That escalated quickly

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No Pov 10 year's later

We find Leonidas sitting in a large crystal cavern that he set up to look like a room with a large bed and many other things the room looked like a place for two he was currently writing in a book.

Leo's Pov

'I have lived in Onaga for 10 years now and I'm now back to being 20 I have also found a new home in my years of being Onaga I have learned a number of thing and in my time I have invented somethings as well anyway to started Onaga was a military kingdom we focused more on the military meaning we have vehicles i.e Car's and planes (even though we can fly) and secondly we have magic although most true kins don't use it. Oh right true kins[1] from how it's described a true kin is a evolved dragon who can use magic and more intelligent compared to the feral and feral's are just dragons who are devolved anyway I started inventing stuff when I was ten I started making phones and computer's I also tried to make some video games which I'm getting payed for'.

'I believe that with my intelligence I was able to fill in the blanks when it making them I think I increased the development of Onaga by a few good years at that time my mother a grey feather dragon decided I was old enough to learn how to fight she got her grandfather who was a black dragon one interesting thing is black/white dragons hate each other but his to old to give a shit.

 Five year's I learned how to fight with weapons, Close combat and he taught me how to use my cunning artisan to help me to make weapons after those five year's I got 20 levels out of that anyway I started making blueprints and sold them to the le...

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 Five year's I learned how to fight with weapons, Close combat and he taught me how to use my cunning artisan to help me to make weapons after those five year's I got 20 levels out of that anyway I started making blueprints and sold them to the leader's of the nation to be get some money I now get royalties from this blueprints at first they thought nothing of them cause I was young but someone gave them a try and because of this I get money to my hoard'.

'The next four year's was when I was learning magic from my master Ra'hwhm (A/N ignoring Ra part of the name its pronounced Hue/him just a heads up) and that's when I met my girlfriend turned wife it was like this.


I was walking to my master's library where he normally teaches his selected students as I entered his library I met him when I heard of Ra I would have expect some type of ancient dragon or a sprit creature of great knowledge no he was none of those he was a well read owl with his own little cape and staff I have to admit he looked cute.

I was walking to my master's library where he normally teaches his selected students as I entered his library I met him when I heard of Ra I would have expect some type of ancient dragon or a sprit creature of great knowledge no he was none of tho...

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