Non Utile, Morto

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Around September 2012, a user on DeviantART, under the name of 'EmTega' created an account. 'She' was an American girl, who seemed to have an interest in photography. She uploaded a few pictures on her first day on DeviantART, which were photographs she took on her trip to Italy. One of her pictures she uploaded was titled 'Bella!' which means 'pretty' or 'beautiful' in Italian. It was a picture of a small town, which looked quite empty.

A few hours after the photo was uploaded, EmTega, received a comment on it. The comment read a simple word which was 'Vuoto?'. At first, EmTega, had no idea what this word meant, so she looked up the meaning. It meant 'empty?' in Italian. EmTega replied to the comment in English saying, 'Yes, it wasn't very busy that day.' EmTega then clicked on the user's name which was 'lhofatto'. A page then came up, saying 'Oops, the page you were looking for doesn't exist.' EmTega thought this was very strange. How could that user comment if the profile doesn't exist? EmTega just forgot about it and carried on browsing DeviantART.

The next day, when EmTega logged on, she found that she had a note. She clicked on it and the title of it was 'non utile, morto' which roughly translated from Italian into English means 'not useful, dead'. Of course, EmTega did not know what it meant, but opened up the note anyway.

The was a big paragraph of one sentence that was repeated over and over. EmTega couldn't understand any of it, but then she noticed that there was a link at the bottom of the note, she clicked on it and it directed her to a page. On the page was that sentence again, being repeated over and over. EmTega closed off the page and assumed that the user that keeps on sending these strange Italian messages was just playing a prank. She deleted the note and then logged off of DeviantART.

Later on, EmTega was just browsing the Internet, when a strange window popped up. It had some text...but in some sort of weird language... they were like symbols. EmTega tried to close the window, but it would not close. Then, another window popped up reading 'non utile, morto'. Now EmTega was starting worry. Loads and loads of windows were starting to pop up and her computer was getting out of control. She tried shutting down her computer, but nothing was working, but suddenly, her computer screen just went a blank.

Then her full, real, name, address, IP address, and some other details on her computer where popping up. And again, the 'non utile, morto' showed up. EmTega was very confused and scared at the same time. Then, her webcam turned on...she looked at it and tried covering it up, but she was too late, a picture of her already appeared on the screen. Then her computer completely turned off, and wouldn't turn back on.

The next day, EmTega tried turning on her computer, and it did. But a screen showed up, showing her webcam photo, and address and her computer info, and those words 'non utile, morto'. EmTega could not do anything. So she left her computer.

In November 2012, EmTega's brother died, and said to be shot by Italian man. EmTega was starting to think if this was all to do with what happened a couple of months ago, but she just thought it was a coincidence. EmTega got a new computer and logged into her DeviantART account. Her inbox was full of notes saying 'Ti ho trovato'. They were from the user that commented on her photo. EmTega was shocked and quickly shut down her account.

Nobody knew what happened to the user that sent these strange messages, and they haven't been sending messages since.

This is a true story. I was told this by a friend of EmTega's and I thought this was a very creepy story, so I decided to share it.

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