018. "it's amazing how I become breathless"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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The evidence of fate given to me

You are the source of my dreams


          "I — NEED — TO — STOP — CRYING!"

Lucia was frustrated as she hurriedly pilled a yellow jumper over her dress, as well as completely bundling herself up with a knitted scarf before applying powder over her puffy, blotchy, and completely red face.

She'd been crying all the while getting ready, and quite honestly, she indeed found it very embarrassing of herself to do so. She had been told by her mother and father of how only crybabies cried, and she wasn't that. She was the child that shall do no wrong, and crying was somewhat weak and a mistake. But she just couldn't help herself from crying...

Lucia placed down her hairbrush before glancing at the small dark wooden box and the sketchbook beside her bed, where the hairpin was hidden.

In terms of Hugo, she knew that he took the role of older brother seriously, so while it was a bit of a surprise, she was also not that shock. Harry, however, she didn't understand what possessed him to waste so much money for someone as simple as her. It just didn't make any sense whatsoever, yet she also couldn't find the urge to give it back. Sure, she was guilty for even keeping it, but somehow the hairpin held something over her to keep it whether she like it or not. Was it the meaning behind the gift? She didn't know, but what she did know was that never in her life had she been touched like this before.

Maybe, Christmas wasn't all that bad of a holiday...

She skipped down the stairs, fastening one of her newly gifted bows on the back of her head with speed, meeting Hermione, Ron, and bashfully, Harry, in the common room. They then went down to breakfast together.

"You're not wearing my present that I gave you," pointed Harry once they were lagging behind Ron and Hermione, worried that the hairpin he gave may not suited her taste. "Do you not like it?" Harry cursed at himself privately. He knew he should've bought those pretty bows instead —

"No, no!" said Lucia quickly, shaking her head profusely. "I-It's nothing like that!"


"Well, a hairpin as pretty as that... I thought it would make more sense to wear it for a special event instead, you know?" Lucia stated nervously, fiddling with her locket. "If I wear it in a normal situation it'll only seem underwhelming than it really is!"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now