015. "free your mind and keep your thoughts on me"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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When you looked at me,

You wrapped around my heart


          DECEMBER BREEZED EASILY IN THE grounds of Hogwarts. It felt as if it was yesterday when the task occurred, and now she wished that was case. She always hated the cold.

While others weren't all that bothered by the cold, the same thing couldn't be said for her, who though of winter as if it was the bane of her existence because of how she simply couldn't stand the cold. Autumn had already been dreadful, but winter?

The drastic drop of temperature had never been kind to Lucia, who was quote sensitive to it. Whenever she was to walk or even so much stretch, all she could feel was the cold piercing needles of winter tainting her blood vessels, making it harder for her to reach class. Often, she found herself attach to the body warmth of her friends. She was the most helpless in winter.

She was the most useless during the cold winter.

Might as well die now to save me from frostbite...

The premises were covered with white as the snow kept falling. It was cold at every corner of the castle and truthfully, the habitants of Hogwarts had never seen Lucia so bundled up before. She was glad that they lived in the thick walls of the castle instead of living in the Durmstrang ship or the Beauxbaton caravan, which she assumed would be chilly around this time of the year.

However, during Care of Magical Creatures, a lesson that would occur outside of the castle, Lucia made sure that she was bundled up to the fullest as she could; her face was covered by scarves, as though she was going through a snowstorm. She merely shivered through the cold, holding onto the person next to her for warmth, which was Harry, the one whom coincidentally happened to always be the one by her side aside from Neville during Defence Against the Dark Arts. It was humiliating, but for a valid cause.

However, Harry wasn't going to complain, for he actually like the feeling of her attached to him. It was like he was cuddling with a soft panda.

As they neared Hagrid's hut along with the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins, not one of them were excited for the outdoor lesson. They were still tending the horrible skrewts and needed their wits about them.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now