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"okay, you idiots, who voted for him?" Bakugo yelled.

_____ had only known her classmates for a few days, but anyone with a brain would know that this dude was a hot head. she sighed hearing him yell again.

she was happy she had 0 votes. being a class rep seemed like more work than usual. as a student of UA, they were all going to be plenty busy, and she didn't want any extra stress.


"so, i believe that Tenya Iida should be leading our class from now on," Midoriya said.

"that kid is always shaking in his boots. what's his deal?" she whispered to Kirishima.

"i think it's an anxiety thing. i don't really know," he answered, leaning toward her so she could hear him better.

"this is a waste of time. i don't care who the rep is, just hurry up," Aizawa said.

"same," i groaned loudly.

she wanted to get into the good stuff, like training. she couldn't stand sitting around. all in good time. she understood that this is all just the normal useless junk at the beginning of every school year.


"disaster training," the teacher explained.

"oh my god, finally," i whined.

i heard Kirishima and Sero chuckle.

"you're really into fighting, huh?" Sero asked.

i shook my head.

"it's not that, i'm just not into doing nothing."

"are you one of those crazy adrenaline junkies?" Kirishima joked.

"huh? i guess you could say that," i answered.

Aizawa continued with explaining how the rescue training would work and that we were free to use our costumes.

to be honest, my quirk didn't really require a costume, but i made one anyway to play the part. appearances matter.

everyone had changed and met outside, waiting for the bus.

"um, _____?" Mina asked me with a sweet smile.


"what are you wearing?"

"my costume!"

Mina was silent

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Mina was silent. probably debating on breaking the ice to me or leaving me be.

i let out a loud laugh, clutching my stomach.

"oh my god, Mina," i took off the bed sheet and sunglasses.

"it's a joke," i added.

she let out an aggravated yet humorous sigh.

"you had me worried that i'd have to take you to Momo," she giggled.

i shook my head.

Mina and i clicked at the start. we got along so well despite her being very loud and i the opposite. she was one of my favorite people to be around. she made me feel very care-free.

a whistle directed our attention to Iida.

we boarded the bus, i noticed that i was assigned to sit next to Bakugo. Todoroki and Jirou behind us.

as we rode, he said nothing and watched our surroundings pass. i sat back and closed my eyes.

him launching forward from his seat startled me.

"what did you say? i'll kick your ass!" he yelled to Tsuyu.

"speaking of ass, yours looks great from here," i said, smirking.

i was hoping that saying something like that would embarrass him enough for him to shut up. it worked for a moment, but Kaminari decided to pop off a comment about Bakugo's 'garbage personality'.

"you're going to regret the day you applied to this school, you loser!" he snapped.

i groaned in annoyance.

"i know i already am," i sighed.

they kept arguing, but i turned around to the people seated behind me.

"hey Jirou?" i asked.

"yes, Yurei?"

"would you happen to have an extra pair of headphones? and if you do, could i borrow them?" i asked.

she nodded her head, understanding that i didn't want to deal with Bakugo's tantrum. she grabbed a pair from her bag and handed them to me.

"appreciate it," i said, nodding my head.

i also came to really like Jirou. she was quiet, but friendly. she had a relaxing aura about her.

i plugged the headphones into my phone and listened to my music for the rest of the ride.

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