Double Date: The Arcade

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Ok first off this is a two shot with my friend and I'S oc with Quest and Toast~


(Spoilers) the issues with Bloombot basically resolved with not conflict and everything turned out ok.


3rd Pov.

"Ahhh I'm so bored, there's nothing to do since the raids aren't until later" Ko said as she slumps in her chair. To her right she hears a laugh, a laugh from her very loving but sarcastic shy boyfriend. "Well why not we go out somewhere then?" Toast asked with a amused smile on his face. Ko gasps and looks over at him trying to hide the smile already coming onto her face. "Go out? Toasty the man who's prefer to stay inside and not actually socialize is asking me to go out with him?" She couldn't hold back much more and giggled a little receiving and embarrassed "hey!" From Toast.
"I mean we haven't been out anywhere in a while plus it'll be good for us to probably get something to eat while we're at it." "Oh in that case why not go to the arcade? We could still play games at least" Toast smiled at her request, "yeah, I like that idea let's go." With that they both got ready to head out and walk down to the arcade which luckily for them wasn't to far away.

-with Quest and Jacky-

"Hey Angel, you ok? You seem out of it" Quest looks at his beloved partner as she's currently staring at her computer with a dazed face. Started she turns to Quest "oh I'm fine, just bored y'know? I wanna do something but I'm not sure what. I was gonna call Ko today but she hasn't been online at all." "I see, well why not we go for a walk? A new cafe opened up down the way- why not see if it's worth trying" Quest smiles just happy he can spend time with Jacky. "Oh! Yeah that's a good idea, isn't it that one that's right next to the arcade?" Jacky recalls as she glances over to her shelf's with little prizes she won from said arcade. "It sure is. We could stop there too if you'd like?" "Yeah let's go!" They both decided to head out and walk down the way towards the cafe unknowingly that they'll be bumping into their friends.


"Ohhh looks like they added a new shooter game" Ko says excitedly to Toast as he looks at the poster hanging on the window of the arcade. "Seems that way aha, wanna try it out?" Receiving a 'yep' from Ko as they headed inside.


"Wait was that Ko and Toast?" Quest noticed their close friends heading into the arcade, "Oh! It was, hey let's go see if we can join them since we already decided to go anyway." Quest agreed and the couple went inside the arcade immediately spotting the other couple at the machine getting their coins for the games.


