See you soon, Mi Cielo~

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"You called?" Your sister said as she walked into the room.

"Ah, you're here. And yes, I did." You notice that she left the door open, "It's confidential stuff." You explain. "Oh, ok." She closes the door and you guys sit down.

"So, I have good news! I figured out who is gonna be our group for this mission." You exclaim. "That was quick." she asks.

"Well, I was looking for heroes that already knew each other and kinda had a friendship like in school. Since we went to U.A., I tried to remember pretty good heroes, and the first thing I thought of was that bakusquad group that were second years." You explain.

You take out a file from a cabinet and you open it. "Here are their hero names, rankings, and their quirks...

"#2 Dynamight, Quirk: explosions

"#6 Red Riot, Quirk: hardening

"#7 Chargebolt, Quirk: electricity

"#8 Cellophane, Quirk: tape

"#12 Pinky, Quirk: acid

"#13 Earphone Jack, Quirk: earphone jack"

"Ah, Cellophane. He was the one that came to Mexico right?" Rosa asks.

"Yup, he's the one I'm gonna talk to so that we can make a meeting with them in Japan." You explain.

"Ok, that's great!" She gets up from her chair and starts to walk out, "You do what you have to do and just let me know when we'll be leaving." "Of course." You respond.

You pick up your phone and start looking through your contacts. 'I have his number... but he's probably busy and won't answer. I'll just call his agency.' You look for his agency number instead and call it.

"Cellophane's hero agency, how may I help you?"

"Hi, this is Techno Mind, Mexico's #5 hero, I was hoping I could talk to Cellophane." You respond.

"Of course, I'll direct your call to him right now." She says.

"Okay, thank you."

She puts you on hold for a bit and then you hear him.

"Hi, this is Cellophane, who am I talking to?" he asks.

"Hey, it's Techno Mind from Mexico." You respond.

"Ah, y/n. How have you been mi Cielo?" 

'He hasn't changed at all.' you say to yourself. "I've been ok. Work here has been pretty hard." You say, "You?"

"I've been ok as well. It would be better if you were here." he says, always keeping his flirty attitude.

"Is that so? Well in that case I think you'll like what I'm about to say." You respond, trying to keep up with him. 'I'm obviously not as good at flirting as he is.'

"I'm listening."

"Well, I have a big mission in Japan, and it would be better if I didn't do it alone. So, I was thinking Rosa and I could team up with you and what I think you guys called the bakusquad?" You explain.

"Ah yes, the bakusquad. Sounds good, at least we get to see each other again." he agrees.

"Of course, we would spend some time together other than just preparing for the mission." you explain.

"When will you be coming to Japan?" he asks.

"Probably tomorrow afternoon, so I'd be there around the night." you excitedly explain.

"Well, maybe we could hangout once you get here?" he asks.

"Sure, we can do that. If you're ok with it, could you pick us up from the airport? Then we could go straight to the house and do something." you answer.

"Yea, that sounds good. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Just call me when you're on your way."

"Ok, see you later then!"

"See you soon mi Cielo."  

"Lets Dance, Mi Cielo~" - A Hanta Sero x y/n FanficWhere stories live. Discover now