Houses and Curly Haired Snakes

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I was shaken awake by Sirius, who in turn was 'accidentally' punched in the face.


So we all filed off of the train, and I saw a youngish looking man, that was humongous. He had an awesome beard, and was telling all of the first years to get in the boats. I wasn't sure where to go, so I said goodbye to the boys ("Make sure you get in Griffindor") and walked up to the huge man.

"Hello, sir, I'm the transfer student, and, um, I have no idea where I'm supposed to go." He looked down at me. "Hello, darlin' m'name's Hagrid. Come righ' this way. I'll let yeh ride with me!"

So Hagrid and I talked about magical animals, and Hogwarts the whole ride. He was very nice, and interesting. I think he's my first friend here!

When we got on shore, there was a strict looking woman with black hair pulled into a tight bun. She introduced the four houses, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Griffindor. "Ariel Baudin? Are you here?" I waved my arms around. "That's my name!"

She impatiently motioned for me to come closer. So I stood next to her as an old man with a long beard walked towards us. When he got closer, I found that he smelled a lot like hay. (If you understand this reference, I love you. Credits go to secret_ninja)

"Ms. Baudin, will you please come with me?" The bearded hay man said. I nodded and followed him down a long, dimly lit, and very creepy corridor.

"Now, Ms. Baudin, I will need to introduce you to the rest of the student body. Do you want the normal, or the dramatic entrance?" Hay man said, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Mr. Teacher, sir, I have only known you for three minutes, but you should know which one I choose." I smiled mischievously. "Very well."

So, Dumbles (I later found out his full name was Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, but I prefer Dumbles) and I planned out my entrance, so now I was waiting for my que.

I faintly heard the chatter of hundreds of students as I stood outside of the grand wooden doors. Then Dumbles said, after his inspirational speech, "And I would like to welcome a new student this year, coming to us all the way from America. She is going into her 5th year, and I encourage you to be welcoming. Here she is, Ariel Baudin!"

The doors flew open, and I strutted (yes, strutted. It is a form of sass, which I am the master of) down the aisle created between the two middle tables. Everyone was silent as I strutted sassily, and when I passed James, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Peter, they gave me thumbs up and smiles.

When I got to Dumbles, I turned to him and said, "Now, I prefer to be called Ms. Fiery Inferno of Hotness, but Ariel is fine too." The students laughed, and the professors rolled their eyes and muttered things like 'not another one' or 'I'm not going to survive this year'.

He motioned for me to sit on a small wooden stool, and as I did everyone's eyes were on me. He then put a large pointy hat, that looked like it went through a world war and back, on my head. But I suddenly heard a voice, and I screamed and fell off the stool.


The whole hall laughed, and I got back up on the stool. "Yes, child. I do indeed talk." The hat said in my mind. "Well you could have warned me first!" I yelled back. Then the hat started mumbling things to itself.

"Ahh, yes. A very complicated mind, though Ravenclaw is out of the question." I smiled. "Preach Brother!" The hat chuckled.

"You are very cunning, a sneaky one you are, but Slytherin will not do. One of the most loyal I have seen this year! Yes, but you are too daring and rambunctious for Hufflepuff. But your bravery, that is what defines you. You have no hesitation to do anything, or stand up for anyone. I see this has also gotten you into some bad situations, too, but I know where to put you..."


Everyone at the red table stood up and cheered, and all the other tables did, too. So I threw off the hat, and ran down to sit next to Sirius.

"Aye, congrats, love!" Sirius said, giving me a side hug. "Yeah, great job, Ari!" Remus said, taking hold of my hand. "Ari?" I laughed. "Where did that come from? And thanks, both of you." Remus blushed.

"I, umm, well, I thought, since, you might-" I cut him off. "Remus I was just joking! Sheesh, your taking things too seriously!" Then James nudged my hand. "Want any potatoes, Ariel?" I nodded and thanked him.


They rolled their eyes at me. "It appears magically, love." Sirius said still holding onto me. Not that I minded.

"What's up with the 'love'? I'm not your love! Am I? Or does that mean something different in England?" He looked down at his food, and I saw some..... red? On his face. Was he blushing?

I didn't get to ponder it any longer, because I was tapped on the shoulder. I spun around, to be met with the sight of Regulus. I smiled at him while Sirius sneered. "What are you doing here, bro-" "Regulus!" I interrupted Sirius, by jumping up and hugging Regulus.

"Told you I couldn't keep away!" I giggled at him. "I'm happy you found a house where you belong, though I would have loved for you to be in Slytherin." I rolled my eyes, but before I could say anything back, the boys behind me stood up.

And they looked mad.

"Get away from her!" James said. Well now I'm confused. "I know your on a mission to recruit more of his followers, but this is low." Regulus sneered at James and Sirius, and they growled at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You damn well know what we're talking about!" Well now I was beyond shocked. Remus just cursed.

Regulus rolled his eyes, winked at me and walked away. "What was that?" Before anyone could answer my question, we were interrupted again.

"Who do you think you are, you filthy half-breed?!" I turned around again to see a somewhat pretty girl with a HUGE head of curly, dark, hair.

"Ummm... Ariel?"

She sneered at me. "Why, you stupid girl, do you think that you can strut in here, acting like you own the place, and then mess with my little cousin?" I smiled inside my head. Even she noticed that I can strut.

"And then you hang out with a bunch of blood traitors and a mudblood" She motioned at Lily, "why, you should be-" but she was cut off. Because you can insult me all you want, but no one calls my new ginger friend a mudblood.

So I punched that curly haired snake in the face.

"You never call my friend that word again, and I'll think about not punching your face in, if you ever come near us." She glared at me through the blood on her face, and I smirked at her. The girl huffed and stalked back to her table, next to Regulus.

"Well, wasn't she lovely?" Everyone stared at me. "You can go back to stuffing your faces, nothing to see here!" I sat down and got more pudding.

Sirius chuckled. "Well, you, Ariel, have just done what almost everyone has been wanting to do for a while, now." James rolled his eyes. "More than just a while, practically the whole time she's been here!"

"That's great, but I am exhausted. Can someone walk me to the common room?"

"OH, I WILL!" Sirius and Remus both said at the same time. They glared at eachother. "No, I will! No! Stop it!" Again, at the same time.

"Why can't Ari choose who she wants to walk her?" Sirius said smugly to Remus, who glared, then turned to me. "I choose Remus. He's the least likely to get lost on the way there, or forget the password."

Remus grinned from ear to ear, and if glares could kill, Sirius would have murdered him about 50 times. So I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the hall.

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