Empire Royalty?!

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The next day after, I gathered all of the goblins and wolves. Veldora was nowhere to be seen, but he brought back Rigur and a few other goblins. If you ask me where he is, he told me he was going out for a stroll.

I had my doubts as well, but I let him be since he promised he wouldn't cause a ruckus. I wonder if he's recreating that camping life in the manga I lent him a few hours ago.

"Alright, everyone! I've gathered you all here today to discuss important things. First off, I will give every one of you names!" (Rimuru)

As I expected, they all had wide-open mouths. 

"B-but my lord, what will happen to you if you name us all?" (Elder Goblin)

"That's right, naming all of us is just plain reckless." (Goblin 2)

Almost all of them held that opinion, how cute. If I were before I devoured Charybdis right now, sure, I wouldn't name all of them at the same time. 

But I'm not! With how I am right now, I can name all of them and have tons of magicules to spare!

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. And I've got plenty to spare." (Rimuru)

Although reluctant, they were also happy to receive names. Some more than others. I managed to save more Goblins this time, so I had to give out more names than before. Rigurd, Rigur, Gobta, Haruna, all the previous goblins I saved were all present. 

The name-giving went smoothly. As for the new faces, the ones who stood out, I gave them these names;

Beru-(Goblin 1) 

Raina-(Goblin 2) 

These two particularly stand out to have quite the magicule amounts, even compared to the other Goblins. Beru had the air of a seasoned warrior despite his young appearance. Raina had 3 times the amount of magicules compared to Beru.

Here's what Ciel's analysis showed.

«Individual Beru:

EP: 9,987
Race: Hob-Goblin
Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing
Skills: [Physical Enhancement] [Self-Regenation]
Resistance: [Physical Attack Resistance]

Individual Raina:

Ep: 28,390
Race: Hob-Goblin 
Blessing: Rimuru's Blessing
Magic: [Elemental Magic]
Skills: [Wind Barrier]
Resistance: [Magic Attack Resistance] »

I have to say, they're not all that bad. Beru's built like a warrior, not like any I've seen so far. He reminds me a bit of Benimaru, though the two seem completely different in terms of their characteristics. His [Physical Enhancement] seemed to have gotten stronger after I named him. 

Before, it could only boost his power to the point where he could crack some bones against the wolves. Now, it seemed to be able to punch through a wolf.

Next, Raina had a huge amount of Magicules, almost three times as Beru's. And yet, she had been struggling to kill a single wolf. She could use magic, but her technique lacked touch. She only had half the Magicules she had before I named her. As she couldn't control her Magicule output, her Magicules depleted severely fast. 

"Now what did Ciel say about her skill again..." (Rimuru)

«Raina's Wind Barrier has been strengthened greatly. Due to master's blessing, her [Wind Barrier] can defend against consecutive attacks of A-rank adventurers.»

I'm meeting these people for the first time, and I'm truly glad I was able to get here in time. I took some time to get outside the cave before, and they weren't there when I arrived. It was probably thanks to them that the Goblins survived for as long as they did.

"Now then, I'll be telling all of you the rules! First off, don't attack other people if they don't attack you. Second, don't fight amongst yourselves, we're all a big family here. Third, no belittling other races." (Rimuru)

"Question!" (Rigur)

"Hey!" (Rigurd)

"It's fine, ask away Rigur." (Rimuru)

As expected, they had asked about what the rules meant. Naturally, I explained it to them in a way that was simple but strict. I told them I'd elaborate more once we got the village stable, and that was true.

I (tried) taught the Goblins how to make tents, at least livable ones. But the case was still the same as before. I could make them as I am now, but that wouldn't solve our problem. Not even close.

I relied on what Ciel analyzed and could reproduce for the time being. There was little damage, as I intervened before any could've been done.

But the houses were still... well, shabby enough that it would fall apart under heavy rain. I would need to travel to Dwargon again.

But that wasn't a problem, I'd been looking forward to seeing everyone again. So I'm quite excited about going on a trip again.

"Rigurd, this is a bit sudden, but I'll be going on a trip to Dwargon. I want to hire some people who can make clothes, houses, useful day-to-day things and have them teach us." (Rimuru)

In response, Rigurd said with a smile, "Of course! That would greatly help us, Lord Rimuru. As you saw, we..." Rigurd trailed off. "We can't make any decent houses for you, so please, I bid you success!"

He seemed desperate to give me a place to call a house. Well, like before, I brought Ranga as well as Gobta and other wolves.

"All right, our destination is Dwargon, everyone ready?" (Rimuru)

"Yes!" (Ranga and co)

With that, we began to make our way towards Dwargon. And with Ranga's and the other wolves' speed, we got there faster than last time. As expected, the line was as long as ever.

Gobta and I lined up, while Ranga and the others waited at my shadow. I didn't have them wait inside the forest like last time since I could absorb them into my shadow.

The three adventurers who bothered us before were nowhere to be seen. It seems like we won't be bothered this time,

 —or so I thought.

"Hey, you! W-what's your name?!" A carriage stopped in front of us as we were about to enter. The door opened and revealed a small girl. 

She looked at me straight and repeated her words, "What's your name!"

"My name is Rimuru Tempest, you?" (Rimuru)

I stepped aside so that other people could pass, the guard told me that I could enter anytime. If they're pardoning this girl's actions, that must mean she's someone important, a noble maybe?

"My name is Charlotte Nim Ver Nasca, a relative of Rudra Nam Ul Nasca. Nice to meet you!" (Charlotte)

Excuse me? Young Lady, might you repeat that statement? My mind was currently in a state of shock, who did she say she was? I could feel my face was wide-open.

"Fufu, are you shocked? Though I am a relative, I am far from the main family. Oh but, I must explain why I stopped you, don't I?" (Charlotte)

This girl... she reminds me of someone. Argh, but who is it?! I can't put my finger around it.

She asked to follow her carriage inside Dwargon. I did as she asked, but I had a feeling I was in for a difficult situation. I had no choice but to brace myself, she is a member of the Empire's royalty. 

...in other words, she could be a possible spy for Micheal. I felt disgusted doubting a little kid like that, but I can't get complacent and ignore why I ended up here in the first place.

Just like that, Rimuru had decided to investigate the mysterious girl.

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