Chapter 5

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"Y/N/N!" A little girl yells from the other side of the fence. You put a finger to your lips, telling her to be quiet. She tilts her head in confusion. Her eyes find new attention and starts waving in another direction.

You smirk, taking light steps as you go behind. You creep behind the nervous train, "Found you, Jisoo!" She jumps for her dear life and turns around with tears in her eyes, "This is the sixth time that you've found me, Y/N/N!" She whines as you laugh.

"This is your fault, Sana!" Jisoo points at Sana who was just coming over. She tilts her head again, "Hm? What did I do?" Jisoo puffs her cheeks at how clueless Sana was and starts stomping her feet.

You hug her from behind, "It's okay, Jisoo.." She got calmer until you continued your words, "..Even without Sana, I would've found you anyways." You twirl around with her in your arms as you laugh, teasing her.

She shakes her head, trying to get out of your grasp, "I hate you, Y/N/N!" "I love you too," You decide to tease her more. Sana gasps, "You guys are married? Oh my god!" She covers her mouth with both hands and has wide eyes. "NO, WE'RE NOT! Y/N/N'S LYING!" Jisoo struggles.

"Hey, hey. I never said we were married. Just because I said I love you doesn't mean I we're married. Saying, 'I love you,' can also mean that you're important to me!" You put your hands up, trying to say you're innocent.

"Really?" They both ask at the same time. "Mhm!" You nod. "Who told you that?" Jisoo's eyes glimmer at the new info she found. "Daddy did!" You say proudly. "Uncle did?" Sana asks. Your dad wasn't actually their uncle, they just called him that because.. why not. You nod again. "Since uncle said it, it must be true," She faces Jisoo. Jisoo thinks for a moment, "Fine, I guess... But only because uncle said so!"

You and Sana giggle at Jisoo.

"Wait, so.." Sana thought. "Hm?" You get closer to her. Her eyes quickly get watery, "So only Jisoo is important?" "What?!" You panic. "I love you too, Sana! I love both of you. Both of you guys are REALLYYYY important to me!" You emphasize the really. "How much is REALLYYY important?" Sana wipes her eyes with the back of her hands and sniffs.

"Uhhh.." You think for a quick second. You spread your arms as wide as you can and stand on your tippy toes, "Thissss much." You almost lose your balance from tip toeing but you caught yourself. Sana and Jisoo try and replicate you, "This much?" "No, thissss much," You fix their arms to be even bigger. "Ohhh," They both begin to understand.

"That's a lot," Sana's arms get tired and drops. So does Jisoo's, "Yeah, it is." "I love you then, Y/N/N!" Sana jumps onto you for a hug. "Hey, no fair. I was gonna say that!" Jisoo tries prying Sana off you but she remains. "You already got to hug Y/N/N earlier," Sana stuck her tongue out towards Jisoo.

"Y/N/N, Y/N/N! Spin around like you did with Jisoo!" Sana said while jumping. "Okay, hold on tight," You began to spin around as Sana held your neck and you held her waist. "No fair," Jisoo sits on the ground and points at you guys as if it will do something. "You interrupted me and Y/N/N's hide and seek!" She complains, but you and Sana are in your own twirling world.

Sana began giggling from getting dizzy. It was contagious and got to you. After a while, you finally slow down and carefully let her down. You hold your head from the spinning world and almost fall but Jisoo catches you.

"You okay, Y/N/N?" Jisoo asks and Sana comes over to check too. "Mhm, I'm just dizzy from all the dancing," You lean on them. "Oh... we were dancing?" Sana helps stabilize you. Jisoo makes a smug snicker, "You didn't know you were dancing?"

"What?! No! Of course I knew we were dancing. I was.. I was just checking if you knew, Jisoo," Sana got red from embarrassment. "Of course I knew," Jisoo puffs her chest proudly. You laugh at their pointless bickering. You watch as Jisoo and Sana argue.

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