a father and a mother figures in my life.... Some people wish to have a family” I said, and felt myself tear up after remembering that my mother and father were killed in my past life.
My mother got up and walked towards me, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. “My baby, I am so happy to have such a beautiful daughter like you. I was so focused on bringing your father to his mind before and didn’t take care of you well. I realised my mistakes after I almost lost you that day, and I promise to always take care of you. You are my treasure in this world” She said, and I cried in her warm hug.
After we had an emotional moment in the kitchen, we went to the living room and my mother smiled. “Why don’t we make you look fabulous tonight huh?” She said, and I was confused. “I will make sure you look pretty, just wait until Jungkook comes back. He will be shocked and speechless” She smirked, and I giggled when I remembered how Jungkook looks when he is shock..... He looks cute and lost. “Okie!”
Third person:
Yona and her mother spent the whole day together, and it was now 7pm. Jungkook entered the house, and sighed. “Yona! Are you ready? We need to go now” He said, and turned around only to be met with the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. Yona was walking towards him with the dress they chose, but her face was different. She had makeup and Jungkook was for sure drooling at her this time. “Do I look good?” She asked, and Jungkook closed his eyes and opened them again. “Wow” He couldn’t say more than that.

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