011. "you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Bustling crowds or silent sleepers

You're not sure which is worse


          "HURRY UP AND GO BEFORE they decide to make a rumour about you with me,"

"Like I care," said Astoria stubbornly, as they finally made it to the Great Hall after spending their time in the girls' bathroom with Myrtle, experimenting on different ingredients to try out of their potions. "They can talk all they want,"

"But I care, Astoria. I don't like it when people start something about someone they shouldn't," said Lucia with a sigh, eyeing Slytherin table anxiously. She turned to the younger girl pleadingly, "I really don't want them to bully you just because you... you became friends with me, especially when I can't be there to help you," she added quietly.

For a split second, Lucia thought that Astoria was going to remain stubborn, however she was wrong as the latter merely let out a huff.


"Thank you —"

Astoria held her hand up to her, "Stop right there," she said, causing Lucia to quirk a brow.


"I'm simply going to say that I'm not doing this for you, but for my dignity," she said, turning her heel. But before she went, Astoria added quietly, "A-And because I know that some of the people from my House constantly makes fun of you whenever they could, so I don't want to burden you..."

Before anything was said, Astoria rushed into the Great Hall without further notice, leaving Lucia surprised. Needless to say, she also couldn't help but muster up a smile at the smaller girl.

"You'll never be a burden to me..."

After a minute or two later, Lucia skipped down the Great Hall right before a sea students could trample on her to get in, anticipated for the long-awaited event. When she stepped foot within the Hall, the sight of the magnificent and intimidating Goblet of Fire filled her gaze. It was moved and was standing tall in front of Dumbledore's empty chair at the teachers' table.

Fred and George — clean-shaven again — seemed to have taken their disappointment fairly well. She soon saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She quickly joined them.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now