A Little More

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            Gally and I been seeing each other more often then we used to. We usually have dates at the coffee shop, but this time there's a lot more touching and kissing. He would hold me by the waist and look over my shoulder as I do my homework. He would even come see me dance. I told him about my dance competition.

"So I have a dance competition in a couple of weeks,"

"Can I come?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

"I love seeing you dance. I guess that's why your name is Grace." He chucked. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "I have a question for you,"

"Sure what is it?" I offered.

"If you liked me this whole time, why didn't you ask me out to an actual date."

"Well, I was but I got insecure and I was afraid to get rejected."

"Really? Because I was afraid to get rejected by you. But Grace you shouldn't be insecure. You're beautiful."

"Wait what?" I asked, a little bit doubtful.

"You're beautiful." He repeated.

"No boy has ever called me that." I began to blush.

"Well, then those guys don't know true beauty when they see it." I hugged his arms that were around my waist. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and stood there. I continue to do my homework.

In the near by park. We sat under a tree eating Chinese food from the cartons. He struggled using chopsticks on his rice.

"How do you use those things?" He asked frustrated.

"Chopsticks on rice is hard not even I can master." I replied. He laughed. "What?"

"It's the way you talk. That's why I like you, your words just fascinate me."

"Really?" I asked. "Most people would think I'm annoying when I talk." His face turned pale.

"W-why would you say that?"



"Middle School Trauma Disorder. It's a thing I call when your haunted by the memories in middle school. Especially when you've been bullied non stop for three years. Basically in middle school I was kinda desperate for friends. So I would talk a lot and my bullies would tell me to shut up. Also I was really chubby."

"I'm really sorry."

"Don't be, it was years ago my bullies treat me differently now. Plus I lost some of my baby fat." He tucked in a lock of my curls behind my ear. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"That's another reason why I like you. You don't let the past get to you."

"I just tell myself there are more important things to think about."

"I wish I could be like that." He muttered, and kissed my temple.

         Since competition is in two weeks, dance rehearsal is mandatory. Juggling school, work, dance, and a new boyfriend has been a struggle. Especially if Gally keeps distracting me from my homework time. I visited him at his apartment. When I was writing math problems from my text book to my notebook, Gally snatches my pencil.

"Gally, give me my pencil." I said getting frustrated.

"You'll have to take it away from me." He smirked and held the pencil in the air.

"I'm not in the mood, Gally." I gave him a mean glare. A half smile creased on his face.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He signed. He gave my pencil back.

"Gally, I have to get my homework done, and competition is in two weeks. This is the only time I have to do homework."

"Why don't you go home then?"

"Because I want to keep seeing you, you moron!"

"Okay then, I'll leave you alone." He chuckled.

"Don't worry once I'm done, I'm all yours."

"I like that deal. Let's sealed it with a kiss." He kissed my lips and again on my nose. I looked down to continue my homework.

I was surprised how long Gally was waiting.

"Okay I'm officially finished." I announced to him as I stuffed everything back into my book bag. I turned around to face him and he grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I stopped because I couldn't stop smiling.

"I love..." He paused and gulps, "seeing you smile." He finished.

"I love seeing you smile, too." I replied. I kissed him again and my heart starts to race as our kisses heated. He slide his hands to my hips. He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. He gulped again and shut his eyes tight.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's okay." I said. "Do you want to talk about it."

"I can't. I still like you I'm just trying to get over it. Please don't try to convince me otherwise. I'm really sorry."

"Baby, it's okay." I calmed.

"Did you just call me Baby?"

"It's a nickname, is that okay?"

"Oh yeah, I love it. Babe." I kissed his cheek. Despite his little episodes or flashbacks I still liked him a lot. Maybe even more than that.

Guilt: Gally Love Story (TMR Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now