Through the woods

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The trees pass in almost a blur as Greninja chased after Ash's aura, trying to follow the fleeting flickerings he could hold onto. He had to be fast now, faster than he'd ever been, because Ash's captors had already proven they were willing to hurt him. 

Greninja never should have been so foolish. He'd been right there, mere feet away from where Ash was taken. He should have prevented this. Moments before the awful discovery, he'd gotten pieces of Ash's emotions through the bond. The feeling of anticipation, the small snippet of anxious excitement, Greninja thought it was just because Ash was excited to see him again. He'd assumed that Ash had finally figured out it was him in the Center, or that Nurse Joy had told him. But that had been his mistake. Greninja had been naive for that. Now there was the risk of irreparable damage, something that Ash may never be able to recover from. If that happened, it would be Greninja's fault. It was his duty, not only as Ash's Pokèmon, but as the other half of the Bond. But he would make it right.

The Police Station was teaming with people, several maps and phones set up around the building. That was how it had been for the last hour, especially once word of Ash's disappearance started spreading. Word always traveled fast on Melemele Island. Kukui had been approached not long after the school day ended by Officer Jenny, who'd been holding Ash's red hat in her hands, and had been informed that the boy was missing. Not from the house, where Kukui had left him, but from the Pokèmon Center of all places. He'd barely been able to navigate the house, never mind the streets towards the Center. And he'd been alone, completely alone, because Kukui had taken all of his Pokèmon to help him rest. Leaving him defenseless. 

Samson had joined Kukui on the journey to the station, offering a silent support as Officer Jenny explained the detail in more depth. Ash had never actually stepped foot inside the Center, but had been taken from the surroundings instead with Sleep Powder. Another professor from a different region had been tracking him, along with Ash's Greninja. The Pokèmon Ash was Bonded to.

Speaking of the foreign professor, a man had come into the Center a short while ago, pointing to a map while explaining a story is an accent that makes his words drawl. Most of his class have made their own ways to the Station, talking to each other. Most of Ash's team are scattered among the kids as well.

"Are you alright, Kukui? You're being rather quiet." Samson asked, looking towards where Kukui was sitting at the table. 

"He was never supposed to be at the Pokèmon Center. He was supposed to be resting at home." Kukui frowned, gently rubbing the brim of the hat. 

"We all know Ash. He never listens to orders well, especially when he's determined to do something. And, now that we know that it was his Greninja in the Center for so long, we can both understand why he was so drawn there. They're Bonded, Kukui. Two halves of a soul that cannot be separated by anything short of death, who will burn out without each other."

"But he was exhausted. He could barely make it around the house, never mind the busy streets here. He also didn't have any of his team with him."

"When Ash has the will and drive to do something, he always will find a way to do it. For now, let's focus on finding him and bringing him home. Whoever took him had a reason. Anyone who does an evil act will have a reason. It is imperative we find it, and that will lead us to them. Besides, we've already eliminated such a large part of the island thanks to Ash's Greninja, and all of the ways off have been shut down until he can be found."

"But what if he's already gone?"

"He isn't. That is one of the most headstrong boys I've ever meet, and I grew up with Samuel! He will fight, and that means they won't be able to get away with him."

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