"Ko! Hey!" Jacky kinda yelled as she sped walked over to the two. "Jacky! Ah and Quest, what are you guys doing her?" Ko asks as she received a hug from Jacky. "Seems like they're on a date~" Toast teases getting a reaction out of Quest as he blushes a bit. "Aha, well we are, was gonna head to the cafe next door until we noticed you two" Quest stated rubbing the back of his head trying to shake off the blush.
"Oh if that's the case why not make it a double date then?" Ko asks unknowingly making Toast choke up and blush himself obviously embarrassed to know that they're on a date, but is happy none the less. "Yeah, it'll be fun" Jacky and Quest agreed.
Both couples decided to get their coins and just casually browse the game machines before deciding to play. As the day went on a certain game caught both Ko's and Jacky's attention, the new shooter game from the poster outside the arcade. The two girls looked and each other with huge grins and immediately took off towards the game while their partners haven't taken notice.
Jacky reached the game first and took a seat while Ko joined her a second later "you ready to shoot some bitches" Ko asks already putting in the amount of coins to play. "You bet your ass I am" Jacky laughed.
It was long before both Toast and Quest noticed that their lovers are not to be seen at all. "Uhh, where did they go?" Toast questioned, "Not sure but we should probably look for them." Quest replied a bit worried, although he knows Jacky could take care of herself he still worries that there may be a chance where he won't be there for her if she's in trouble. With that the two gentle giants made their way around the arcade looking for the two ladies who seem to actually be missing. Like seriously just because their short how is it this hard to find them?
Laughter came from the two girls as they enjoyed killing the mutated zombies from the new game machine, having a absolute blast as they are trying to see who will get a higher score.
"Damn I'll be honest this is actually pretty addicting" Ko laughed to which Jacky agreed. "Oh yeah, we're almost out of coins because of this game too haha" this is true what would've still been about twenty dollars in coins between both girls is now down to four dollars. Knowing this the girls are quick to try to get the highest score before their time is up.
As the time passes Jacky raises her arms in victory seeing as she has the higher score by sixtynine points with her perfect headshots. Ko laughs from her friends actions slowly getting out of the seat ready to find another game to play. Although she notices that their partners are not where they were last seen, which makes her laugh realizing that the girls may have to god look for them. "Oh boy, Jacky it seems we may be on the hunt for some giants" Jacky catches on quickly to the situation. "Hah it seems that way, it's not gonna be too hard at least though" she laughs thinking that the 6'1 and 6'4 men are probably looking for them at this very moment.
"With that said let's gett going" the girls start out looking for their partners which wasn't too long before Ko spotted her boyfriend's light pink hair, quickly getting Jacky's attention and both heading over to the boys. "There you two are!" Quest says right when he sees the girls making Toast turn around an smile lightly as he spots Ko immediately walking with Jacky behind a few people, ahh the perks of being tall, truly it is a gift sometimes.
"Hey where did you two go? We couldn't find you anywhere" Toast asked, curious on where they went Quest nodding to agree. "Oh we were just playing the new game" Jacky point  behind her to said machine currently being used by other people. "I see, was it fun?" Quest questioned (sorry for the pun lol had to do it), "oh it definitely was fun, we competed on who could get the highest score, and though Jacky won we both still had a great time" Ko replied laughing a bit, Toast smiled softly as his girlfriend came closer to him to hold his hand probably getting ready to drag him to some machines. "Sounds fun, though we should probably go ahead and play some more before we get lunch" Quest stated as both he and Jacky are getting ready to go towards the opposite direction from the first couple. "Alright we'll meet back her in thirty" Toast said already walking away with Ko to the claw machines, he wanted to win something for her as she tends to try to get at least one plushy every time they come here.
"Haha alright see you guys later" Jacky says nearly pulling Quest with her towards another shooting game but this time it was the Resident Evil version and c'mon you already know she just wanted to play as Leon or otherwise know as sexy Kennedy. (Also idk if you guys have this at your arcades but we have one in mine and it's so fun to play). As both couples enjoy their time together their time was coming to a end, the couples met up laughing a bit noticing the two girls having huge plushies with them.
"I see we aren't the only ones who won plushies" Ko says to Toast while  looking at Jacky's large  doggo plush while she holds her large raccoon one. "I can see that" he shared a look of amusement with Quest as they laughed a bit. "Well anyway how about we get some lunch?" Quest asked the group to which they all agreed and made way to the cafe next door.
Upon arrival the men of the group got their orders from the girls and decided to let them stay in the booth as they get the food. Not knowing that after they leave the table two random dudes came up to the girls trying to shoot their shot not realizing that their boyfriend's are not to far away.
"Hey ladies, how are you pretty gals today?" He questions with a flirty look as his friend stares at the girls almost in a lustful manner. "We're fine thanks, just waiting on our food you can leave now" Ko says already knowing how this may end. "Where's the fun in that doll?" The first dude stepped closer to Ko's side of the booth and leaned down closer to her. This action made Ko highly uncomfortable and she tried to scoot further into the booth squishing her plushie into the wall. The male stills standing smirks as he noticed Jacky having a look of discomfort which he didn't realize it was actually showing that she was getting pissed.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? She already told you to leave." The pissed off tone was clear in Jacky's voice she was definitely not happy with what this idiot is doing. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about little cutie?" With a look of disgust both Jacky and Ko cringed when the flirty dude tried to make her more mad, it worked though. "I won't hesitate to drag your ass out the door if it means to keep you away from Ko." Jacky stood up even though with the height difference she knows he wouldn't be able to take her down but with the other guy she's a little worried that he'll step in as well. "Awe you're getting angry that's so cute~" the dude says obviously not believing her at all.
"She told you to fuck off didn't she? Just go." Ko voiced her comment as well highly uncomfortable with the situation already.
This caught the other dudes attention and he made way sitting in her booth with his lustful gaze as he stared at her chest which was a bit exposed due to her v-neck band tee. "I don't think so, I find it quite nice right here" he says trying to get closer to her. "Besides why would I pass this opportunity to talked to a cute girl?" He smirks. He was then pushed out of the booth by Jacky who was on the booth table pissed that the dude tried to touch Ko.
With this the flirty guy tried to take a swing at Jacky only for it to be stopped by a very strong force. Turning he's face to shoulder with a very pissed off Quest, while the guy on the floor is looking up to a cold glare from Toast standing threatening above him.
"I think it's best if you two just leave." Quest glared at the shorter man before him. "I wouldn't want to have to deal with any issues here." The idiot before him gave a cocky smirk not realizing that he basically signed his death certificate. "Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it four eyes?" He tried to push Quest only to see that he didn't barely budge. Quest looked at him with a annoyed glare and pushed the dude away from the table nearly making the guy trip from the force. "Hey!-" "Just shut up and leave" Toast spoke with a cold threatening tone and given his height it makes up from the lack of muscle to be seen. The guy on the floor already back up and is obviously scared of Toast tries to reason with his friend. "Y-Yeah! Tyler c'mon let's get out of here, it's not worth it for those bitches" Both Toast and Quest glared at the man that just insulted their girlfriends right Infront of them. Both shorter males realized their fuck up and started to back away from and angry giants who started to walk towards them in a threatening manner. Scared the two men turned around and ran out the doors  of the cafe not wanting to be beaten by the taller men.
The two giants glad that those guys left finally turned back to their partners who were already stared eating their lunch while watching everything play out.
"Well that was fun to watch" both Ko and Jacky laughed, "it was kinda sexy not gonna lie, haven't seen Quest so angry before" Jacky smirked looking at her now flushed boyfriend. Immediately the boys sat in the booths with their partners wanting to hide their embarrassment. "Thanks though, for helping us get rid of them I mean." Ko said "I really didn't wanna have to pull Jacky off the poor guy, she was about to lose it." With a laugh everyone decided to move on with the conversation and ate their lunch finally getting back on track. The double date back on full swing was enjoyed by both couples having a great time with a plan for another one soon. Later towards the end of the date both couples split off going in opposite directions once more going to their homes.


