The Cathedral

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_A Novel_


Author of _The Young Enchanted_, _The Captives_, _Jeremy_, _The Secret City_, _The Green Mirror_, etc.


[Illustration: Sonore sans dureto]


BOOK I: Prelude

I. Brandons II. Ronders III. One of Joan's Days IV. The Impertinent Elephan V. Mrs. Brandon Goes Out to Tea VI. Seatown Mist and Cathedral Dust VII. Ronder's Day VIII. Son--Father

BOOK II: The Whispering Gallery

I. Five O'Clock--The Green Cloud II. Souls on Sunday III. The May-Day Prologue IV. The Genial Heart V. Falk by the River VI. Falk's Flight VII. Brandon Puts On His Armour VIII. The Wind Flies Over the House IX. The Quarrel

Book III: The Jubilee

I. June 17, Thursday: Anticipation II. Friday, June 18: Shadow Meets Shadow III. Saturday, June 19: The Ball IV. Sunday, June 20: In the Bedroom V. Tuesday, June 22: I. The Cathedral VI. Tuesday, June 22: II. The Fair VII. Tuesday, June 22: III. Torchlight

Book IV: The Last Stand

I. In Ronder's House: Ronder, Wistons II. Two in the House III. Prelude to Battle IV. The Last Tournament

Book I


"Thou shalt have none other gods but Me."

Chapter I


Adam Brandon was born at Little Empton in Kent in 1839. He was educated at the King's School, Canterbury, and at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Ordained in 1863, he was first curate at St. Martin's, Portsmouth, then Chaplain to the Bishop of Worcester; in the year 1875 he accepted the living of Pomfret in Wiltshire and was there for twelve years. It was in 1887 that he came to our town; he was first Canon and afterwards Archdeacon. Ten years later he had, by personal influence and strength of character, acquired so striking a position amongst us that he was often alluded to as "the King of Polchester." His power was the greater because both our Bishop (Bishop Purcell) and our Dean (Dean Sampson) during that period were men of retiring habits of life. A better man, a greater saint than Bishop Purcell has never lived, but in 1896 he was eighty-six years of age and preferred study and the sanctity of his wonderful library at Carpledon to the publicity and turmoil of a public career; Dean Sampson, gentle and amiable as he was, was not intended by nature for a moulder of men. He was, however, one of the best botanists in the County and his little book on "Glebshire Ferns" is, I believe, an authority in its own line.

Archdeacon Brandon was, of course, greatly helped by his magnificent physical presence. "Magnificent" is not, I think, too strong a word. Six feet two or three in height, he had the figure of an athlete, light blue eyes, and his hair was still, when he was fifty-eight years of age, thick and fair and curly like that of a boy. He looked, indeed, marvellously young, and his energy and grace of movement might indeed have belonged to a youth still in his teens. It is not difficult to imagine how startling an effect his first appearance in Polchester created. Many of the Polchester ladies thought that he was like "a Greek God" (the fact that they had never seen one gave them the greater confidence), and Miss Dobell, who was the best read of all the ladies in our town, called him "the Viking." This stuck to him, being an easy and emphatic word and pleasantly cultured.

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