Always get two sugars and cream with your coffee

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{Play music when ever}

"Wake up,"

"Wait ma give me like 5 more minutes," I snuggle deeper into the sheets.

"Ma? I know I give off a motherly vibe, but do I seem that feminine?"

My eyes burst open to see Bruno standing over me smiling. I pretend not to be flustered and make pointer fingers at him. "I knew it was you this whole time, it's your new nickname," Bruno chuckles and offers me my clothes, I guess he washed them. True husband material right here.

"Sure, please get dressed quickly we're going to be late," He walks out and closes the door.

It takes me a second to remember that I get to meet my precious babies today. I quickly get dressed, grab my backpack, and slide down the rail. Bruno is standing waiting for me, looking worried.

"Don't slide down the rail anymore you could hurt yourself," he dusted the invisible dust on me and headed out. I roll my eyes playfully. "Okay mom," he smacks the back of my head softly.

As we ride down the street my stomach rumbles loudly like really really loud. I can see Bruno smiling widely from the corner of my eye.

"Come on I know where we can get breakfast really quickly, we still need to get someone," he grabs my hand and leads me to a crepe stand. (which is delicious if you never tried it I suggests you do)

I got a strawberry crepe and Bruno got a berries and cream one. We walked (I mean he walked, I just held his hand and gilded next to him) to this big ass plaza and sat on a bench waiting for Giorno.

It shouldn't be hard to see him cuz he's wearing a bright pink suit. Could NOT be me. I mean pink is cool but that's just too damn much.


When I tell you I almost pissed myself. I turn around getting ready to punch whoever is behind me, but Bruno grabs my hand before it could connect.

"What the hell? This is the guy we've been waiting for don't kill him!" Bruno throws my hand to the side and scolds me. I fold my arms and pout. "It's not my fault it was just reflexes," I stare at the floor, pushing my foot and forth.

Bruno sighs and rubs his temples. "It's fine just don't let it happen again," I look up and beam at him nodding my head. I spin on my heel to see Giorno and all his donut lord glory, looking at me in surprise and confusion.

He looked between me and Bruno, before sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Hello my name is Giorno Giovanna and I have a dream," I take his hand and shake it "Hiya my name is Kandy and I have a crepe," He smiles at my introduction and it makes me feel happy.

Damn him and his main character charm.


Giorno's pov

I was very surprised to find out the person Bruno was talking about was a girl. Girls aren't very common in the mafia. She must be very strong, intelligent, or valuable. She has a very happy aura around her now but when I scared her she looked like she wanted to kill me.

Very scary shit man.

Her smile and hand is very warm and comforting, it gives off motherly vibes, and I wanna protect her. I wanna talk about the boss but Kandy's here, and I don't want her to hear my dream and get hurt because of it.

"Bucciarati, I would like to talk to you privately please,"

He nods and pulls Kandy away. She looks surprised and angry at the same time. I will have to apologize later.

Memento mori - remember you must die (JoJo Part 5)Where stories live. Discover now