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As I munched down on my delicious pancakes, I checked the time on the clock that hung on the wall of the kitchen, "it's almost lunch," I noticed, with my mouth full.
Kira was only in a robe and she lent me a spare, so our bodies were just covered by the soft white fabrics and I ever so often caught her passing a slow glance over me, since it was wrapped around me loosely and most of my body was revealed. I smirked, as I saw her bite her lip, before taking a sip of her coffee.
She sat on the stool next to me and placed her coffee mug down on the granite counter. Her eyes stopped to admire my breasts for a few noticeable seconds, before shifting them to meet mine, "swallow before you speak," she hissed, trying to cover up the fact that her eyes kept lingering on my body. I felt a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks, seeing how her eyes looked lustfully at my bare skin. I then swallowed what I was chewing and realized that I didn't break down the particles enough. I coughed, feeling the lumps slowly sliding down my throat. She began stroking my back, as the lumps passed down, "I didn't say to choke yourself," she continued to stroke my back.
I took a deep breath, as she handed me my mug of coffee, "thank you," I gladly accepted it and took slow sips. I sighed, as the warm liquid slid down my throat, and into my stomach.
"Open your mouth," she commanded and I did as requested, "wider,"  I stretched it as wide as I could, but my mouth wasn't very big, "you're so tiny."
"Hey, I'm five feet nine," I defended myself, knowing that my height was nothing close to small.
"Yes, you have long, sexy legs, but you're so thin."
"Well, everyone can't be as juicy as you," I grinned, looking over her body, which was sadly hidden by the robe securely wrapped around it. I frowned, wanting to see her skin beneath the white fabric.
"Are you calling me fat?"
"Oh, I wish, more for me to bite and lick, especially suck," I remembered that if I was going to make love to her, I had to be very gentle. I didn't want to see her cry because of my stupidity. I stood and found the ends of her robe's sash and began to untie it, while looking into her eyes. She didn't seem to have any fear in her eyes and I took it as a good sign—she was beginning to trust me. Well, the little trust one could receive in less than twenty-four hours.
Her tongue trailed along her top lip, making me my bite down on my own, "you're so beautiful," I slipped my hand under the fabric and touched the warmth of her skin. I leaned down, bringing my lips closer to her face. My lips slightly parted, giving her permission to combine her lips with mine.
She moaned, as my fingers pinched her already hard nipples. Her head flew back, making my lips immediately want to suck on the skin of her neck. Kissing could have waited a little longer.
"Don't leave a mark," she whispered, as I continued to indulge myself in the sweetness of her flesh. Her hand cupped my chin, drawing me away from her neck to face her instead, before she pressed her lips against mine. Her tongue drew a delicate line across the length of my lips, making me moan.
I continued to squeeze on her nipple, as my other hand roamed along her waistline. She hummed against my lips, as her arms wrapped around my upper back.
My hand grazed along the warm skin below her stomach, making her pull me closer and suck on my bottom lip.
The tips of my fingers slid between her slippery folds, making my insides tremble with excitement, feeling her wetness. I rubbed along the valley of her folds gently, soliciting a soft moan to escape her lips. Her hands slipped their way beneath the fabric of my robe and trailed along the smoothness of my back. I felt the heat buildup within my body, and I could feel hers radiating on me as well.
She released her teeth from sinking into my bottom lip, making her head fling back again from the effect of my finger slipping inside of her. I fought the urge the suck on the sweet skin on her neck again and instead, trailed kisses along her jawline and in between her supple breasts.
I took a nipple between my lips and softly sucked, making one of her hands push my head further into her. My finger continued to stroke her soaked center and I let out a deep breath against her breast, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. I kissed her breast, where the goosebumps had formed, before taking her other nipple into my mouth and nibbling on it.
She let out a low moan, making my knees become weak. I leaned in more, making her back almost rest on the countertop. I hoped that she was comfortable, since it didn't look like a very comfortable position, "are you comfortable?" I questioned and her eyes immediately found mine, before slowly shaking her head.
