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The elevator ride was silent, but Kira seemed to have a question on her mind. I didn't know how I could tell, but she was looking at me with narrowed eyes, analyzing me.
"Go ahead. What is it?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned my back against the wall of the elevator.
"Nothing," she shifted her eyes from me to the doors of the elevator.
"Spit it out," I commanded and she sighed.
"Not many people have private elevators," she explained, which made me roll my eyes.
"So, you're thinking, how come I have an access card, but I'm staying in just a small portion of the penthouse?"
"Just curious," she shrugged and looked back at me with a small smile.
"My room is separated from my dad's place. I want to be able to go out as I please without stepping on anyone's toes, plus I like my privacy."  
"So, Levi basically allowed you to have a hotel room in the penthouse?"
"Levi?" I questioned, already knowing who the person was. I just wondered how she knew him.
"The hotel owner."
"Oh, yeah," I said, not adding anything else.
She chuckled, "he's always telling me about how his daughter is a lesbian just like me for some reason," I almost choked on my laughter.
"Well, you're a lesbian, right?"
"I'm a circle," she grinned, as the elevator doors opened.
"A circle?" She walked out of the elevator purposely ahead of me, swaying and showing off her hips.
"Yes, a circle. A circle's not straight," I shook my head, as a small smile found its way onto my lips.
"Have you mentioned that analogy to anyone else?" We walked past the reception desk, before walking through the doors. Then I realized that I hadn't thought of any means of transportation.
"My car is in the parking lot," she pointed out, reading my mind and I followed behind her.
"How do you know him anyway?" She turned to me and slowed down, allowing us to walk side by side.
"Let's just say I have to deal with him on an occasional basis."
I arched my eyebrow, "business partners?" She shook her head and laughed.
"Well, that's something he keeps suggesting," she said, which made me grow even more curious.
"So, what do you do then? I'm going to assume you're in the same industry as him," she stopped again, making me abruptly stop as well.
"Sorta, I'm more mixed up."
"Like?" We started walking again.
"Hotels, casinos, hotels with casinos, clubs. A bunch of stuff."
"Wow, you must be loaded then. I always make it a rule not to go on dates with snobs."
"Amor, do I look like a snob?" I saw her hand dangling at her side, as she walked and somehow my hand found its way into hers.. She turned to me, a smile displayed brightly on her face, as I heard the click of her car keys. The beeping of the alarm went off and my eyes scanned the parking structure filled with many vehicles, "it's over there, amor," she pointed and I smiled, loving her nickname for me.
We walked over to her car. i seriously didn't know what kind of car it was, but it sure looked expensive.
She opened the passenger door for me, which made my heart flutter. I smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips as my thanks and slid into the seat. She then closed the door and walked to the opposite side of the vehicle, opened the door and slid in as well. She gave me a short glance, before focusing her eyes in front of her.
We both buckled our seatbelts and I felt the car moving. She reversed out of the parking space and gave me another small glance, before giving her undivided attention to what was in front of her once more. She seemed to be a safe driver.
"I can feel you staring at me," she giggled, as she drove through the entrance which led onto the street.
"You're just so hot to stare at," I grinned.
"He's your father, isn't he?" I stayed silent for a few moments, wanting to know how she figured that out, "you two do look very much alike," she added, her eyes still focused on the road.
"Are you psychic?"
"Just observant," I thought for a moment, still looking at her.
"What is he like?" I questioned, as I saw her eyebrows furrow as though she was confused.
"You're asking a stranger about your own father?"
"Firstly, you're not a stranger. Anyone who has been inside of me is definitely not a stranger," I saw her grin, "and he hasn't been around much. Mom..." I took a deep breath, "and him divorced when I was five. We just drifted apart," I felt my tension rising, as I discussed my mother.
"Well, he seems nice and he did tell me your sexuality with a fatherly kind of proudness. He doesn't seem like all the men I know," she shrugged, "but I don't know much about him. Well, his personal life that is."
"He cheated on my mom with a stripper," I felt my heart clench, mentioning my mother again.
I sighed, "then the maid, my math tutor, his assistant, the list goes on and on."
"I wish he would try to be a part of my life, you know make up for lost time, but he seems to be handling his grief without me."
"He still had feelings for her?" She asked softly, already knowing that it was a sensitive topic.
"He loves," my voice got stuck in my throat for a moment, "I mean he loved her, but he couldn't be faithful."
