Welcome to the Jungle

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Chapter 3 

The group stopped beside a long, newly paved road.  Just as Kipo breathed in to talk she heard the screech of wheels as a convertible pulled up beside them. It looked like a modern remake of a 1960's classic cabriolet. The exterior had a glossy, cream finish and the interior, crimson red leather, was pristine. It had that new car smell. "Well, what are you waiting for?" exclaimed the driver. "Hop in!" 

Jamack smiled "You're right on time Carl!" 

"Of course I am! Right on time's my middle name" He looked at the new passengers. "Who's the girl?" he started, lowering his glasses.

"She's Kipo, our new mod frog" explained Jamack. 

Carl whistled. "So is that the girl you like to talk about? Well, it's no wonder." 

Lyra rolled her eyes "Can we just get on with it?" 

"Not so fast" said Carl "Who's that?" He said, pointing to the tardigrade carrying the tadpoles. 

"Hello! I'm Mulholland. A pleasure to meet you" He tipped his hat "

Carl paused for a bit, and then "Just try not the wet up the interior too much okay?" 

"I'll try" said Mulholland 

Carl frowned, unsure, but still let them all in. Jerry sat in the front. Lyra and Kipo sat on Jamack's left and right respectively and Mulholland sat on Kipo's lap, as not to wet the interior. As they were driving Kipo noticed another smell apart from the car's new interior. She noticed that Jamack was wearing cologne. Mutes, wearing cologne, she thought. Boy how things have changed. She moved closer to him to get another whiff. It actually smelled kind of nice on him. Jamack's eyes widened when he felt her moving closer to him. Then he smiled "Tired?"

She gasped and tensed up a bit, nervous that he had noticed her. But she relaxed when he put his arm around her. "Long day huh? It's okay, you can lean on me." As she lay on him her eyes rolled back at the sweet smell of the cologne. 

As they approached the city, "Welcome to the Jungle" started playing on the radio. Carl turned up the volume. Kipo gasped. She looked out the window at the bright lights in the forest that seemed to go on forever. Street lights? Yes, that's exactly what it is! She thought. In an instant the road expanded out in several directions, and cars zipped around on all sides. She saw a kaleidoscope of lights from buildings near and far, and sky scrapers too. But even the tallest ones barely peaked over the canopy of gigantic trees covering the city, some of them were converted into industrial buildings from the inside. Lyra smiled, noticing the shock on Kipo's face. "Not what you were expecting?"  

"No...not at all!" exclaimed Kipo. "I've never been to the city. This is amazing! So all the animals have their own city now?" 

"This is more like a metropolitan capitol. Past here is where all the towns are" 

They drove until they reached a town on the city's edge, surrounding a large pond that was more of a lake because of its size. Most of the buildings were unfinished, but the place still looked cozy enough. "We've only been here about a year and some" added Lyra "But still it's not too bad what we've been able to do with Jamack and the Timbercats' help." Kipo could see the wooden Timbercat buildings in the distance, not too far from the mod frog town.

Carl dropped them all home one by one and then drove toward the majestic waterfall at the edge of town. There, at the waterfall's edge stood a sizable home with a minimalist, modern finish.  "Have a good night boss!" yelled the driver while letting them out. 

"Thanks Carl!" replied Jamack, as he closed the door behind him. 

"You live here?" said Kipo "It's beautiful!" 

Jamack blushed "Thanks" 

"Well kids. I think it's time for me to hit the road" said Mulholland 

"But, what are we supposed to do with the babies?" said Kipo

"I'm sure we'll find somewhere to put em' for the meanwhile" said Jamack, taking them out of Mulholland one by one and resting them in his arms gently. One of them yawned. They were sleeping.

"Wait!" cried Kipo "Are you sure we can do that?" she winced.

"Kipo, I thought you knew all about tadpoles? They're at least one and a half by now, they can handle a little air." said Jamack, walking with them to the house

"Oh, I didn't know that. I guess I need a refresher" 

"Until we meet again Kipo" said Mulholland from behind them. But when Kipo turned around he was gone. Suddenly a voice from behind her called "Oops! I nearly forgot my hat!" She felt a tingling in her ear and turned around to see Mulholland grabbing a makeshift hat from inside her ear. "Never gets old" She laughed. Mulholland laughed too before popping right out of existence leaving nothing but droplets behind. "Wow" said Kipo. "New trick."

She followed Jamack inside. The interior was white and minimalist but comfy looking. It was an open concept floor plan. A few plants sat or hung here and there, as well as one or two paintings. There was a mini pond by the living room equipped with tiny lily pads. It looked comfortable with a spacious white sofa and a fireplace below an enormous flat screen television. "There's a guest bedroom you can stay in, and I can probably convert my office into a nursery" he said.  She followed him upstairs to the bathroom. In there was a tub and a shower.

"Nice place" she said. 

"Perks of being the boss" he smiled. "Now, could you get the water?"

"I saw a pond downstairs, why not just put them there?" remarked Kipo 

"Nah, the water's more adjustable here. We can get the right temperature" 

She turned on the pipes.

"Not too hot!" he warned. "Just about lukewarm should do." 

She nodded. 

When the water was full, he placed the three tadpoles gently. "Still sleeping" he said. "That's good for us." 

"Yeah" said Kipo "You don't mind if I just, study them for a while right?" 

Jamack raised an eyebrow "Knock yourself out, just don't wake them up. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

Kipo and JamackWhere stories live. Discover now