Chapter 15

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"Ohhh, that's how it is," Jamie understands our situation. I nudge Jae, "She knows about us?" Us, meaning the whole runaway thing. "It's fine, dude," He assures me.

"So, what are you guys doing here..?" She glances between the two of us. I look at Jae, expecting him to answer. "Well.. I need help..." He scratches his head. Help? "I thought we were here to buy things?" I question him. Jae nods, "We are here to buy things.. but I need help finding a present for Yuna."

Jamie gasps, "YOU STILL HAVEN'T FOUND A PRESENT FOR HER?! IT'S NEXT WEEK!-" "I KNOW GODDAMNIT!" He yells out of stress and pressure. He was really in a slump, "Jeez, I came here for help, not arguments.."

I already bought my present for Yuna, surprisingly.

"I don't know what to get her. I've already thought of everything possible, but I don't think she'll like em.." Jae sighs his chest out. I empathized with him. While I was picking my present for Yuna, I was thinking what would she be happiest with. But after all the struggle, I came to a conclusion. "What were you thinking of getting her?"

He gets out his fingers and puts one of them down each time he names an item, "Well at first I was thinking a toy, something like Ariel, then I realized someone probably already bought it for her so I dropped that idea. Next was a giant bear but that's too basic." Jamie and I nod along as he sorts his thoughts.

"Oh, then I thought of buying a bunch of snacks..—"

What felt like an hour passed.

"..But then she'd think I care a lot for her, which is.. embarrassing- wait, ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING?!" Jamie and I, who were leaning on each other, jump awake at his voice. "Huh? Y-yeah! Keep going.." I yawn. He eyes us two, "Yeah right... anyways..-"

"Park Jaehyung, stop overthinking everything. Yuna is gonna be happy with whatever you give, you know that. So for the sake of me and Y/N's sanity, shut up and just pick something," Jamie deadpans. Park Jaehyung? Come to think of it, he's never told me his full name before. Jae's eyes widen, "JAMIE." He seemed oddly triggered by it. She only smirks and leaves. "I gotta fill in for someone's shift now. Go away now, PARK. JAE. HYUNG." Jamie ends in teasing laugh as Jae fumes.

"That little witch... I swear I'll curse her one day..-" "You okay? Bro, calm down," I pat his shoulder. He rolls his head around, still with a bad attitude, and grumbles, "You don't understand, Y/N..." Then make me understand, is what I wanted to say. But I couldn't—I'm in no place to say that.

I chuckle, "You'll be losing to Jamie if you blow your head over. Hurry, let's go find something before our times up!" I exit the store to give him no other answer than agreeing with me, also to get away from the negative energy dissipated there. The colder than before wind fills my lungs.

Jae comes out following me. "You got any idea where to start?" I ask him. He sighs while he thinks of a location, "Well, I guess we could start at the toy shop. I have no better place in mind." I nod, agreeing with him. "Lead the way then," I give him space to lead forward. I see how he subtly glances at me right before advancing. I faintly smile.

The store was a few minutes away from Jamie's workplace. "Welcome!" The workers upfront greet us. We bow slightly out of respect. "Okay so where now?" I follow him to a section of the store. He reads the signs hanging from the ceiling to find the right aisle, "Don't know exactly.. Here!" We arrive at the kid's toy section.

There were a couple of people who seemed to be parents picking things out from there. Early Christmas shopping perhaps? We both avoid eye contact with all of them, it's too embarrassing.

I stuck close to Jae, "Um, let's try and find something quick." He whispers back to me, "That's what I've been trying to do this whole time, Y/N." We scanned the shelves for anything good, but nothing stood out. Being honest, I wasn't really looking—because something.. someone, caught my attention.

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