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My eyes shot open, my body trembling. I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep. My eyes were burning, but no tears were shed as usual. I felt arms tightly wrapped around my torso, making my shaking body come to a sudden rest, the warmth against my skin making me relax. I looked to my side, at the person who was comforting me, her eyes were fixated on mine, her voice humming so sweetly, "it's okay. I'm here," I felt the sweat seeping through my pores, the sheet below me sticking to my back and my breaths were uneven.
She kissed my damp forehead and pulled me closer to her, our foreheads touching, "everything is going to be alright," she whispered. I closed my eyes, taking in the warmth and comfort of her body. I felt something that I hadn't felt in a while.
I soon felt my breaths even up and the tension in my body gone. The only thing that I felt was security from the body that was intertwined with mine, "thank you," I mumbled.
She smiled and kissed my cheek, "I used to have them worse," I then realized the position that we were in, our breasts touching and one of my legs in between hers, while the other was underneath. I took a breath, as my body heat began to rise again, that time for a different reason.
She looked as though she was studying me, her eyes were narrowed, and her head tilted to the side, "you were almost raped, weren't you?" She questioned softly, making my breathing clog in my throat. My body stiffened, as my face became expressionless. I must have been speaking as I had my nightmare. I tried to move out of her grasp, but she kept me in place. I hated that she was stronger than me.
"Just let me go," I hissed and she released me abruptly. I actually regretted being out of the warmth of her body right afterward. I stood, realizing that the lights weren't on, and looked back at her.
"I turned the lights off at daybreak," she said, getting up as well, her naked body walking closer to me. I shook my head, trying to rid to of the thoughts that were stirring up in my mind.
She placed her hands on my shoulder and I stared at her blankly, "I was raped when I was younger," that wasn't something that I was expecting to hear. I saw the tears building up in her eyes. She was a very emotional person unlike me, since I locked away my feelings, "so, I know the pain you're feeling."
I guessed that was why she started crying after she orgasmed. I was so gentle. I hoped that I didn't hurt her in any way. But when I ate her it was different, so her problem was penetration. But if she's afraid of it, why didn't she stop me from continuing?
I turned my face and bit down on my bottom lip, feeling guilty for thinking that my life was so bad. I didn't actually get raped, but my mother died to protect me from it, "I can't complain," I said coldly, "I survived, I wasn't hurt."
I moved away from her, her hands dropping to her sides, "I know you probably feel like you should have been the one that died instead. I know the feeling all too well," I looked back at her, my chest heaving, as the memory emerged. I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my fists. She walked even closer to me.
"Don't act like you know me," I grumbled.
"I don't know how you feel, but I know how I felt," she turned away from me and sat on the bed, the tears slowly streaming down her face.
"What happened?" I questioned, even though I didn't want to talk about myself, but she must have gotten a good idea, since I spoke through my nightmare.
"I was raped," she stated again, as though I didn't know that already. I walked over and sat next to her on the bed, not wanting to push the situation further. I knew what it was like to talk about it, and it was like experiencing the past all over again.
"Are you still going to spend the day with me?" The room had dim lighting streaming through the fabric of the curtains. I picked up her hand and checked the time on her wrist watch, before placing it back down gently.
"Do you want me to?" She wiped the tears away. I looked at how her emotions filled in her eyes. I seemed to have hit a sensitive spot and there seemed to be more to the story than what she told me.
I nodded, "yes," she smiled and got up, picking up our scattered clothing.
"Go shower and dress, I'll wait for you," she placed the scattered clothing onto the bed and picked out which were hers and mine. She picked up her bra and slipped her arms through the thin straps, before hooking it from the front.
I walked over to my closet where all of my new clothing were neatly hung. She walked up behind me, as I stared at all of the clothing, "why do all of your clothes have tags?" She questioned, picking up one of the tags that stuck out at the side of each piece of clothing.
"They're all new," I mumbled, turning to her.
"Shopping spree?" She arched her eyebrow.
I walked past her and into the adjoining bathroom. She followed behind me, "something like that, I'm not fond of shopping."
"So, you just found them in the closet when you got here?" She joked, as I turned the knob for the sink, allowing the water to stream down. I placed the palms of my hands tightly side by side and allowed water to fill in it, before bending my head to wash my face.
"I bought them online," I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I opened the toothpaste's lid and squeezed a line of gel along the brush of my toothbrush, before closing it and resting it back down.
"Okay, I can see that you like Louis Vuitton though," she came close to me and I shifted to the side a little, so that she could wash her face. She was already dressed.
