Bully! Russia x Bullied! Reader My first kiss

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You sit in the class room constantly glancing at the clock shaking a bit. Your (S/T) hands playing and twisting together. You thought about what the BTT and Ivan would do today.

Millions of scary anxiety ridden thoughts bombard your brain when the bell goes off. You slide your feet down the hall way thinking to yourself 'I can't wait...there is no point in running...'

Sighing you walk down the hall running into the exact person you expected to see. Your long time crush and one of your worst bullies, Ivan. You lose your balance and nearly fall to the ground but before you hit the ground a arm, or two, reaches out and picks you up stopping you from falling. Your eyes snap open and slowly travel from the tan jacket to the white scarf, to the beautiful purple eyes of Ivan.

Blushing profusely and squirming scared as to what may happen to you. "Stop moving or I may drop you da?" He looks down at you with a child like smile.

"W-What are you going to do to me!?" You squeak your eyes widening.

"It's about time I told you this." He states as he sets you down in an abandon hall way. "I bully you Sunflower because I have always been scared to tell you this but," Suddenly a pair of soft sweet lips smashes into yours and your eyes snap open.

After the shock you wrap your arms around his neck and struggle to get closer to him. When your legs scream for air you pull away and pant, your foreheads pressed together. You blush softly and covers your lips casting your eyes down. 'That was my first kiss...' You think to yourself.

~10 years later~

You sit in a chair at home waiting for your husband, Ivan, to come home from the UN. You wrap a blanket around your shivering form. You're five year old, (name), runs up and claims into your lap. "Mommy! Can I ask something?" She tilts her head looking up at you curious. "Yes dear, what is it?" You say brushing the (h/c) streads from your face. "What was it like when you had your first kiss?" She asks brightly.

"Well my first kiss went alittle like this...."?

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