Italy x Squirrel!Reader Can I tug your ears?

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(AN: Don't judge the chapter by its name. I picked squirrel reader because Italy may love cats but you don't see him with very many cats. You see him with squirrels. Anyway on with the one shot)

Feli (I don't feel like spelling his name) and me were walking down the hall my (H/L), (H/C) hair bouncing slightly under my beanie. Today was the day I was going to reveal my secret round brown ears and a brown bushy tail, plus I am going to confess my love to my best friend of 5 years. I readjust the the (F/C)/Black beanie. I turn to Feli.

"Listen Feli, I think it's time you know something I have been hiding..." I say a bit unsure and nervous.

"Ve~ are-a you-a pregnant-a, bella?" He smiles and I laugh a bit.

"No idiota. I want you to see something." I gently slide my beanie off and throw it aside. My ears revealed for only him to see.

His eyes open (oh god the end of the world) to get a better look and he reached up. "(Y/N)...can I-a tug your ears...." He tilts his head curiously.
I nod and he grasps my ears and tugs. I squeak and wince. But then, still grasping my ears he leans forward and whispers. "Io li amo, come ti amo. {1}" He smiles and pulls me into a bone shattering hug.


{1}"I love them like I love you."

Hetalia X Reader-chanWhere stories live. Discover now