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Sorry for not updating!! Enjoy!!

Percy's POV

Great! Another day of school but thank the gods that Annabeth and I can go to the same school this time. But sadly the school we are going was the sane school I was in grade six. Yancy Academy.

And that annoying Nancy Bobofit keep asking me out like everyday. I always tell her that I have a wif...girlfriend (Yes they are married and Percy was now the new king). But she doesn't get it through her tiny brain.

So as Annabeth and I held hands and walked to our locker, Nancy walked (cough cough *strut* cough cough). "Hi Perceeeeeee!" She purred but she gave a growl at Annabeth who just gave her a death glare.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued opening my locker. "Baby! Don't ignore me." I now growled at her and pushed her, took Annabeth's hand, which calm me down a bit and walked to class.

Soon class was dismissed. I had a great tine just looking at Annabeth. Suddenly an announcement rang out saying "Attention all students, you are to gather at the hall now!"

Sensing something wrong, Annabeth and I tried to sneak away but caught by some random teacher from the school and was drag to the hall.

In the hall, there was twenty six thrones and all was occupied except for two. One sea green and one grey. The Olympians and our other friends were here. I groan inwardly and I half drag half walked myself to the darkest corner of the hall with Annabeth following behind me while cursing.

As soon as everyonr was seated all stood up and bowed before every one on the stage except me and Annabeth. Soon all sat down and the principal starts to introduce the Olympians while stammering but was cut off by Apollo.

"Yada Yada Yada. Before we introduce the new gods we are to invite my awesome cuz and his wife." He shouted. Everyone started talking. A god and a goddess and married in the school? That is nothing you see everyday.

Soon the so called cutest couple came out but was shot off by an evil eye of Zeus and Aphrodite. Apollo cleared his throat. "If he doesn't come out, I am going to recite my newest haiku!"

I shot up and shouted "If you dare, I make sure you fade no matter what Will or Daphne says!" Annabeth groaned and mumbled "Seaweed brain. You just blown our cover."

I scrathched by head and mumbled a sorry while we made our way up stage. Then some random guy shouted "How can that loser be a god and hey chick. MY house tonight?"

Annabeth growled and flicked her hand and the random guy became an owl which cauz all of us on stage to howl in laughter. Then we started to introduce ourselves. It took time soon it came to Annabeth.

"My name is Annabeth Chase-Jackson. Wife of Perceus Archilles Jackson. MY titles are long but you all should know by the books. Oh and I am also the mother of Genieve Juniver Jackson."

"WISE GIRL PREGNANT!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" I screamed and was slapped across the face by her. But before I could introduce myself we were flashed away.

Apparently Athena want Annabeth to have a health checks. So yeah

Crappy ending..

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