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"Ustedes han hecho un trabajo excelente. Muchas gracias por su asistencia, ya se pueden ir."

"You guys have done an excellent job. Thank you for your assistance, you may leave now." You tell your assistants.

You are ranked #5 Pro Hero in Mexico and you have a very, very important mission that will start. But first, let's do some introductions!


Hi, thank you so much for clicking on my fic! It means a lot to me.

Also, I might not post a lot since I have sever writers block. But if I don't post for like 1 month or more without letting you guys know, you can worry lol.

Disclaimer: I will be writing in Spanish as well, but it will translate most of it. If I don't translate it, (it'll mostly be small sentences I won't translate) google translate works. I am checking that google translate doesn't translate into something wacky. You guys prob know how it acts up so... yea. I'm fluent in both Spanish and English, so the translations will (should) be accurate.

s/n – short name


Rebecca : Becky/Becca

Or anything that people call you that isn't your name or nickname

Name: y/n Angel Hernandez

Hero Name: Techno Mind

Quirk: TechKnowControl

Basically, you know how any technology works just by looking at it, and you can control it. (I will put more explanations during the story)

Age: 24

Ranking: #5 in Mexico

Height: 5' 6"

Sister's name: Rosa Estrella Hernandez

Quirk: Object Manipulation

Hero Name: Mass Control

Age: 19

Ranking: #10 in Mexico

Height: 5' 1"

If you have any questions comment here and I'll try to answer them!

To the story! 

"Lets Dance, Mi Cielo~" - A Hanta Sero x y/n FanficWhere stories live. Discover now