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            During work after school, I was in the best mood then I ever been. I think I got a raise for my good mood. I worked at a clothing store where I get my clothes. They have great clothes for overweight girls. It's my favorite store and I enjoy working there. Plus I get a discount.
When I got home I didn't know what to ask my mother. 'Hey, Mom can I go over to a boys house, where there will be no adults there.' No. I'll just say that Gally and I are going to a movie. I don't want to keep secrets from my mother, but I really wanted to hang out with Gally. So when I got home to see my mother again looking at the picture of my father and long lost brother. I realized she hardly ever talks about my brother. I don't even remember his name. All I know is that WICKED changed his name, after Charles Darwin. He must be twelve by now.

"Hey Mom." I greeted. My mother looks up at me.

"Hello, Grace." She said. "How are was school?"

"Fine. I'm going to go see a movie with Gally, tomorrow."

"You've been hanging out with Gally, a lot. Are you too..."

"Oh Mom no, it's not even a date. We're just hanging out."

"And you two won't be doing anything?"

"No, Mom. We're just going to see a movie together."

"Okay, but don't stay after dark. You know how I feel about that?"

Of course, Mom. I'm not an idiot! I thought. "Yeah, Mom." I said aloud.

The next day, I didn't dress as nice as I usually do. A t shirt and shorts. I didn't bother to put any make up on. I stuffed my computer and the DVD in my bag and I walked down the spiral metal stairs in my apartment and past my mother.

"Bye Mom, love you." I said

"Love you too, don't forget your phone."

"Got it." I showed her my phone before I shoved it in my pocket of my shorts.

I met Gally outside.

"Hey Grace." He smiled at me. "You look nice today." I raised an eyebrow. He didn't look like he was joking. I guess I blushed.

"Thanks, I brought the movie."

"Good that, I live a few miles but it's good walking distance. So we could talk."

"Good that? What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's like agreeing with someone or just a general response." We started walking.

"Where did you say you were from?" He paused, a worried look on his face appeared.

"Umm lets just say that, I'm new to this place." He said. Curious, I was. But I figured it was none of my business. The painful look in his face said that he didn't want to talk about it.

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