That's Fiddleford?!

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A/N I was struck by a bit of inspiration, and also inspired by the comic above, witch was made by Hellman Draws on tumblr. So here you go.

Stan walked through the hall past the living room, where the kids were spread out in the living room; Mabel was sitting in the yellow armchair that sat adjacent to the T.V., and Dipper sat in between the two, jotting down stuff in his notebook. "..So if that's true, then how did Mcgucket know the author? I mean we know they worked together-" Dipper was saying, before his sister cut him off. "Fiddleford. His name is Fiddleford Dipper, it's more polite to call him that, instead of just Mcgucket." Stan stopped in his tracks at the old, yet familiar name. Wait... "Fiddleford?! He's Fiddleford?!" He exclaimed. "Stan?" Dipper turned to look at his Grunkle. "I can't believe it! Last time I saw that nerd he was packing up and heading back south." Stan was bewildered. He couldn't even begin imagine what happened to him over the years, but if that was him, then whatever it had been was bad.
"Wait, you knew Mcgucket?" Dipper asked. (Stan swore he heard Mabel correct him, but he wasn't really paying attention.)
"Uh, yea I guess. Why?"
"Oh my god! How is this possible?! How do you know eachother? Why? Do you know what happened to him?" Dipper bombarded him with questions.
"Woah, so down kid. I don't know happened here. I didn't even know who that was until just a minute ago."
"But grunkle Staannn, how do you guys know each other?" It was Mabel's turn to question him. "Was he your ex boyfriend? Is that why you don't wanna talk about him?" His niece's eyes sparkled with hope (and glitter). "What, no! No, sorry Pumpkin, I'm not into guys that way anyways." Mabel pouted.
"We knew each other when I should've been in college, that's all." Stan said. 
"You didn't go to college?" Dipper asked. Stan pointed at his face. "Does this look like someone who went to college?" The kid shrugged. "Eh." "So what happened?!" Mabel asked, bouncing up and down a little. "Oh, not much. Like I said, I knew him when I should've been in college." But Mabel didn't seem satisfied with that answer. "Tell us! Tell us!" She chanted. "Okay! Okay kid, sheesh. Give me a break." He sat down on the arm on the chair. "It was 1970 something, probably the late or mid 70s. God, those were dark times... Anyway," He said, brightening up, "I had just left home, seeking adventure, and fortune." Dipper laughed a little, but Stan gave him a look that quickly silenced him. "Now, as I was saying, I had just left home, looking for fame and fortune. Unfortunately, gold is some sort of rare metal. Hu. But, I did end up landing a job at a little hole-in-the-wall cafe. That's where I learned to make my famous Stancakes." Both kids made sounds of disgust. "Fidds walked in one day with.. a friend of his. Turns out they were both going to the local college. Actually became regular customers after a while." 
"Ooh cool! So were you besties? What happened?" Mabel asked, her face, he just now realized, covered in glitter. "Uh, yea, sortta. Not much really happened after that." At least nothing they need to know. "When he finally finished college and went back home, I ended up getting fired, and left as well. Then I came to Gravity Falls, and well the rest is history." He waved his hands for dramatic effect. "Why'd you get fired?" Dipper asked. Stan shrugged. "I set the kitchen on fire." 
"What?!" The twins both exclaimed. "Well in my defence, it was one time, and anyway, they shouldn't have hired a high school dropout!" Stan said, holding up his hands. He stood up. "Alright, well I got stuff to do. Have fun with your nerd stuff."
"Hey! I'm not a nerd, that's just Dipper! I'm a crafter." Said Mabel, crossing her arms. "Alright, alright. Your nerd stuff and craft stuff. Sheesh." Stan sighed and left before anymore questions could be asked. Eventually he was going to have to tell them the whole story, but hopefully that was good enough for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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