"I'm serious though, I've haven't seen you so mad before if looks could kill those guys would've been far more than six feet under" Ko smirked at her boyfriend as he blushes at her comment, "I would've done something if they tried to do more than what they already did I was holding myself back" still upset Toast ranted a little with a flustered face. "I know, I know, it was really attractive though. Like Jacky said stuff like that could definitely give us ideas~" Ko's flirty remarks didn't help her lovers face as it turns crimson, him obviously catching on to the tone of her voice. Stuttering he pulls her along holding her hand walking a little bit faster. "D-Don't say stuff like that!" Even though he says that he secretly enjoys it and is quite excited to see what's gonna happen when they get home. Ko laughs and slowly stops making Toast turn back with a questionable glance only to be pulled down by her into a lustful kiss, lasting a few minutes before breaking away. "Mhm I already know you like it so I better be getting something good tonight" Ko said knowing she's probably gonna regret saying that when they get home.


"I know what you were meaning when you made that comment you know" Quest looks down at his lover with a smirk, his eyes showing a emotion Jacky knows all too well. "Good, I was hoping you'd catch on" although heavily blushing Jacky tried to tough up and be more bold which made Quest chuckle deeply. "Oh really shouldn't tempt me like that~" his voice lowered as he stopped walking just to pull her into him, "I don't think I could hold back if you do that, so be a good girl" he leans down and captures her lips in a longing kiss before they're walking once more. Jacky now red faced but happy walks with a skip in her step wanting to see what she can pull off before Quest will become unhinged.

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