014. "the sound of a heart misunderstanding nobility"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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Miracles are not by chance

They're the fruits of our labour


          BOUNCING BY THE BALLS OF her feet, Lucia stared down at the arena with her stomach churning in anxiety while the crowd around her cheered with anticipation.

Compared to when she was taking exams, or even participating in a competition, her stress levels were off the chart as she waited impatiently. Each minute that pass made her heart threatening to explode, and it didn't help that Harry have yet to show himself and fight his dragon to assure her that he'll do fine. The other champions had successfully pass theirs — albeit not unscathed.

From her observation throughout the task, Lucia made a quick conclusion that each champion was to face different dragons according to whatever they pulled. It was like a game of gacha. And following Harry's series of bad luck, she reckoned that Harry may or may not have gotten the worst out of the bunch.

Cedric Diggory got a Sweedish Short-Snout and was able to emerge victorious after he used a Transfiguration spell to transform a rock into a dog to distract the dragon away from the golden egg that they were tasked to retrieve. Then it was Fleur Delacour turn, and she passed her Common Welsh Green by enchanting to sleep to retrieve her egg, though her skirt did get caught on fire in the process. Finally, Viktor Krum successfully passed his Chinese Fireball by using the Conjunctivitis Curse, blinding his dragon, and retrieving his egg.

The lot of them only reminded Lucia just how unfortunate Harry was; he was the least experienced out of the four, and even though he reassured her that he founded a loophole, she was still anxious as to what the outcome would be.

She would much appreciate it if the dragon doesn't make her friend their teatime snack, please.

As she squeezed her eyes shut, Lucia then heard the thunderous sounds of cheers and when she pry her eyes open, she noticed it was mostly coming from the Gryffindors, which meant only one thing: It was Harry's turn.

Lucia felt her heart stop in an instant the second her eyes were on Harry's designated dragon that was being brought into the arena. She felt faint all the sudden, like she was losing blood.

"N-No bloody way..." breathed Ron, leaning forward on the railing, looking as though he was about to jump down if it weren't for Hermione who was holding him back immediately, however her eyes were as wide as saucers, having the same expression as him.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now