I didn't answer, since I was brushing my teeth, the paste forming into foam. I brushed the bottom and top of my enamels first, before the front of each in a sideway manner, then in an upward downward motion, before repeating the first and spitting out the foam into the sink. I washed my mouth, before picking up the tongue scraper and moving it against my tongue from the back to the front a few times, before washing it and placing it back down. I rinsed my mouth and picked up my Listerine mouthwash, opening the bottle and pouring the liquid about three-quarter of the capful, before pouring it into my mouth, swishing the burning liquid for about thirty seconds. I then gargled and spat the residue into the sink and rinsed my mouth again, before I was satisfied.
I didn't realize that she was looking at me all that time, with her arms crossed and smirk on her face, "no wonder you're such a great kisser," I grinned, as I washed my face again, before grabbing the hand towel from the side of my sink and dried my face.
"At least I don't use dental floss as well."
"I wasn't criticizing," she held her hands up in surrender, before walking over to me, her hands dropping to her sides, "it's just hot," she whispered, walking past me and back into the room.
"I have extra toothbrushes if you want one," I heard her footsteps getting closer and bent into the cupboard under the sink and took out a toothbrush.
"Your ass is very sexy," I felt her hands grip my ass, as I stood.
"Someone's very bold," I leaned forward, as her hands squeezed the roundness of my cheeks.
"Oh please, after last night I can do anything I want to you."
"Have I suddenly become your fuck toy?" I felt a pleasurable sting, as her hand brought force to my skin. I moaned, as she rubbed the red spot that she'd just marked.
"Hmm, maybe," her hand slipped in between my cheeks and toward my pussy. I closed my eyes and bit down on my bottom lip, as the tips of her fingers grazed against my clit, "maybe more," my eyes opened as soon as she said that and a smile formed on my lips. I liked the sound of that.
She began to stroke the skin right below my pussy and I gripped the edge of the sink tightly, "stop teasing me," I mumbled, as she thrust two of her fingers inside of me. I closed my eyes, feeling the sudden anxiety of pain.
"You're so fucking tight," she whispered, leaning forward, so that she was closer to my face. I felt her warm breath against the skin of my neck. She used her free hand to move my hair to my other shoulder, before sucking gently on the skin between my shoulder and neck. I moaned, feeling her thrusts become faster and longer, within the rhythm of her marking my skin.
I soon felt my knees becoming weak and body suddenly in the need of release. I could hear the sound of my wetness and her fingers pumping into me, which was very pleasing, "I'm going to cum," her strokes became faster and rougher, as I felt my tension being released. I sighed, as she slowly slipped her fingers out of me and kissed the spot that she'd marked on my neck.
I turned to see a huge grin on her face," go shower, love," she placed her coated fingers into her mouth and turned away, walking back into the room.
"Aren't you going to brush your teeth?" I reminded her and she groaned, walking back in.
"That was supposed to be my sexy exit," she mumbled, as I handed her the toothbrush that I had mistakenly dropped into the sink, after she wanted to have her way with me.
"Gotta clean my mouth, you know, all this cum I have been eating," she winked, as I stepped out of the way and she walked over to the sink.
I stepped into the shower, where I turned the knob on, allowing the water to pour over me. My hair was going to be damp for at least half of the day, since I had no energy to blow dry it.
The sweat of my body combined with the pureness of the water, taking away the dirt and fluids of the day before, and the early morning. I picked up the body scrub, along with the shower gel, opening the lid of the soapy liquid and squeezed it onto the scrub. I placed down the shower gel and began to brush the scrub gently against my skin, before speeding up my pace a little, giving my entire body a foamy cover. I rinsed my skin, before grabbing the shampoo and squeezing enough to fill the palm of my hand. I rubbed the substance into my hair, making sure to massage my scalp and rinsed my hair till it was just dripping wet. I turned off the shower and stepped out.
Again, her hands were crossed over her chest, as she watched my every move. I ignored her and went in search of my towel, which I kept forgetting where I left, and spotted it on top of the cupboard that stood at the far end of the room.
I walked over to it, my skin and hair dripping water, which left small pools on the floor. I picked up the towel and wrapped it around my body. I then remembered that the room keeper said that there were more towels inside the exact cupboard and opened it, spotting white, clean linens and took out one of the many towels to dry my hair with.
I turned to see that she was not there. She probably went into the bedroom.
I walked into my room to see Kira seated on the bed, her legs crossed and her eyes immediately finding mine, as I entered. I walked back over to the closet and sighed. I wanted to choose something out, before I had taken a shower, but when I looked at the clothing that held little to no meaning, it made me depressed, "so, I sense there's conflict with you and clothes."
I picked a pair of jeans and a button-down, before closing the closet door, "just reminds me of my time in rehab."
