This One Girl...: Chapter Three

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Some classroom in M. P. Jagger High
2 hours and 2 boring classes later...

9:58 a.m. 2 more minutes. 2 minutes! Mind you, they seem to drag on forever, like a damn eternity! God, why can't time move a little more faster?! TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK. Come on, you sonovabitch. Come on, don't keep me waiting. GODDA--

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding for so long. Finally, lunchtime! After two loooooooong, booooooring classes, freedom!

"Oi, James, the cafeteria, yeah?" Paul gave me a tap on the shoulder.

"Sure thing, Paul, I'll be there in a few," I replied with a thumbs-up and a smile. I got all of my things and put them in my locker. As I was finishing up, out of the corner of my eye I saw them: seven boys, dressed in white and sporting bleached hair, some of them wearing earrings, giving me a look I can't quite make out. Uh-oh. Seems like they're up to no good. I decided to ignore them and got my lunch (two cheese sandwiches! Sweeeeeet!!) then went straight to the cafeteria.

Inside the cafeteria, I looked for Paul, but with no luck until I heard him call me and waved. I went to the table he was at, and there he was with four new faces: four boys, also the same age as me, and a girl with short hair, wearing a black leather jacket and black eyeliner. WOW. I don't wanna mess with her, THAT'S for sure!

"Lads, I'd like you to meet James, he just moved into our neighborhood a while back. James, meet John, George, Ringo, and Joan," Paul said. "Hello, pleasure to meet you all," I said while shaking their hands.

"Hiya, James. Cool jacket." Joan said.

I blushed a little and said, "Thanks."

"So, James, do you play guitar?" John asked, his glasses almost falling from his nose as he ate. "Er... Yeah. A little bit. Why?" I asked. "Alright!" George exclaimed. "Bitchin', man!" Joan replied. Paul laughed. "You see, we jam on weekends, just for fun, and we have the occasional gig here and there. Wanna join?"

"Absolutely!" I replied without hesitation as I ate. We eventually got to talking about random stuff, especially music, and it turned out that we liked the same kind: good old-fashioned, hard-driving rock and roll. Halfway through my first sandwich, I asked Paul, "Hey, who was...", and as I was doing so, I turned around, and there she was, along with two boys who I could only assume were her best friends. I turned back to Paul and the rest, who also had their eyes on the girl. My eyes widened. To keep myself from freezing up, I muttered, "Uh... Guys?" That broke them from their trance, and Paul beckoned for me to come closer, which I did.

"That girl," Paul explained, almost at a whisper, "is Hayley Nichole Williams. In case you didn't notice, she's, like, the campus crush. Heck, I'd say every guy here likes her!"

"I heard she's in a band with her friends, the two boys over there," Ringo explained, pointing to Hayley's friends: one had curly hair and the other was wearing a beanie.


"Yeah," Paul laughed. "And, she's closer to home than you think... Literally."

"What do you mean?" I asked, greatly confused.

"She lives... Near you."

"WHAT?!!" I exclaimed, hoping Hayley or her friends won't hear. Suddenly I noticed them getting up and coming over to where we were sitting.

"Hey, Paul!" the guy with the beanie said to Paul, with a smile. He smiled back.

"Mind if we join you?" The curly-haired guy asked.

"No problem, man," Joan said with a smile.

"Welcome aboard!" Ringo said, laughing, which made the others laugh as well. As they were sitting, I heard Hayley ask, "Hey, who's the new guy?" OH. NO. I felt as if every eye on the table was on me. OH. DEAR. GOD.


Word count: 673 words

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