I think i can find a way to love you? Or not!

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LOChris POV: "I think I can find a way to love you"I was back in my room it was three o clock and I was tired; except I couldn't sleep I couldn't let go of what she was saying. Was she trying to say I love by you but was too scared.

I ask my wolf a bunch if questions about but he didn't really want to tell me. All he said was that I shoukd keep loving her. I am so confused but I guess I will just listen to my wolf.

Tomorrow Crystal was starting college with me. It was a good thing that it was a werewolf college. It was a bad thing too. I worried Crystal won't want me and she will find someone better and reject me. U mean she is a model and she is hot. So yeah.

My wolf told me to shut up and I go to sleep. I was disturbing him.

"Wake up time!" "But it's three hours before I have to get up." "Your picking Crystal up." I whined which turned into an ow becaues my dad threw a pillow at my face. I shifted and ran to her house I put my clothes back on in the forest outside the house.

"Hey Chris!" She came over and fave me a hug. "You didn't have to pick me up" "well I wanted to." I lied I'd rather her just walk herself. "So Chris. Is there any rules or shit I need to know." "Yeah. You change but during appropriate times... and that's about it. I guess you'll just figure it out  you go."

"Okay." She started running in tobthe forest. Dam she was too fast I couldn't catch up even in my shifted form. What the fuck did I do. I just left. I mean forget her.was she is just a bitch. My wolf howler with sadness and growled in anger.

Crystal POV: I can't believe him! He just acted like he didn't care when u seemed advice in him. Not to mention he said he would rather have me walked then him take me.

Yeah I read his mind. I know what he said! It wasn't just me that was passed it was my wolf too. I bet your wondering why I could read his thought and hear what he said about me being a bitch! Well apparently I am the Grey wolf.

I was shocked at first. Sarah told me. She said the other wolves around started to cowar becaues they smelt my dominance. She said I could take down a alpha, neck a royal even.

This morning my wolf started to Grey to show that I was a Grey wolf. My whit an t gone away it is blending with it. I think it's becaues I am a royal too.

Benign the Grey wild mean you can hear better than the rest and you can read minds.

Sorry I just had to run that through my mind again.

I still can't believe it. I seriously thought about rejecting him... but I want to tell him I am the Grey wolf before I due so. I was four hundred meters from the campus so. I shifted back and put my black flowy dress with cut off sleeveless on with my knee socks and black boots. (Picture above minute the coat and hand bag. But much hotter! Use your imagination!)

I got stares yeah. But that was becaues I was hot.... Or was it becaues... I looked down at my arms and they were exposed. I loomed around at the people. They weren't staring at me becaues I was hot they were staring at me becaues if my cut filled arms..

I take Chris's I was cut and used. I couldn't bare to look at them anymore so I rushed of to my dorm. Yes I got a dorm I was renting out my house to another werewolf.

Nobody saw them before becaues I put make over then for when I had my shoots and I always wore longs sleeves. This can't be happening.

I walked back out of my dorm and walked to my classroom with any phasing when people stared at my cut filled arms. I expected the teachers to be nicer becaues they stared to and one of them even ask me to move to the back of the class becaues my arms were a diatractment.

That's when I blew. I walked out of the class. I fave the teacher the midsdle finger and left. That was bad my wild told me. On that way of the college I told them I wasn't coming back so they could give away my dorm.

I call ed the guy and told him the rent was no longer. And even after that more trouble. I bumped into Chris. "Chris.. I am the Grey wolf and I heard what you said about me.

Chris POV- no way was I believing he bull shit. "Acorss think it's bull shit." What the fuck. "Herad that one too." "Prove it now!" "Okay!:)"

Shifted stripped right there but no one was linking classes were still in fir about fifty seconds. She shifted and she growled. Her eyes were still icy blue but her was between white and Grey. I felt hee so.in-game I think everybody did becaues when they cam  out of class. They shivered.

She was a danger to our pack I couldn't let her be Luna. "I Dylan Kophrey reject you Crysal Voss." "I Crystal Voss reject you Dylan Kophrey."

I felt pain while it looked as if she felt none. Maybe she was over me. "I heard that too and I am"

She turned around and growled at everyone and ran off into the forest completely forgetting her clothes. Every one  campus began to whispwe and send messages to there mates about whar had happened.

School was canceled due to the incident and we all went home to our parents. Tonight's dinner   Donna be nuts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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