"Rehab?" She blurted, making me roll my eyes, as I walked over to the dresser to get undergarments.
"Yes, rehab. I was in there for three weeks," I stated, opening one of the drawers and taking out a lace underwear, before opening the one next to it to take out a sports bra.
"Why?" She asked calmly, as I turned back to face her. I slipped my legs into the underwear and pulled it up to my waist, then slipped my hands through the straps of the sports bra over my head, before pulling it down below my breasts.
I thought about those three weeks that seemed like a distant memory, but was only a few days ago. I shrugged and began stuffing my legs into my jeans, "ask the doctors, I bet they still think something is wrong with me," I slipped my arms through the arms of the shirt and brought it forward to my chest. I began to button it, as I spoke again, "they think that I'm psychotic."
"You're not psychotic," she studied me again, "you've just been through so much."
I shook my head, taking a deep breath, as I finished buttoning my shirt, "I'm okay."
Walking over to the mirror, I looked at my wet hair that I forgot to dry, which led to my shirt becoming soaked at the back. I groaned, grabbed the towel that was pooled on the floor and wrapped it around my head.
Plopping my hair, I then shook it for a few seconds, before allowing the towel to slip to the floor once more. I needed to get laundry done anyway. I walked back over to the closet and grabbed a tank top and a jacket. I discarded the damp shirt from my body, knowing that she was looking at me and slipped the tank top through my arms and over my head, along with my jacket.
"It's rude to stare," I walked over to her. She looked at me quizzically and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into her, "ouch," my face came front first with the floor.
"Sorry, I wanted you to sit on my lap," she apologized, helping me up and I took the seat that she'd intended.
"You could have just asked," I looked into her eyes. They were quite lovely to look into.
"I wanted to be spontaneous," she grinned, using her thumb to rub my cheek.
I sighed, "after what happened, I wasn't speaking. Like I didn't say a word and that made dad put me in rehab," I lowered my head and fiddled with my fingers.
She lifted my chin with her index finger and kissed my forehead, "it was very recent, wasn't it?" She questioned, her light eyes giving me a sense of her sincerity and care.
"I've been out for about week."
"How long were you there?"
"Three weeks and one day to be exact, but I'm not counting," I took a deep breath and shifted on her lap. My legs were rested by her side and body was horizontal to hers, which gave us the position we needed to see each other's faces.
I looked at her lips. They looked so soft and comforting. The way she bit down on her bottom lip looked so sensual, "you're so beautiful," I whispered, as her eyes held shock and warmth.
"No one's ever complimented me so much before," a small smile sat upon her lips.
"Well, they are dumbfucks," I caressed her cheek with the palm of my hand. I thought for a moment, as I looked at her beautiful face. I couldn't seem to shake the feeling that we were so alike, but yet so different. I felt some kind of connection with her. I didn't know what it was yet, but I wanted to find out.
"Will you go on a date with me?" I questioned and she began to laugh. I crossed my arms over my chest, still sitting on her lap and pouted. What's so funny about me asking her out on a date? "You can just say no, you don't need to laugh," I became irritated, before she cupped my cheeks, making my lips pucker.
"What do you think we were going to do today? Hang out as friends?" She shook her head and released my cheeks, making my puckered lips dissolve, "you already asked me on a date."
"I did?" She looked at me with amusement written across her face.
"You asked and I quote are you still going to spend the day with me and that was just an hour or so ago," I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Well, I'm sorry, but I didn't know that you took that as me asking you out, okay?"
"Honey, I'm too old to beat around the bush," I cupped her cheeks and rubbed my thumbs against her skin.
"You're not old," it seemed as though she wanted to laugh again, since I saw amusement on her face.
"Says the eighteen year old."
"Honestly, you're not old."
"I will say this again to you, you're blind."
"You're so fucking hot," I grinned, as I saw a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.
"You're hot. Have you seen that ass?" I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.
"Can we go get food now. I'm very hungry."
"I know you are," I got up from her lap and spotted my pair of black Jordans in the corner of the room. I walked over and bent down to grab it.
"Stop bending. Don't make me prolong us from getting breakfast even more."
I rolled my eyes and stuffed my feet one after the other, before turning back to see that she had her heels in her hand, as she sat on the bed. She slipped them into her feet before getting up, also grabbing her purse.
"Let's go, amor, I still need to shower and get dressed."
"Amor?" I arched my eyebrow, as I picked up my keys and phone, before placing them into my back pocket.
"Yes, love," I opened the door and waited for her to exit, before I did.
"I know what it means, just..."
"You don't like it?" She questioned, as a mixture of feelings displayed on her face.
"I actually love it."

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