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PERSIST AND RESIST, chapter five

PERSIST AND RESIST, chapter five

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cause i knew you

   MEG WAS SPENDING MORE time inside, practicing, growing in housewifely arts

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   MEG WAS SPENDING MORE time inside, practicing, growing in housewifely arts. This saddened Scarlett, that her friend was growing out of the girlish traits that had made them friends in the first place. News of disappointment grew, when Jo devoted herself to literature and Beth, making her a very rare sight. Laurie had gone off to college to please his grandfather. This left only Amy to spend time with Scarlett. The pair got on very well, sharing similar opinions and tastes.

Amy was thrilled to be able to draw Scarlett, saying that she was a regular "jolie fleur".

"If you could travel anywhere you pleased, where would you go?" asked Scarlett, on no particular occasion.

"France, of course!" sighed Amy, casting a dreamily look down at her pencils. "It's a regular Paradise, isn't it?"

Scarlett smiled thoughtfully. "I've passed through Paris before. The gardens are a sight to behold."

"I could only imagine! Have you ever been courted?"

"Only a dozen times!"

"A dozen!" exclaimed Amy. "Is it great fun, as they all say?"

Scarlett laughed. "Well, I suppose so, if you are amused by rich and boring men."

"I could tolerate a boring man if he were rich. Aunt March did."

"Do you like your aunt any much?"

"I feel as though I must," pondered Amy. "She is blood after all. And she gives me pretty things."

Many new changes had sprouted by the time Meg's wedding rolled around. June roses over the March porch were awake bright and early on that morning, rejoicing with all their hearts in the cloudless sunshine.

Meg looked very like a rose herself; for all that was best and sweetest in heart and soul, seemed to bloom into her face that day; making it fair and tender, with a charm more beautiful than beauty. She did not accept silk, lace, or orange flowers. "I don't want to look strange or fixed up, today," she said. "I don't want a fashionable wedding, but only those about me whom I love, and to wish to look and be my familiar self."

She made her own wedding gown all by herself, sewing each thread with a warm and tender heart. Her sisters braided up her pretty hair, and the only ornaments she wore were the lilies of the valley that Scarlett had picked fresh for her that same morning.

"Teddy should be here soon," remarked Jo, adjusting her crown of flowers.

In truth, Scarlett always felt uncomfortable with Jo's nickname for Laurie. It gave the impression that they had some sort of romantic relationship. But.. she shouldn't feel that way. Scarlett was very well aware that any past devotion to Laurie meant nothing. She knew. Hopefully.

True to Jo's words, there was a crash downstairs, then a shout and a laugh. Scarlett smiled a little; amused, despite her tension with Laurie. It was amusing, nevertheless.

Jo laughed and bounded out the doom.

Laurie caused much more ruckus further into the reception. After the ceremony, the party gathered round outside, surrounded by heaps of fragrant flowers and food for some fun. 

"Don't let that young giant come near me; he worries me worse than mosquitoes," whispered Beth to Amy. She gazed anxiously into the crowd, where Laurie's head of black hair towered above the rest.

"He promised to be very good today, and he can be perfectly elegant if he likes," returned Amy, slipping away to dance.

Beth remained just as anxious. "Do you think," she asked Scarlett. "that Laurie behaves too immaturely for his age?"

"I suppose so," she answered honestly. "He is in college after all. You'd expect he'd stop pulling pranks by now."

"I'll miss Meg very much," admitted Beth, resting her head on Scarlett's shoulder. "You're as old as her, aren't you? I hope you don't get married anytime soon. I'd hate to see anybody else leave so soon."

"I'll miss Meg too. But it'll be alright as she still lives locally."

"Does that mean you'd move far away? Europe I expect."

"Most likely," agreed Scarlett. Then she smiled. "But not for many years, I hope! Come, Beth, let's go dance with Amy!"

Laughing, the two girls were whisked away into the crowd, twirling round and round, until they eventually joined with the rest of the sisters, and they danced the noon away.

But at last, the good things had to be put to an end. Meg and John left for their new happy home, and the party dispersed.

"That was the prettiest wedding I've ever attended," declared Scarlett. "No noble or posh party shall ever compare."

Amy beamed at the mention of higher society. "Is it really? Do tell me all about it! What kind of shoes do you wear?"

"Oh Amy," she sighed. "If I could take you with me, I wouldn't hesitate."


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hi all! i noticed that i'm probably doing way too many filler chapters, and you're all probably VERY bored with me but please give me a chance (or two 😭).

the drama will come soon and it is going to be chaos. it's just the calm before the storm 😉

also i'm very disappointed in myself with this chapter :( very sorry!!!

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