Electro Hero Inazuma!

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Hero outfit design:

Her hero outfit consists of a sleeveless and strapless tube top kind of design with gold ends, a long silk scarf that can withstand electricity and not get burnt from her quirk, wears a headband thing that's mostly for show, a skirt that's short at the front but longer at the back, the belt is made of copper and copper conducts electricity so it helps with her quirk and when she uses it. 

Gloves, long and serves as a way of helping her control her quirk better and not harm her friends when she's in combat, for her legs, she wears long stockings with frills at the end and long heeled boots. She carries daggers and swords but she mainly uses one sword that she keeps in her breasts and when pulled out, can deliver a huge shockwave from one swing. The sword is affected by her quirk, not only conducting electricity but is able to give out quite a shock.

Eyepatch? She actually has it because she lost her right eye due to fighting a strong villain one day about two years after graduating from UA, rendering her blind in one eye. She also has a scar on the same eye from before she lost that eye. 

A lot of children think she's a pirate because of it and she often jokes about it to them and even agrees to play pirates with them.

When it comes to populatrity, she is actually in the top 3 pro heroes. She achieved it in under three months of doing hero work and helping citizens. What boosted it though was her compassion and for looking after the homeless, even offering them food, water and a place to stay, usually being her own home until they can pull themselves back on their feet. She is loved by everyone but is often perved on by men and some women at times. It bugs her but otherwise, her fans are respectable and also respect any boundaries she may have.

She mostly fights villains with Aizawa and Hizashi as a group, often bringing up their plan to make a hero agency. She doesn't feel confident starting it on her own and tries to get the two to do it with her. Her dream is to work alongside All Might. 

When it comes to what All Might thinks of her, he acknowledges her potential and how strong and smart she is. He even makes it known that she is smarter than she gives credit for, always knowing what to do in any situation and how to treat injuries. He sometimes watches her fight and other times, he'll casually talk to her and mention her to other people when asked about her by her fans.

(Fun Fact: She used to call him dad on accident and because a few fans heard, it spawned theories about All Might being her dad on Twitter. It lasted for a whole month!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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