"6 hours... seriously?"

28 2 2

"Ok, do you have everything you need Rosa?" you ask. "Yea, and we also have things at our house over there." She reminds you. "Ah, true. Let's go then!"

You get into your car and drive to the airport, where your jet is. You were really excited to go to Japan again, since you haven't seen Hanta nor your mentor Mirko in a long time. Well, Mirko was your adoptive mom, but you were already 16 when she adopted you both. You saw her as a mom, but she was a lot more like a mentor. She trained both of you guys and kept you going with your dream on being a hero.

"You excited to see your boyfriendddddd? You can't deny that you have a thing for him s/n." Rosa said, stopping your train of thought. "Seriously Rosa? He's... sweet, to say the least, but he would never see me in that way."

"Always with the low self-esteem." She complains. You role your eyes and ignore her comment. After a 20-minute drive you get to the airport.

"Ok, we're here." You sigh. "Here we go again."

You guys put your glasses and your hood on. Since you guys are well-known pro heroes here in Mexico, you did have to hide from the crowd in big places like this. Luckily, basically no one from Japan knew you, so you wouldn't have to hide.

"Ready?" you ask. "Ready." Rosa responds. "Ok, just follow me, I don't want your short ass getting lost in there." You get out of the car before she responds, but you could still hear her yelliyou that she wasn't short.

You get your bags and start walking with Rosa inside. You've never liked crowded places, but you still get it over with. You guys walk in and unfortunately, it's at its busiest time. "Great..." you say to yourself.

You hold Rosa's hand because you know she doesn't like tight spaces like this either. You guys make your way to where the private planes are, and make sure that your hoods stay up, because it would cause more chaos if anyone saw you. After about 8 minutes of walking, you get to the private planes.

"ID" the security guard demand. You both give him your ID and he lets you in.

"Nice to see you again Ms. and Ms. Hernandez, your plane is ready for you to board." Mr. Rodriguez says, he had always been the one that gets your plane ready for you. "Thank you so much, Mr. Rodriguez." Both you and Rosa say. "Have a good flight."

You didn't need a pilot since your Quirk helped you make a system for the plane to self-fly, so you could enjoy the comfortable time alone with your sister. The plane was spacious and had food and drinks. We get into our seats and the plane departs, "Hey s/n?"

"Yea, what's up?" you respond. "Did you ever find someone to pick us up from the airport or did you rent a car or something?" Rosa asks. "Ah, Hanta is actually going to be picking us up." You answer.

"Oh, that's nice." She says, "I'm guessing he'll be hanging out with us after as well, maybe even staying the night?" she raises her eyebrows.

"You really are invested in this imaginary thing between me and Hanta, huh?" you ask, already knowing the answer.



You spent a lot of your time listening to music or playing games on your phone. It was a 6-hour flight, so you had to be doing something. You wanted to hang out with your sister just to waste time, but she was dead asleep.

You settled with also sleeping, but just as you reclined your seat, you got a message from someone. You open your phone to see who it was. 'This better be worth my sleep.' You say to yourself.

Flex Tape Spiderman

hey s/n, how's the flight going?

hey hanta! It's good, just pretty boring

yea, long flights will get annoying

but hey you'll be with me soon


i have about 4 hours to go

so you'll be here 7 ish?

uh, yea about that time

do you want me to get you guys some
food for when you're here, or do you
rather I cook?

oh don't worry about that, you don't
have to treat us to anything

no no, let me do something

you haven't been with me for a while
so it's only right

you sure?

100% sure : )


is homemade fine with you?

yup that's completely fine


yes please!

ok I'll get the stuff for that and I'll
cook at your house?

sounds good

thanks again

of course mi cielo

let me know when you're close

will do

see you soon!

see ya!


'He's too good for me.' 

"Lets Dance, Mi Cielo~" - A Hanta Sero x y/n FanficWhere stories live. Discover now