012. "someday, you too will understand these words"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Fear and dread

Will I be able to overcome them?


          NEVER IN LUCIA'S LIFE DID she thought that sitting down for breakfast would be a challenging task — well, unless she was at home of course. At home, she usually skips it to avoid any confrontations with her family. However, as she sat in the Great Hall while ladling porridge into her bowl, her opinion changed drastically.

She knew that the aftermath of Harry's placement in the tournament would be something that would cause a buzz throughout the school, but who knew it would be this bad?


She didn't think it would be this bad and thought that people would eventually get over it. That was her mistake.

Even while walking down from Gryffindor Tower, she could hear the gossips that were starting to spread around the school regarding Harry and how he had 'put' his name in that bloody goblet for attention since he supposedly didn't get it enough already. She'd never been so tempted to cause a scene...

She intake a sharp breath, trying to calm down the urge to kick something as she ate her porridge in loneliness — not that she mind being alone, for all she could thought of then was the fantasy of revenge that she had in mind; she saw heads being beheaded within her mind and it was about to take a more violent turn if it weren't for Ron, who came out of nowhere and taking his place across from her.

Lucia arched a brow at him, but it didn't seem like he noticed it. Actually, she didn't even think he noticed her presence or where he was currently as he aimlessly played around with his bacons and scrambled eggs, not even eating them. It was weirding her out.

She threw a strip of bacon at him.

That woke him up.

"Earth to, Ginger-Ale," Lucia snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh?" Ron looked around the Great Hall, alarmed. He noticed Lucia in front of him and slumped his shoulders. "Oh, it's just you."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah," Lucia said dryly, "It's just me. Whatever. What's going on with you today, Ron? You look like you want to jump off the Astronomy Tower. But here you are,"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now