chap 1

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Finn, a class “C” devil. 

“What stops you from being a devil? You’re always missing such classes and students even claimed that you started to… ‘pick flowers’? What is wrong with you? You're not fit for this school. Look at ‘that’ tail you have…. That’s not even a devil's tail anymore, what are you huh, a lizard?”  The ‘counsellor’ mocked Finn. He wasn’t even surprised, it wasn’t for the first time. Finn was teased and bullied all day, even his own family and relatives. Finn always observed how these ‘demons’ acted. Killing and brutally torturing them, he does not like the sight of it. From a young age, he was discriminated against by his own family. One time he even made a drawing of him having angel wings, he was immediately sent to the mental hospital. He always wondered, ‘what was life like in the opposite of this world?’

He never went back home, he skipped all classes because it was just the same old lessons about ‘improving your curse’. Of course he learnt some tricks on his own. He is able to at least summon ferrets… He had built his own shelter, not bad for a 17 year old. Everywhere was haunted with such devils and demons. FInn wanted to move out of this ‘hell’ so badly. He wanted to go to the other side of this world.

“Hello Grandpa, this is Finn. It has been 665 days since I’ve been trying this ‘portal’ you have written out. I want to help you in your journey, please give me your guidance and support. Grandpa, I really appreciate having you but I’m sorry because I didn't spend that much time with you.’’ Finn prayed. Ah yes, Finn’s Grandpa. Finn had the same ambition as his Grandpa, finding the other side of this world. Finn’s Grandpa was murdered by his own parents, just to improve on their ‘sin’. As usual, Finn took out his book and wrote: ‘day 665, I’ve been trying so hard to get out of here. I’m so tired. “ he continued to write while tears formed in his eyes. “Day 665….. Tomorrow is the unleash of the demons and devils. They are going to find me. I need to move. “ The day 666, the celebration of the existence of the demons and devils. That is the most dangerous day of all, demons and devils will go around this entire city just to search for class “C” devils. There were 20, Finn was one of them. He didn’t want to be tortured. He packed his backpack. “Ok ok checklist…. my water, snacks, bandages, my medicine, taser, pocket knife, phone and flashlight…. “ Finn frantically looked around. “Ah, me and grandpa. Oh ted too! I can’t forget you..” Finn hugged his teddy. It was given to his Grandpa on his 12th birthday. Finn triple checked all the things. He made sure his phone was fully charged, it could last him for at least a week. “Goodbye house. I will miss you, I’m sorry I have to leave, I have no choice.” Finn took a picture of his house and looked at it for one last time before he left. It will definitely be a long journey. “5:20, let’s start moving.”

It was 11:48pm, the sky was dark. Finn was so cold despite him wearing a sweater. “Damn it… W-why is it so c-cold…” he shivered. ‘I need to move quickly.’ He thought to himself. Thoughts raced through his mind, negative ones. He had to hold the urge of himself crying or else he would be easy to locate and killed during the 666th day. His legs were aching, he was so weak and sick from the rain and wind. He had no shelter nor warmth. He had lost track of his walking but he had to continue no matter what. He checked his phone, it was 11:50. 10 more mins before the ‘ceremony’ starts. He picked up his pace. While he was walking, he heard footsteps. He immediately stopped. He saw a light, but it smelled like smoke. Someone was definitely there. ‘Shit shit shit oh shit I’m dead! How did they find me?’ He panicked. “What are you doing here. Speak up.” the person said. He was too scared to speak. He started to shake a lot, he was having a panic attack. “N-no.” Finn said. Finn had difficulty breathing. He took out his pocket knife. “I advise you not to do that, put it down.” the person warned. Finn was shaking. ‘How did that person know?’ The footsteps came closer to Finn. “St..Stop!” The footsteps became closer and closer. Finn slashed the pocket knife at the person, but he felt a grip on his arm “I told you not to.” Finn felt a twist on his arm, he screamed in pain. The alarms rang so loudly. “The ceremony.” the person spoke. The person kicked Finn. “Go back. Don’t come near our world…” Finn groaned in pain and coughed. “Please…” Finn said softly. “What? Speak up. You want to kill us right? That’s not happening.” The person laughed and stepped on Finn’s bruise. Finn screamed and cried in pain. “THERE.” A bunch of people shouted out in the distance. The person was so confused. “What… Are they aiming for you? What class devil are you?!” the person grabbed FInn’s collar. Finn did not respond. “Shit, he’s unconscious. “ Blood dripped out from FInns nose. “Sir, please get back!” The radio said. There was fire approaching. There were sounds of demons and devils flying on the way. “I’m bringing someone in. Open the gates and get doctors.” The person carried Finn.