"Men can't keep it in their pants," I shifted and focused my eyes on looking through the window with no thoughts surrounded in my head. I felt an emptiness inside of me. I hoped the feeling would soon go away, but somehow I didn't want it to either. I wanted the memory of my mother to be with me forever, minus the events that happened a month before, "are you okay?" She asked worriedly, after a few minutes passed in silence.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled.
"So..." she trailed off. I turned my attention back to her, since I had rather stare at her, than the cars passing by.
"Why were you in the bar last night?" I questioned, trying to draw us off the previous topic of discussion.
She didn't answer and I felt a bit of tension building up in the small space of the car. Her fists clenched around the steering wheel, but she didn't seem upset. She just seemed like she was hiding something.
She spoke after a few minutes, her voice not as playful as before, "I was looking for a one-night stand?"
I arched my eyebrow, "so, you were planning to get laid," she shrugged and I saw her bite down on her bottom lip.
I nodded, feeling as though that wasn't the entire truth, "did you find what you were looking for?" I questioned.
"Even better," I then saw that she was driving through a gate that a guard opened. I arched my brow in awe, as I analyzed the place. She was even wealthier than I initially thought.
"Are you my sugar momma?" I asked, as we got out of the car and began walking to the door. She rolled her eyes and intertwined our arms, pulling me closer to her.
"Call me that again and I will eat you for lunch," she threatened and I felt my interest arise.
"Sugar momma," I grinned, as she opened the door with her thumbprint. I crossed my arms over my chest, as she held the door open for me, "where is my punishment, sugar momma?" She didn't say anything. I dropped my hands to my sides and walked through the door. I was welcomed by a very elegant home, not one that I grew up in.  My home was simpler and not very modern. Mom was an old-fashioned woman. I took a deep breath at the thought of her again. The walls were painted white and the furniture looked exquisite, yet simple at the same time. There were paintings lined off on the walls and the thing that received most of my attention was the hot tub that I spotted, "indoor hot tub," I glanced back at her and felt her breath against my neck. I didn't realize that she'd gotten so close.
"I'm going to shower. No snooping, okay?" She walked past me and toward the stairs, "I won't be long," she disappeared up the stairs and I felt my body missing her already, so I decided to follow her. I spotted her leaned against the wall, her eyes meeting mine immediately, "I guess someone can't stay away from me," she grinned and I rolled my eyes, walking toward her.
"Maybe, I just want to see you butt naked again," I also grinned, as I leaned closer to her. She licked her lips, as I slightly parted mine and placed my hands on her shoulders.
"No one else is here, right?" She slowly shook her head and the distance between us faded. The kiss was so light, yet so passionate at the same time. I always loved to just feel lips against mine—kissing without any tongue,  just soft and sensual.
We parted a few seconds after, "at least let me shower first," she pleaded and I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"Okay, but don't get dressed when you finish. Just wrap a robe around your sexy body," she looked at me questionably. I smirked and kissed her forehead, "just do it, you'll know the reason. I'm going to be downstairs. Come get me when you're done."
"I thought you wanted to watch me shower."
"Oh, don't worry. I have something better in mind."
"Didn't you say you're hungry?" My stomach immediately rumbled. I pouted, placing my hands on my stomach, "the hot tub can wait, let me shower and then I will make you something for breakfast."
"Are you going to make it a habit of reading my mind?" She cupped my cheeks and placed a soft kiss upon my lips.
"You're very predictable," she dropped her hands to her sides and sauntered off into what I assumed was her room, leaving me standing there alone. Then I heard her call, "don't just stand there," I smiled and followed, noticing a large bed as soon as I entered the room. Everything was white—the sheets, pillows, walls, and furniture. I wondered how she kept everything so clean. I knew white was a difficult color to manage. Her housekeeper must have been excellent at her job.
I heard the running of water and my eyes came upon an opened door, and the glimpse of a naked body through the glass shower. I bit down on my bottom lip and walked over, the hot steam of the shower fogging my view through the transparent glass.
"You're quite a pervert," I heard her say, as I leaned against the door frame.
"I know," I decided to walk closer. She turned off the shower and got out, her body wet and dripping.
"That was quick," I licked my lips, as I looked at her beautiful body, her nipples were erect and drops of water ran over them and down her stomach.
"Can't keep you waiting for too long," she sighed, "at least eat breakfast before you eat me," she grinned, as I placed my hands on her hips, her smooth curves melting against my palms.
She stepped away, making me frown, as my hands dropped to my sides and she grabbed her towel. She patted her skin with it, wiping away the water. Then wrapped it around her body and walked back into her room. I walked behind her and plopped down onto her bed. She turned to look at me and shook her head, turning her attention back to applying lotion onto her skin.
