Keep it A secret

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As the Days went by I could feel my powers grow. I went to the library to know about the powers vampires possess.
Immortal - The power to never age and recover from almost any injury.
Unnatural Strength - The power to exert great strength.
Unnatural Senses - Vampires have uncanny senses. ...
Unnatural Speed - Vampires can move at faster than the human eye.
These powers worked for me I suddenly had a great speed in running.
Along with all these my thirst for blood seemed to increase. I didn't tell anyone that I am Vampire no one knows apart from me and Dumbledore
At Dumbledore s Office
Professor Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, deep in thought today his eyes were not twinkling behind his half moon glasses.
I creaked the door open and came inside." Professor" I said in a quiet voice he seemed to notice me and sat straight in his chair.
" Is There something U need Ms.Lupin "
" Sir I was asking if I was allowed tell anybody that I ...I am a vampire" I said
" I afraid, no Ms.Lupin It would be best if we keep it as a secret "
I nodded and was going to leave when I turned around and asked him another question
" Why does Voldermort wants me to sir"
" I can't tell it to u now but I guess u will know it soon"

The Werewolf' s Daughter A Vampire( Remus Lupin Daughter )Where stories live. Discover now