“Finn. It’s Grandpa. I… I didn’t believe you could make it. You found the world. Finn, I am so proud of you. Thank you Finn. I can finally rest in peace.”

“NO!” Finn shouted out. He gasped for air. “Ah, you’re awake. Did you have a nightmare?” A voice spoke out. Finn’s vision was blurry. He looked around and touched everywhere. “Stop moving. Let me check your heart rate.” Finn looked at the person. He had white hair and… four wings?  “…’’ Finn rejected. “Mmm and do you think I care if you said no? You want me to send you back there hm?” He threatened. Finn shook his head. “This won’t hurt.” Finn was scared, he didn’t know what was going on. Finn felt a pressure on his arm. “No no no no.” Finn panicked. He tried to take off the thing on his arm but he could not focus on his breathing. “Hey hey stop! You need to relax!” Finn blocked the voice. He was having another panic attack. The white hair person immediately took off the heart rate measurement. Finn held his arm and turned away from the person. “Hey… I need to check on you. “ Finn was shaking. “Here, you had this in your bag. Would this help you?” Finn turned slowly, to the sight of his ‘Ted’. He grabbed Ted and hugged him. “May I check your heart rate now?” The person asked. Finn extended his arm. Again he felt the pressure. “Don’t worry it will be over in a few seconds, just try to have a steady breathing yeah?” The person was reassured. “And.. Done.” Finn looked around the room, it was rather comforting. “Where…” Finn questioned. “Oh… Uhm, yeah.. I uh… Okay I had to bring you in because I didn't expect you to scream so loud and it was attracting the underworld here.” The person said. Finn tried to get up but he had a sharp pain on his waist. “And… I was at fault too. I didn’t mean to beat you up like that.” The person apologised. Finn teared up. “Aye.. nononono stop crying. I’m sorry, okay? Shh shh.. Here, drink some water.” Finn took the water and drank half of it. Finn was still shaking. “Hey, you okay now? Your body temperature was very low, so I had to change your clothes. It was stained with blood too.’’ Finn checked his clothes. “It’s a bit oversized..” Finn spoke softly. “Yeah sorry about that, this was the smallest sweater I could find in my closet.” Finn nodded. “I’m Wren. I’m a class….. Uh class B angel. You?” Finn widened his eyes. “An-angel?!” Finn shouted. Wren held Finn’s hand. “Don’t panic now, i'm not going to exorcise you back there. You are one out of a thousand devil survivors here. Now, what is your name and what class are you?” Wren repeated his question again. Finn tightened his grip on Wren. “I’m  Finn….. Class c devil…..” Finn prepared for the worst. “Oh, class C? That’s okay, i was class C once too. Do you have any features like you know… devil tail or something?” Finn was surprised that Wren did not laugh at him. “Uh, i don’t have a devil tail but…” Finn curled his tail in. “Cute! I never seen these types before!” Wren exclaimed. Finn’s tail wagged. Finn was happy. He felt safe. “Hmm, how for now you rest? I’ll wake you up for breakfast. It’s midnight now.” Finn nodded. Wren got up and was ready to leave but Finn felt unsure about sleeping in this area which he was unfamiliar with. “Sorry but weird request, I’m still unsure of this area could you just sleep with me for now?” Finn tightened his grip on the blanket. Wren giggled. “Alright alright, move a little bit so i can fit.” Finn scoot over to the other side of the bed. Wren layed on the bed.
“What do you think of my room?”
“It’s comfortable…”
“You want me to read you a bedtime story or something?’’
“Stop it….”
“Hehe just joking with you… Sleep well…”
Finn hugged Wren and Ted. “...... Aiya, you need warmth anyways…” Wren sighed and hugged Finn to sleep.

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