I lifted her with my one free hand, by wrapping it around her waist and positioned her to sit on the countertop. I then proceeded to move the plates and cups away from her, while still stroking her delicate bundle of nerves. My multitasking abilities came in very handy.
She sighed and placed a kiss upon my lips again, "thank you," she whispered, before her hands pushed my head into the crook of her neck, as she moaned loudly. I smiled against her skin and felt her walls tightening around my finger. She let out a low groan, as my pace fastened a bit, just to give her a little kick to become undone. She didn't seem to be against the pace of my finger and I continued. Her hips were soon grinding against the thrust of my finger and I felt her hardened nipples against my own. I didn't even realize that we were so close.
"Another finger," she mumbled. I was surprised, but not reluctant to do what she said, "fuck," she mumbled, as I continued at the same pace. Her arms wrapped around my neck, as she continued to make beautiful sounds into my ear. I could have almost felt myself feeling some kind of ecstasy from just her hot breath and lovely words. The wetness between my thighs felt as though at any moment it would drip down my legs. I moaned ,as I heard her whisper, "I'm going to cum," I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins, as I made one final thrust, before she shattered with my fingers still inside of her.
Her legs trembled and she kissed the crook of my neck. I pulled my fingers out of her, "do you want to taste yourself?" She shook her head and gave me a wicked grin.
"I'll taste myself off of your lips," she leaned my juice coated fingers closer to my mouth. I ran my fingers along my lips, feeling the wetness, before placing them into my mouth and sucking. After taking them out, she replaced them with her tongue inside of my mouth. She traced her tongue against my white enamels, before slipping it out and onto my lips, licking away her own juices. She leaned back and I saw a faint blush appear on her cheeks. She smiled, as she pulled the ends of the sash together and secured the robe tightly around her body. She did the same for me, before placing a peck on my lips and hopping off of the counter.
I continued to look at her, still lost in the thought of her naked body and she caught my lingering eyes, as she grabbed her coffee mug and took a sip of her cold coffee, "I haven't had so much wonderful sex in a very long time," she admitted, making me smirk.
"Neither have I," she sat back on her stool and I saw her pick up her cell phone from the counter, presumably reading a message. Looking at her, I heard the sound of a notification and saw an immediate frown emerge on her lips, "fuck," she mumbled, placing it down and got up, taking her plate along with her. She placed it into the sink, before turning back to me, with her arms crossed over her chest.
I saw something change in her facial expression. She looked a bit disheveled, "are you okay?" I questioned, as I picked up my plate as well and walked over to the sink. She sighed and moved out of the way. I placed the plate down gently inside of the sink and looked at her.
"Plans changed. Go get dressed so that I can drive you back to the hotel," I sensed a bit of hesitation. I looked at her and grazed the palm of my hand against her cheek. A soft moan escaped her lips and I cupped her cheeks, seeing sadness express itself within her beautiful eyes. I drew my face closer, closing the already little distance between us, as my lips slowly moved against hers. She took a few seconds to reciprocate the delicate kiss and as I felt her lips moving against my own, wet droplets touched my skin. I parted from the kiss, only allowing a small space between us. Tears ran down her face and I immediately kissed both sides of her cheeks, before kissing her forehead. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. My hands dropped from her face and wrapped around her neck instead. We stayed like that, in silence, for a while, before she said something incoherent. I tried to figure out what she'd said in my mind, replaying the words in my head, trying to make sense of them but I couldn't, "I'm married," she said loud enough for me to hear and I swallowed. The shock ran through my body and I pulled away from her. I could see the torment in her eyes and wanted to instantly wrap my arms around her again, but I couldn't. Something inside of me stopped me. I walked out of the kitchen at a fast pace and ran up the stairs to get my clothes and get the hell out of her house. I couldn't believe what I did. There were no words that I could have said. I felt my heart sink beneath me and if I uttered another word, I would explode. I hurriedly walked into her room, actually, her and her wife's room, where I allowed her to have sex with me. I cringed at the thought. I immediately saw my scattered clothing and picked them up. She walked into the room behind me and I felt the tension. I took a deep breath, as she removed the sheets off of the bed. She threw them onto the floor, before stripping the pillows as well. I didn't say anything, as I dropped my robe to the floor and quickly dressed, not saying a word, as she continued to strip the bed of everything that was on it, "I've never done this before," she mumbled and my eyes met hers. She took a deep breath, before looking away from me and bent down to pick up the scattered bedding.
