Not a father to me.

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You slept for 2 hours and when you woke up Rosa was awake as well. "Oh, you're finally awake. How long did you sleep?" she asks. "Eh, about 2 hours. How long have you been awake?"

"I just woke up a few minutes ago. Is Hanta still going to pick us up?" she asks.

"Yes, he's also going to make us some enchiladas when we get to our house." You respond.


"You wanna play a game or something just to waste time?" you ask her.

It's not like you aren't close with your sister, but you feel like you could be closer. After all, you're basically like a mom to her. Sure, she's already 19, but you always felt that need to be by her side. You guys had a 5-year age difference, so when she was younger you were the one making sure she was emotionally ok, helping with school stuff and well... anything a mom does.

Your guy's mom died when you were little, so Rosa has barely any memory of her. Your father... well.. he wasn't any better.

All you remember of him was the pain, the pushing away, everything a father should have never done.

You've always tried to help Rosa forget him, but obviously there's no possible way to do that. You never thought of him as a father, but more of someone who was forced into the role. If he really loved you both, you never would have to be doing this mission.

You would never have to be running away.

Never would have to be scared.

What hurt more is the fact that if it wasn't for him, you nor your sister would have ever been this strong. Emotionally and physically. As much as you wanted to forget him, you would never be able to. He was a big part of your life.

Even if he was never there for you..

Even if you hated him for what he did..

You still appreciated the fact that you're strong because of it.

"s/n, s/n, hello? y/n!" You snapped out of your bubble.

"You good?" she asks. "Yea I'm fine. Sorry I just.. you know spaced out." You respond. "Oh, it's fine. No worries." She assures you. "Anyways, what were you saying?" you ask. "Ah, I was saying that we could do something. I don't know if you have any games here or..." she starts looking around.

"I have a deck of cards. We could play garbage or continental?" You suggest. "Oh, yea we could do that! How about a sisterly competition of continental?" she says with a smirk.

"You're on."


"And I won!" Rosa exclaims. "Oh, man." You laugh.

"And you said I would never be able to beat my 'hermana mayor!'" she teases. "Ah, c'mon," you punch her shoulder jokingly, "I knew the day would come." You smile.

"And one day, I'll beat you in training."

"Pfft, hold your horses, chamaca." You both start laughing. "Ya verás! I'll beat you, just watch!"

"Ok, ok."

At this point you guys are next to each other in a warm hug.

"I could never have asked for a better sister than you." You whisper. "I could have never asked for a better teacher than you." She responds.

That's the best thing you could do for her.

Replace her dad... and make her the best version of herself.  

~ Authors Note ~


thank you whoever reads this cuz i honestly didnt expect any views other than my friends 

anyways... sorry that this chapter was so short!! i honestly dont know why i have so much writers block smh

i promise that i'm trying to make my chapters longer and more interesting 

but other than that

thank you loves hope you have a good day < 3

&quot;Lets Dance, Mi Cielo~&quot; - A Hanta Sero x y/n FanficWhere stories live. Discover now