chapter 3

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Nialls POV

She fell sleep while we were watching the Notebook. I didn't want to wake her up, she looked like an angel when she slept. I couldn't believe the feelings I've gained for her in just these few hours. Of course I don't love her,yet.. But I really think there is something special about Peyton. She is so outgoing, and sweet and oh my god is she beautiful! And she loves food..That's my kinda girl! I hope she will want to see me again. She probably just thinks of me as some famous asshole. I would never hurt her! That is, if I even got a chance with her.. My thoughts are getting way ahead of me. I just havent felt this way in years. I really like Peyton. "Goodnight, beautiful" I whispered in her ear and gave her a gentle kiss on the forhead.

Harry barged in. "When is Peyton going ho--" "Shhh! She's sleeping! I didn't want to wake her, so I figured she could stay here tonight?" I smiled. "Ohh, I see whats going on here! USE PROTECTION!" Harry yelled as he ran out the door. I hope Peyton didn't hear that. That's not at all what I wanted.. Harry was just joking, but I don't want her to think he's serious.. She seems to be sleeping still..damn this girl could probably sleep through an earthquake!

I felt myself getting tired, I still had my arms around Peyton. I slowly fell in to the darkness of sleep.  She won't think I'm weird for sleeping here with her...right?


Peytons POV

I woke up rather confused.. Where am I? I had the best dream! I came home from the meet and greet with One Direction! We had a food fight and I watched the Notebook with Ni-- Niall? Wait, this really happened? I remember now! I really did fall asleep in Nialls arms. I never know whats going on when I first wake up! He is still sleeping, Nialler is so beautiful when he sleeps! I want to stay here with him forever. I've gained this feeling towards him.. not like a fangirl love-type feeling.. I think I actually like him. Not Niall Horan from One Direction. No.  I like Niall James Horan  from Mullingar, Ireland. The sweet, adorable boy who loves food as much as I do!! But..there's not way he likes there?

"Pey-ton? Are you up?" Nialls sexy sleepy voice whispered "Yes! You could have woken me up, slilly! I didn't mean to take your bed. I would have been okay if you sent me home..or even on the couch! I'm sorry!"  " Don't be sorry, Peyton.. I acctually slept better with you last night then I have in a while." He smiled shyly. I made him sleep better! "Oh..then you're welcome!" I winked then jumped up and walked towards his door. "What's for breakfast,I'M STARVING!" I giggled and he got up and we went to make chocolate chip pancakes!

"How did you two love birds sleep?" Louis said cheekily.. Niall rolled his eyes at him..Slightly embarrassed at what Louis said. "Oh shut up, Lewis!" I purposely pronounced his name wrong, knowing it makes him mad. "Fine,brat!" He spat. "ooo,drama queeeen" I winked.  We we're both joking. I had a strange relationship with all the lads. And quite a friendly relationship with Nialler. It's like I've known them for years. This must be every directioners dream! I know it was mine.. It just happened to come true for me. I felt so lucky.


After breakfast- which was delicious might I add- I went upstairs to Nialls room and grabbed my clothes..I washed them since they were sticky from the food fight. Downstairs the lads were watching the tellly. "Errm.. I'll call a cab to go home. I don't want to over welcome my stay!" I  mummbled, secretly hoping they'd make up some excuse for me to stay. "Oh, don't be silly Peyt! You can go home and shower and get some of your own clothes if you like. Then we could pick you up after the interview! I- I mean we really enjoyed your company!" A studdering Irish accent let out. "Aww, really guys? I would love to come back..It's not like I have a life!" I winked

Niall walked me to the door. "We could have brought you home, you didn't have to call a cab!" " I don't want to drive you too crazy, Ni!" "Oh Peyton, you're so adorable. Don't worry, you aren't driving me crazy." He murmured looking shyly at the floor. I smiled, biting my lip. "I had a great time." "I can't wait to see you later" He blushed. We looked into eachothers eyes intenstly, I caught him looking at my lips. Did he want to kiss me? We leaned in towards eachother, our forheads slightly touching. Just as we were about to kiss, the cab pulled up and honked the horn. We both jumped and Niall quickly said "See you later,Peyton!" Before shutting the door.


Chapter threee :) Any thoughts to make this better? I'd love your input :)


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