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"You're Technoblade?" Kaminari's and Mineta's eyes sparkled in awe.

Kaminari's phone was airing Techno's face reveal as the fear-imposing pink-haired teen won bedwars game after bedwars game.

In the video, Techno had just been saying, "You see, chat, the genius behind my face reveal being a video and not a livestream is that there'll be no stream snipers. And I can pretend to be really good at bedwars and not make a fool of myself during my face reveal."

The Techno in real life gave a slight nod to the delighted squeals of the two, and Jiro who had overheard came over to gawk.

Shyly, she asked, "Can I have your autograph?" She held out a piece of paper and a pen.

Technoblade was slightly embarrassed. "Yeah sure." He signed "Technoblade" on the paper, capping the pen. "But if you sell it one day, sell it after I reach 10 mil, okay? Actually...". He uncapped the pen and added, "Subscribe to Technoblade" in thick font. "Now wave that around on the street, got it?"

Jiro nodded, slightly dazed.

Technoblade was just in awe that three people in Class 1A knew him when he was just at 1 mill - 2 million now, since he had set that as a bar line to reach or the face reveal, and he did NOT expect that sub goal to be smashed in just a week. But it was still just 2 million. I mean, sure, it was a lot compared to a couple thousand subscribers, but still, he hadn't expected to be THIS well known.


Aizawa watched Takeshi handing out signatures to the drooling crowd. Ayumu, Joji, and Makoto had an even bigger crowd of admirers. Blasted pretty boys. Good lord, just by staring at Ayumu, Aizawa felt triggered, instantly recalling all those "little hints" that Ayumu had given him about their "seed". Apparently, one of its effects is that they all got permanent six packs. Aizawa had prominent muscles as well but all of it had been attained through days and days of fighting criminals. They hadn't suddenly appeared out of nowhere and they were far from permanent.

Aizawa sighed heavily, wrapping his sleeping bag tighter around himself while looking at the "CLASS 1A" sign outside of the classroom. Behind him above the chalkboard, the clock ticked.


The day before...

Aizawa was about to leave the arena when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He attempted to bat the hand away but the grip tightened. He winced at the pain and huffed in frustration.

"Arai Umiko", he acknowledged. Aizawa hated how they were all so unbelievably strong. Where did these monsters even come from? The explanation from Ayumu - withers, Nether, L'manburg - had made no sense at all, and Aizawa suspected that that was the entire point.

Umiko - no, his name was Wilbur - gave him a cheerful smile. "How about we strike a little deal?"

Aizawa frowned. "Your friend already asked for three requests and we answered them."

Wilbur shook his head slowly. "Now, that's where you're wrong, Aizawa. You see, Dream and I are rather...different. Dream, you see, is a dictator. He likes offering things out of so said generosity, giving close to none of them, and then expecting much greater gains in return. I, on the other hand, am but a humble fresh new politician. I understand the common folk, and so I strive to strike fair deals with everyone. As such, I ask for a deal. A good 'ol handshake, if you will."

There was a small silence. Wilbur didn't even flinch. Aizawa sighed. "I'm listening."

"It's simple, really." Wilbur coughed, presumably for the hero's fullest attention, then clasped his hands together. "Would you like to become a father?"


And now, Aizawa was officially a father to nine 16-year-olds. He hated it.

What had Umiko been offering in return, you may ask? Aizawa had a recollection of Umiko's proposal, word for word, exactly as it was recited that day.

Arai Umiko and the rest of his family will pledge to be on the side of the heroes, Wilbur had said. Then he had conjured a funny look on his face. One that dared him to refuse. That is, if you heroes are willing to take us absolutely horrid scoundrels in.

Speaking of Umiko, the kids of Class 1A were now pestering the Arais with all sorts of questions.

"Mr. Aizawa adopted you all?", Midoriya was filled with joy and excitement, as was expected.

The object of his interest, Hachi was looking at his bees shyly. "Yeah."

Bakugou was strangely silent.

"Hah! Dadza! You're getting replaced! It's DadZAWA now", Tomi laughed at Kisuke, who chuckled along, seemingly without a care in the world.

Tomi pouted when Kisuke replied, "You're a bad son, Tomi", but he pronounced it like "Tommy", the foreigner way, and with no malice.

The kids liked the Arais, and more importantly, they adored them. At that point, Aizawa was SURE that Umiko had hypnotized them somehow. At the very least, they held no wariness towards them, and from what he had heard, some of the kids even viewed them as idols.

The Arais had refused being students.

"You technically don't need education to become a hero, right?", Hachi had asked.

"The journey of wisdom is endless, and need not include school if the traveller has already learned to learn", Umiko had recited.

"The f*ck?". Kaji had frowned at Umiko whose eyes were closed, humming a quiet tune.

They had all groaned before Ayumu coughed. "We're not being students. That...uh...would be too revealing-".

Joji snorted. He said in a seductive voice. "Oh~that would be too revealing for little Yumi~".

Ayumu rolled his eyes, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "I meant that people might get hurt. Some of us-." Aizawa had noticed Ayumu glancing at Kaji and Joji especially. "Some of us are a bit ...uh... hot-headed."

They had ended it there. Although the Arais had refused to become students, they had consented to becoming teaching assistants. No. Aizawa shook his head. They had FORCED him to let them become his teaching assistants.

Wilbur had said, "There's a field trip coming up, right?"

At that point, Aizawa didn't even begin to wonder where they had gotten the information. Retuning back to the present, Aizawa groaned before announcing the start of the lesson. Iida called for order and the class stood up uniformly and bowed.

Aizawa shut his eyes, snuggling deeper within his sleeping bag. He opened them and told them, "There'll be a field trip next week-".

There were cheers and excited squeals.

He sighed before continuing, "-to Canada -"

The cheers became less excited.

"I can't wait to taste the maple syrup", Sato said quickly, licking his lips.

"What is there in Canada? Beavers?"

Aizawa waited for everyone to calm down before finally finishing, "-Nunavut."

There was silence before he noticed Yaoyorozu pale. It seemed that only SHE knew where Nunavut was.

Sighing, Aizawa grumbled at them, "You problem children can figure it out." He went to sleep.

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