Chapter twenty-one

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Next day she does what she promised. Her brunch/lunch with Kaan turns out to be a great offer.

There's a new hotel in Izmir that wants and can afford their company's payment. A luxurious place with spa, salons and every single thing a rich person would want for their vacations.

"And you thought of me?" Haziran asks almost ironically.

"No, the job was offered to me at first. But you are here, you know the area and the people... It seems fair for us to work together on this." Kaan says.

"I don't know. The job sounds good and all but we were planning on moving by September. For Ada to start school in Istanbul." She says that but halg of her brain screams at her to accept the offer.

"Look what we will do. I'll get you the information that I have. The contract and everything else. You think this through, we discuss it later today again and then you tell me. Huh?" He says and offers his glass full of wine for a toast.  

They are at Melissa's café talking about Kaan's offer. Ada is at the nearest square playing with her friends. Since it was an almost rainy day most of the people who weren't working where there.

"It's a cute deal, I have to admit that." Poyraz says once Haziran has explained him the project at full extend. "But..." He continues and stops.

"But?" she asks chewing her third chocolate cookie.

"But maybe you have to think about it twice? I mean..." He gets closer to her only to whisper "you are pregnant." He says and she chuckles.

"Yes, I am aware of that. But it's a three months project. I'll be done with it before I even hit my third semester." She says after a short calculation. "Plus. We get to stay here till December since the project is in Izmir." She adds.

"Now that it's true. And we will have more time to get organized better and do everything in our own pace before we get to Istanbul. And even if it gets a bit delayed we still have time..." Pouraz says thoughtfully.

"Well as long as my son is not going to get affected by it." He concludes and sits relaxed back in the chair.

"Or daughter..." Haziran says under her breath.

"What?" He asks even though he heard her.

"I said 'your daughter is coming'." And she motions with her head towards a running Ada.

"Hey there princess." He says but the kid ignores him completely. Instead she goes to Haziran and sits on her lap.

"What's wrong little bug?" Haziran asks and runs her fingers to Ada's soft hair.

"You said that we are leaving the island." The kid starts saying and both Haziran and Poyraz freeze.

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