008. "within me, here's a precious place of myself alone"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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If you pay a little attention

You will become a dense forest


          LUCIA WOULD'VE NEVER EXPECTED HERSELF to sacrifice her well-deserved sleep for someone she just met, but that seem to be the reality after meeting Astoria Greengrass, who slithered into her heart so effortlessly.

It was simply odd to her how easily had she came to attach herself to Astoria, since she hardly knew her until now. Heck, she didn't even knew she existed before this, but as she stayed by her side, listening to her as she vent out her turmoil as much as she want, something about her was just too endearing to the point that it was seemingly difficult for her to part ways with the younger girl until she found herself staying up all night just for her.

Such a lovely girl, completely opposite from most of her peers.

However, after talking to Astoria and telling her about her parents, Lucia couldn't think much about things except for the parents that she hadn't thought of for a while now.

Her parents that sacrificed so much just for her to live.

She pondered over the story of their lives and how different they were, yet was still able to be in love, possessing love like none other. How were they able to love each other even after so many things that happened?

Did her dad love her mum that much that he would leave his family and risk it all? Was Mum the sole reason he made a decision between his family and what he believed was right?

Didn't mum wanted to focus on giving her parents a better life than the life they lived back then through war? How did mum accepted dad's love after months of rejecting him? Why was he even adamant on fancying her in the first place?

There were so many questions that piled up into her mind that she knew she couldn't get answer for. So, all she could do was think of theories for it.

And those theories got too much to the point that when she arrived back in Gryffindor Tower, all she could do was think, abandoning the plan to sleep because she just couldn't. So, she decided to, with much hesitance, take a walk around the castle.

She was at first, scared; she really didn't want to be spotted, but surprisingly not once did that happened. She was fortunate enough to not even come across that snitch, Mrs. Norris, even as she roamed around the place after curfew.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now