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Sky has changed into pretty colors and the slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky making it mesmerizing. Every day with the setting sun, she hoped that maybe tomorrow will be different. They might make any progress but except for her feelings, which increased tenfold, nothing has changed.

It's been two months since their wedding, but things are as same as the day one. She's trying, making a lot of effort for her relationship, to make it normal, like others.

After enjoying her tea, she got up from her place to make dinner for him. In the afternoon she came back from Khan's villa and he was not aware of her arrival.

She thought of making some of his favorite meals. Shami kabab and mutton dou piyaza. It's his favorite and that might change his mood from sour to good. He's so stressed out nowadays that he shouts at anyone for anything.

After two hours, she was done with cooking and moved towards the bedroom to change into something pleasant but not before checking everything.

She decided to wear black color mid-length frock with a pant that was embellished with golden zardozi work. Pretty heavy but suitable for a newlywed.

She chooses to complete her look by wearing a pendent of his name and some matching Bengals. She coats mascara on her eyelashes from Too faced's better than sex range. Tinting her lips and cheeks from benefits' benetint. She looks at herself in the mirror and beams nervously. She inhales deeply thrice to calm her beating heart.

"Tum kab aayi?"He unlocked the door with spare keys.

"Dopher mei" She was startled by his sudden arrival but replied to his question.

He checked out her from head to toe and gulped inaudibly. She's looking beautiful but what caught his eye is her pendant.

His heated stares made her heart pound. His undivided attention on her made her feel different. Her cheeks start turning red. She looked down fiddling her fingers.

"Aap fresh hojaye, mai khana lagari hun." She tried to speak without stammering and succeed.

She set the dining table and waited for him. He came back, all changed in track and t-shirt. He took his seat and she served him. Seeing his favorite food, his mood changed. Both ate in pin-drop silence, though she was expecting some kind words for her efforts he doesn't praise her and retired to their room.

After completing all her chores, she went to him with a cup of coffee. She kept the cup on the table and got ready for bed. Till the time she came out of the restroom, he lay on his side and his eyes were closed. Turning off the lights, she tucked herself in the same duvet and like every other night moved closer to him. She wait, till he slept.

She ran her delicate fingers through his thick hair and he instantly opened his eyes. She halts her movement feeling his gaze. She never thought he'll play her like this.

He smirks at her and holds her wrist and pulling her furthermore into him. He encircled his arms around her waist and asked huskily "Where were you doing, Maha?" She moved her eyeballs here and there to think of a proper excuse.

He turned them on the bed and laid her beneath him. "What were you doing?" He questioned again. His eyes moved to the red brasserie strap on her right shoulder.

"Fuck" He grunted. She's testing his patience. First, she dolled up so beautifully, it was hard for him to pass by her, added to that, the way she cares his hair, and now that red strap doing nothing but add fuel to his desire. He dipped his head in her neck and inhale deeply to calm his desire. Her vanilla mixed with lavender smell made him go nuts but in a pleasurable way.

He doesn't falter a bit and kept his rough and chapped lips against her soft one. That feeling was unexplainable. He melted in his arms. He suck her lower lips and moved to the upper one. She was still in her place and he was taking the charge. He nibbled her pink petals badly then suck them to relief. He runs his hand all over her body, feeling every hidden curve. He moved back and she breathed the oxygen. Again he connects his lips against hers and enters her mouth, testing and conquering every corner. With one hand he was holding her cheek while with the other he badly squeezes her breast and a moan escape her lips. With each passing second he turned more passionate, she tried to match his pace but failed miserably.

He moved down kissing her chin to neck, plastering her porcelain skin with hickeys. He squeezed both globes and a shot of pleasure released in her each cell. She clutched the bedsheet moaning. Her moans encouraged him. He disrobed her clothes before his. They were undraped but draped in a duvet exploring each other's deepest secrets. She accepts all of him, taking all of him. Marking herself his. Only his.

After taking her twice, he moved back to his side, satisfied. Breathing heavily he looked at her whose condition is as the same as his. She expect him to hold her in his arms after spending a beautiful time but he didn't even care.

Several seconds later when she didn't feel any movement beside her, she looked at him and found him in deep slumber.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to console her heart by giving excuses. But little did her heart knows that he doesn't feel the same about her, yet. He was forced into this marriage.

"Does he still has feelings for her?"

"Hasn't he moved on yet?"

"It's been two years since that incident." And just like that, the beautiful night turned into misery for her. Thinking about his past. Thinking about her, about them.


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