"You shouldn't have then," I said, luckily not exploding, as I had thought I would have, before walking out of the room, since I was fully dressed. I ran down the stairs and toward the front door. I felt a hand grip my wrist, stopping me from moving. The touch was familiar and I felt my eyes tear up, as I avoided turning my head to look into her eyes, "you shouldn't," I whispered, as I pulled my hand away from her grip.
"I don't want you to go," I turned back to look at her. I knew that she could see the pain in my eyes and I sensed a pain within her as well, "it's more complicated than it seems."
I studied her, as we stayed still and in silence for a few moments. The memories of our time together played a slideshow in my mind. I took a deep breath, trying not to break down in front of her, but if I stayed in place any longer I would have.
I turned my attention to my hands in front of me. I didn't know what else to look at to draw my attention away from her. My body was screaming to wrap my arms around her, as though everything was okay, but my mind told me otherwise and I chose the more sensible of the two to follow.
"Was it your wife who texted you?" I mumbled, shifting my eyes up to look at her, then back down immediately.
"Please look at me?" She pleaded, as I felt her walking closer to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and I looked at her, which made her retract her hands, maybe thinking that I was uncomfortable with her touch, but I did want her to hold me. I craved her touch and her hot breath against my skin, her soft lips moving against my own and the sweet words that flowed through her lips.
"Why?" I managed to croak out, barely audible, but she heard what I said.
"Why what?" She asked softly.
"Why would you do this? I told you so much that I've never told anyone, I don't know why I did. Why did you come up to me in that bar? You should have chosen some other fucked up chick to cheat on your wife with," I almost yelled and closed my eyes. I stepped backward to move away from her and bumped into something unknown, "fuck," I yelled in pain, as I stumbled forward and landed on my knees, making a painful shock run through my body.
She kneeled down in front of me and tried to touch me, "fuck, are you okay?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. I felt wetness slide down my cheeks, as the pain continued to rush through my aching body.
"Don't touch me," I mumbled, as I tried to get up, but failed miserably, as I stumbled back down on my ass.
"Be careful," she leaned closer to me, but her touch was the last thing that I wanted to feel, for it would have given me more pain than I was already feeling. Not physical pain, because her touch was soft and comforting, but emotionally I couldn't bear it, "that fucking statue," she groaned, as she got up, retreating from helping me, but that was what I wanted. I wanted her to just go away, but at the same time, I couldn't stand the thought of it. What's wrong with me? Why am I still lusting over a married woman? I knew situations like those all too well. My father caused so much pain to my mother—pain that never left her until the day... I was unable to move.
My mind became blank and unable to think or do anything. But I could feel the tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Why do I have to break down in front of her? Why does my body trust her when my mind knows not to?
I closed my eyes, as my body began to shake, the images from the past once again replaying in my mind. Everything was so vivid. It was too much for me to handle. Soon, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My eyes shot open, as I clutched my chest. She knelt in front of me again, her face was a blur and her words incoherent.
As my eyes closed again, I sensed a warm sensation spread through my body. I didn't know what it was, maybe it was my body finally relaxing from its state. I could finally breathe again, but then a sudden adrenaline pumped through my body again and my eyes shot open. I was in her arms, my body lifted into the air. She was saying something to me, but I still couldn't decipher her words, but they felt like words of comfort. 

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