Chapter 7

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Magic Bullet

After homework was done Stiles left leaving Scott and Derek alone in the house for the evening.
Derek lead Scott outside to start their training as a mated werewolf couple to be prepared.
Once they changed into their werewolf forms, Derek and Scott ran along side each other deep into the woods.
That is until they came upon some deer and one big one with a broken antler split right down the middle.

" Alright first thing in order to work as a pair we hunt as a pair so our first hunt is that big buck."

Derek said pointing to the big deer as he noticed the other deer were busy eating the grass.

" Really? I'm not sure if we can take it doesn't I mean it looks powerful."

Scott answered nervous he would mess up and getting injured from the big deer.

" It'll be easy I'll distract him while you just claw and run around him until he's weakened enough for the kill."

Derek said as he got into position showing Scott the signal of when to strike and weaken the deer.
Soon the deer ran as Derek snapped a twig making is separate from the herd like he planned.
The buck ran in another direction as Derek followed it with Scott behind him, aiming for the hind legs.
Soon it was just Derek and the buck as he clawed the ground showing he wasn't backing down.

Scott ran up to it's hind leg and began to claw it and ran around it as it tried to kick him.
Derek clawed the other leg making it slow down while it kept trying to gore him hard.
Soon Scott jumped onto it's back and sank his teeth and claws into it's back easily.
This made the blood gush out rapidly and the deer began to slow down from the blood loss.

The buck tried to toss Scott off, but Derek grabbed it's throat and ripped it out with his claws.
Both wolves backed away as they watched the buck twitch and fall onto the ground as it died.
Scott went up to it and began to tear it open to feast on it's heart and lungs, warm blood spilling out.
As Scott feasted on it's organs, Derek cut the legs off and cut the meat off it's body making piles.

One pile was the skin and fur cut into strips for clothing if they wanted to wear deer skin.
Another pile was the broken bones and hooves that got in the way of their teeth and claws
The final piles was the meat and tendons as the head was placed near a rock as they gorged.
Soon nothing, but the fur, bones, some meat and the head were all that were left of the buck.

Scott and Derek were licking the warm blood off their bodies and claws as they became sleepy.
They slowly made their way home to Scott's house being full of meat and drained from the encounter.
The Alpha came to finish what was left of the buck leaving nothing, but a puddle of blood with some paw prints.
Scott went to work for the day despite being sleepy while Derek went home to sleep off the food

In the late hours of the night a blonde woman in a Honda Element was driving into Beacon Hills with the radio on
Unaware she was being followed as she applied her lipstick in the mirror, the Alpha was running along her car.
She screamed as she almost collided with a truck and the sounds of tires screeching and burnt rubber filled the air.
She pulled over, catching her breathe until the Alpha broke her window and grabbed her shoulder trying to pull her out.

She grabbed her shotgun with her free arm and shot into the roof making it roar in pain as it fled from the car.
She got out firing off more rounds in the air screaming " COME ON!" like an insane person off their medicine.
Scott woke up hearing the shotgun echo and just fell back asleep figuring it was some lunatic going crazy.
A loud howl woke him up and he got dressed making his way outside of his house without making much noise.

Derek found some drops of blood on the ground and looked up to see the Alpha climbing up and roaring as it saw him and left.
Derek followed the Alpha using the blood dripping from it's body as a trail leaping from building to building with ease.
The woman went to her trunk to open it and reveal a huge travel bag full of bullets ready to start a small war easily.
She grabbed a medium sized wooden box with a plant engraved on it full of armor piercing bullets with a silver casing.
She removed the assault rifle and loaded the bullets from the wood box into it before closing up her bag and the trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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