Chapter 1 The Badass

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Hey guys before you read this story I want to give a shoutout to my sisters story which she just started. her account name is
And her story is called.....
I kidnapped one direction
And in her story I'm the crazy girl named Chloe! 😊
Ok so onward with my story!!!
Midnight's P.O.V
"Come on get up we are gonna be late for school" my sister Lacey barged into my room

"Ugh, can you at least knock before entering my room" I groaned

"No, you're my sister and it's kinda funny to see you have everything 5 sos in your room!" My sister replied.
I picked up my pillow and chucked it at her head, BULLSEYE! Right in the face.

"Yeah? Well I wouldn't be the one talking seeing as you have everything twilight in you're room" I muttered

"Hey! It's not my fault Carlisle is hot!" She replied

"And it's not my fault luke is hot" I said

"Ugh, whatever midnight, I'm cooking breakfast so be down in 15 minutes" she said closing my bedroom door.
At the sound of her saying there is gonna be food made me jump out of bed and start getting ready for the day. I took a shower and all that other business you don't want to know about. When I was done I looked like my usual punk rock self. I had a all time low shirt on and black ripped skinny jeans with black converse. I skipped down the stairs singing amnesia in my head. I missed a step and fell down the stairs on my back.

"SON OF A MONKEY" I yelled

"Hahaha, are you ok?" Lacey asked me while she was holding a plate of bacon in her hands. Her eyes widen when she sees me staring at the plate she tries to put the plate on the table but I was already in front of her and took the plate running up stairs.

"MIDNIGHT! Come back with the bacon I want some" Lacey yelled

"NEVER" I shouted and ran outside and grabbed my skateboard and took off on it while eating the bacon, yes I'm just that good that I can skateboard and eat at the same time.

Lacey's P.O.V
Well there goes my breakfast for the morning. Midnight has always loved food! She can't go 20 minutes without eating! Anywho I grab my keys and walk outside and get into my car. Midnight took off on her skateboard so that means I don't have to give her a ride, YES! Finally piece and quiet. I turn on the radio and 5 sos are on, I quickly change the station be cause I have to listen to them all the damn time. I finally make it to hell.

Midnight's P.O.V
I ate the whole plate of bacon by the time I got to school. I put the empty plate in my backpack. I grabbed my skateboard and entered the school. I made my way to my best friends locker, his name is Miles.

"HEY MILES!" I screamed while I jumped on his back and gave him a huge hug.

"AHHHH" he yelled
"Jeez you want to give me a heart attack" he added

I'll tell you what Miles looks like, he has bright ice blue eyes, his natural hair color is brown but he dyed it red,and black, his hairstyle is flippy, hehehe I like to mess it up just to piss him off sometimes. Anywho Miles is like the brother I never had.

"Haha! One day I am gonna give you a heart attack" I said while punching his shoulder.

Is it okay, bad, terrible, or awesome
I'm gonna make the next chapter longer I PROMISE

The band loving freak

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