Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

There was a knot in my stomach. It was really tight, almost painful. Although, maybe the pain was from Violet clinging on to my leg as I tried to walk. Her eyes were tear-stained and her sobs were louder than the rain outside the window now.  Yes, what started out as a great, happy, sunny day, turned into a bad, sad and rainy day. Just my luck.

"Please, Bella! Bella! Please! Don't go!" Violet cried. I felt terrible, did I really need to go this badly that I would hurt Violet? I thought for a moment. I did. I wasn't going to stand here and let my parents deaths and money be wasted. Even though, I wish I could bring Violet but I wouldn't dare ask this man. I learnt his name was Mr Herald and he was a good friend of Mr Blakefield and also was the organiser for this whole raffle.

I bent down to Violet and held her close, we were in my stuffy room as I began to pack some of the stuff I had. I grabbed both her arms and looked into her eyes. "I have to Violet. I love you but I also love my parents. My parents wanted me to do this and as soon as I can, I will adopt you and bring you over to live with me. I piggy promise. I triple pinky promise!" I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I held out my little finger.

She slowly curled hers around mine, "Triple pinky promise. And remember what happens when you break a piggy promise, Bella," Violet whispered softly, "I get to break your pinky!"

I laughed at this, Violet grinned too. "I remember, you better remember to never steal again and to do your homework and call me every time Ms Parks lets you!"

She wrapped her little arms around my waist. "I'm going to miss you, Bella, but you know the way you are getting married?" I nodded, unsurely, "Can I be a flower girl?"

I laughed and nodded, I was definitely going to miss Violet the most, she never failed to bring a smile to my face. "Of course, I'll make sure of it!"

"I'm really going to miss you, Bella. Really, really. More than I love sweets," Violet said seriously. I do know that she loves her sweets!

"I know, Violet, I know," I whispered as I pulled her in for one last hug. I felt a warm, fat tear slide down my cheek. I had to be strong because if Violet seen me cry she would cry too.

Goodbye Violet, I really do hope I'll see you again.


After I said my goodbyes to Violet, everyone was waiting downstairs and I surprisingly got a big send off. There were a few tears from Ms Parks and a few other orphans and staff but for the most part people were happy that I was finally going places, not many people who leave here do. Mr Herald sped things along so I missed the awkward individual goodbyes with everyone but Ms Parks slipped the envelope into my hand and also another small package. She winked at me right before Mr Herald pushed me out of the house. Violet ran up behind us and gave me one last squeeze.

I was in the car before I even realised and I rolled down the window as the engine started, "Remember, you promised!" Was the last thing I heard before I was out of earshot. I sighed in frustration. Why did bad things happen to me, I was a good person. I never lied, cheated or stole.

"Sometimes, things happen for a reason, Miss Greene, an upper force medling with our lives. Don't you fear, Ms Greene, in the end things always work out. If it's not right then it's not the end," Mr Herald said from beside me, I didn't mean to voice my thoughts but I'm glad I did. Mr Herald seemed like a wise man.

"I guess you're right, Mr Herald," I muttered half-heartedly.

"Don't be so down, Miss Greene. I'm sure you'll love New York! And you can call me just Herald if you want, Mr Herald makes me feel old. Even though I am!" He chuckled.

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