📖 Boxley x Male Reader: At Your Service

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(A/N: This little story is for some of the Boxley fans out there. I've never had so much love for an OC before, so this is my little gift to you! Also, the cover art is by CicadaMesh over on Twitter.)

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"Sir? Sir, are you alright?" An unfamiliar voice called out to you, gently trying to shake you awake. You groaned tiredly as your eyes fluttered open. Your vision was blurry, you could faintly make out the figure looking down at you.

"Wh-What...happened?" you asked, trying to sit up.

"Easy now, don't try to push yourself." the man said, wiping the sweat from your face with a towel "You took quite the fall when you backed into the portal. I've told that imp time and time again to make sure the portal closes before he just leaves. If I had a bloody soul for each time he didn't listen to me..." As he continued his rant, you rubbed your eyes to clear your vision. Once you could actually see, you gasped as you looked at the creature before you. You sat up with a panicked shout, startling the anthropomorphic bird before you.

"Wh-Wh-What the hell are you?! What's going on, where am I?!" you whimpered as you scooted away from him, pressing your back to the wall.

"P-Please calm down sir, and keep your voice down. Not many humans fall down here like this. Just take a deep breath--"

"Not until you tell me what's happening! Th-The last thing I remember was seeing a room covered in blood! My neighbor was just...just laying on the floor, dead! I tried to leave, but all of a sudden I feel myself falling!"

"And you landed right in my master's garden. You should be quite fortunate that I found you before the plants saw you as a snack. Bringing you inside without raising any suspicion was a challenge, but somehow I was able to pull it off."

"Inside where exactly?! Y-You still didn't answer me birdbrain!" you yelled, the bird rolling his eyes at your comment.

"If we're going to be technical here, you should know that I'm an owl. Also, my name is Boxley, Boxley Clawford. I am the head butler to the Goetia family. And since you're going to be rude, I shall be blunt about your situation. You sir, with your bad luck, have accidentally landed in Hell." he replied. You looked at him for a moment, trying to process his words as you looked around the well furnished bedroom.

"Uh, could you repeat that, Boxley you said? I'm where now?"

"Still trying to absorb the situation I see. You're literally in Hell my good man, and I am an owl demon. Also, I must say that this is a new record on its own. In the time that we have been talking, this is the longest that a live human has been down here without being killed."

"Heh, y-you don't say...You're uh...not gonna feed me to your boss, are you?" you asked nervously. The butler sighed as he rose from his seat to open the drapes.

"Goodness no, where did that idea come from? Yes, the population down here is quite demonic, but I will have you know that not all of us are barbarians. It's such an annoying and grotesque stereotype you humans have. Here I am getting ahead of myself, I've neglected to ask for your name. Who might you be?"

"Oh, I'm (F/N), (F/N) (L/N). And you said you work for who?"

"Prince Stolas, I've been a part of this staff since the master was an owlet. He was such a shy boy when we first met." he chuckled to himself.

"Wait, Stolas?! As in the owl demon Stolas, of the Ars Goetia?! We're in his cas--Mmph!" Boxley was quick to place his hand over your mouth, halting your question.

"Shh, please! Will you cease with your shouting?" he quietly scolded "As of right now, I'm the only one that knows you're here. Your very presence here is a heavy violation of the sacred rules of Heaven and Hell. I'm only going to tell you this once, so please listen. While you're here, you cannot, and I repeat, you cannot leave this room." Your eyes widened at his words, quickly moving his hand aside.

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