Chapter 4 part 2

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(This photo is Tim jess' brother)

The doors bursted open with our beta standing there. "alpha we are under attack" he said and with that drake kissed me and Avyanna on our heads then ran out the door followed by my brothers and father.

'why does this have to happen today' I my wolf told me.

'I know, right'

'We have to protect our pup, don't leave her side'


'Our mates in trouble' my wolf yelled so I gave Avyanna to some Garda to look after and ran after my mate.


After the attack


As both walked into the nursery we saw blood every where and the Garda were dead and the clothes that Avyanna was wearing were covered in blood. I fell to the ground and started to cry heavily. my child is dead and it's all my fault. I'm the reason for the death of my own flesh and blood.

'Our pup is dead, our child, my daughter why does this have to happen to me, us'

"I'm going to find out who did this to our child and I going to everyone the love in front of then kill them" drake yelled

"It's all my fault" I said

"It's not your fault-"

"It is if I did leave I would have been able to save her, daughter is dead. and it's all my fault" i said feeling empty in side like I could not live any more. but I have to for him.

'He will be better of with out us, he will be able to live know the person who it the reason for his daughters death is gown' I told my self

'Give it up your a waste of space'

'Just end it' I walked into the bathroom and locked the door and grabbed his shaver and place it on my skin ready to make the first cut. when I heard it, before I saw him.

"Don't please, it not your fault, her death is not your fault I love you and I don't think I could live with out you" I turned around and standing right behind was drake.

"But you don't get it, it is my fault this all my fault. I'm the reason our child is dead, our child that had just been born. our child. how am I meant to live knowing that I'm the reason for my only child died because of me. she was meant to take over your roll once we die." I said now on the ground again.

"I know you feel like it's your fault but no it not, and when your ready we can start a new family, have new children, and we will train them to be strong" he said looking down at me.

"Give me a month then let's try again" I said even though I'll never be the same. and I'll never get over the death of my daughter.


Hey guy here is the second part to of chapter four






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