"No wonder your skin's so smooth," I cooed, propping my face up on my palms, as I laid flat on my stomach, facing her back.
"It's necessary for withering skin."
"My skin's more withered than yours, you sexy beast."
"Sexy beast?" She turned with a broad smile displayed on her beautiful face.
"Yes," I bit down on my bottom lip, as her towel purposely dropped to the floor, pooling at her feet.
My eyes looked over her body, taking long glances at her mesmerizing curves—her flat stomach, the sexy curve of her pussy and those long, smooth legs. Then my eyes trailed back up to her breasts. Looking at her amazing body made me unconsciously shut my legs, since it was continuously throbbing.
She then walked closer, my face directly in front of her lower body. I licked my lips and felt a hand gently stroking my core, realizing that it was my own.
"Are you touching yourself?" I swallowed and looked up at her, her face displaying arousal. I saw the lustful look in her eyes, as she watched my arm move beneath my body, "sit up," she demanded and I did as told. She crawled onto the bed, her legs under her ass, as she tilted her head, looking at me. It felt as though the temperature rose in the room, "take off your jeans, amor."
I did as told again, leaving myself in my boy shorts. My legs were slightly parted, as I dropped my jeans to the floor. She stretched her arms forward and placed her hands on my knees. She looked into my eyes, as she slowly parted my legs. I felt the throbbing becoming more intense and I craved to be touched.
Her hands trailed down my inner thighs until it lingered at the hem of my underwear. She pulled the fabric to the side and licked her lips, as she came face to face with my soaked center.
"You're so fucking wet," she shifted her eyes back to mine. I then closed my eyes, as my body heat became unbearable. I felt the erectness of my nipples and couldn't help but touch one above the fabric of my clothing.
I moaned, as her finger grazed against my folds before backing away. I opened my eyes to see her sitting in the same position, but her hands were rested on her thighs. I was already panting, my nipple was in between my fingers, as I gently squeezed it. She continued to look at my pussy, where I bet she saw the wetness already soaking the fabric.
"Why did you stop touching me?" I questioned, as my hips moved up and down, trying to get some invisible friction.
She smirked and placed her hand back onto my thigh, but nowhere close enough to where I wanted it, "I want to watch you touch yourself instead," she purred, breaking our eye contact and moving her eyes down my body.
"Is it your birthday or mine?" She leaned her body over me, her face directly over mine.
"Just do it," she whispered, before placing her lips on mine. It was kind of sloppy unlike before, her tongue sliding a bit rougher against my lips.
Our lips parted and she sat back in the same position, looking at me. I took it as my queue to begin touching myself. I trailed my hand down my torso slowly and over the fabric of my boy shorts. I let my hand linger for a few moments, just rested there, before I used the tips of my fingers to begin softly stroking.
I swallowed, not too sure what to do. I had never touched myself before. Well, I normally used a magic wand massager, but I never actually used my fingers. Weird, right?
"Take off your panties. I will tell you what to do," she seemed to realize how I was fumbling with my movements. I took my boy shorts off and threw it off of the bed, "spread wider. Let me see that dripping pussy," I spread my legs. She stared at the continuous throbbing for a few moments and I enjoyed the lust in her eyes, since I stretched my neck upward, still fascinated to get a glimpse of her naked body, which turned me on even more, "use your fingers to stroke your pussy, go slowly, but speeden your pace about every ten seconds," I used my fingers to slip between my folds and began to rub, stroking my clit down my valley, then up again. She looked at my every movement, her hands edging closer to my thighs.  My back was arched upward, almost in a seated position, but more in between lying down and sitting, so I could clearly see her reaction to everything. I knew that she wanted to touch me, but she was restraining herself. I quickened my pace and began to moan, the ecstasy getting the best of me. I pinched my erect nipple and my legs spread wider subconsciously, "slip two fingers inside, amor, and use your thumb to continue rubbing your clit," she whispered, bringing her eyes up to meet mine, before moving them back down to my core. I knew that I was already getting close, as my walls tightened around my fingers, each thrust gave my body a euphoric feeling and soon I felt my juices coming to a sudden flow. I clenched my eyes shut, as I rode out my release and felt her hot breath on my face. I didn't realize that she was over me. She kissed my lips, down my jawline, in between my breasts, down my flat stomach, that was heaving, before stopping at my dripping wet pussy and began to slowly lick. I closed my eyes again, feeling her soft lips drinking in all of my juices, before she trailed up my body and kissed my damp forehead, "that was your punishment for calling me sugar momma," she grinned, moving off of me.

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