Chapter 28

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"Where are.. where is Wendy and Yuna..?" I can barely ask Mina. I don't know what exactly to do. How do I react? What do I say? What do I do?

I can't. I can't tell her. I can't tell them.

I can't them that Jae committed suicide.

No, I can't.

They'll hate him.

Their idea of him will break entirely.

Mina was obviously confused with the way her brows fumbled, "They're near the stop sign across the street. I told them to stay there in case the police come." And she stayed behind—Mina stayed behind to make sure at least one of us came out alive.

It all..

It all hurt so much.

Something was clenching my chest and it stung like hell.

But I can't show her.

They shouldn't know the truth for their own good.

"Let's go, Mina," I swung the guitar to my back and made haste to grab her hand, making sure she followed. Though, a small glance at her made it feel like I was looking in a mirror for just a quick second. And for that small second, I was terrified. "Why do you have that..?"

"Hm? Oh, I found it on the way out with Yuna. You said it was important to you so.. I took it with me," Mina explained and took off my cap. She was about to hand it to me, but I quickly shook my head. I stared at it, seeming a bit afraid of the hat itself, "You can keep it for now. I can't..." I can't bear to wear it, "..think right with it on."

It would feel wrong to wear that hat right now.

Completely wrong.

I tried to cared no more for any other emotion than the ones needed to get out of here. We have to go before the police arrive. If they catch us, it'll be the end. "Do you know a place where we can go? Any safe spot near?" I ask Mina, continuing to make way to the rest.

Mina keeps at my pace that didn't think of her own and answers, "Jin's place. He's Namjoon's friend and his place is the only safe spot that I know of. He doesn't live too far from here, but it's still a long walk. Wendy and I know the way there."

"Okay, then let's go," There's no time to waste.

Yuna lit up when she saw the two of us, "Y/N! Mina!" She grapples us to a hug and Wendy follows after. Both had been crying by the looks of the natural red eyeshadow that rounded the outer corners. "Where's Jae?"

The question Mina didn't ask me.

No matter how much I wanted to collapse and cry into someone's arms, I couldn't. How do I say it to them? They sounded so hopeful to hear my answer. But the answer I'm about to give isn't the one they wanted to hear.

Maybe, just maybe, it could be.

Just this once, I'll give them false hope for their own sake. Never again will I do this, but for this moment I will. It has to be done in order to get them out of here without resistance.

I breathed in and out before curving my pursed lips to a smile that forced its way to my eyes,

"He's fine. We just got separated, but he went out the other way. We'll meet up eventually at Jin's."

I tried my best to make it believable. Guessing by how the two sighed in relief, it worked. In the corner of my eye, I see how Mina was skeptical. I hung my head down and tensed my eyes closed, don't look at me that way, Mina.

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